Is nobody really talking about this?
Is nobody really talking about this?
Yes, we get it. This whole gen is based around remasters. Nothing to see here.
because it's not the 13th yet
Yeah, but this is actually a good remaster.
All 3 games for $20
Hopefully they've fixed the horrible controls on the first one.
Use the catalog, stupid phone poster.
>not even a remaster
fuck man who started this trend of
>porting last gen games, which haven't even faded into obscurity yet
>remastering last gen games, WHICH HAVEN'T EVEN FADED INTO OBSCURITY YET
>with special mentions to Squeenix, for chopping up all its games and selling us levels/stages and shit they know their diehards will lop up
it's a big deal since the first dead rising has only been available on 360 up to this point
Now it'll be on next gen and PC.
>people will now be abke to add the famous 10.8 Horsecock mod for all zombies.
im ready for a shitty port!
Hopefully you kys
the controls weren't that bad but I hope they fix the retarded ass AI.
is this digital only for xbox one? or can i pop in the orignal 360 disk and play it BC style?
it was announced like 2 months ago.
how new r u
I think the truple packs are coming to next gen
Well meme'd.
What time is it in Australia by the way?
KYS o'clock
but i just want one. is the original going BC?
Is it only coming physical in the US like the Resident Evil Remasters? Importing them is a fucking pain.
>people are defending re releases from just a generation behind
Will the Ps5 have Bloodborne as a launch title?
off the record is the best one
Jesus christ everyone told me that the first one was superior but you finally get around to playing it and it just controls like absolute ass.
Nostalgia or what?
dead rising gets a remaster
SOCOM doesnt
just fuck my hobby up
More than one save slot. ABOUT FUCKING TIME
>paying for digital
If it's not on disc it might as well not exist
only DR1&2 are coming to PS4
>video games
what's next, you consider watching TV a hobby too? is the internet a hobby?
Is mayonaisse an instrument?
Looks like fun but seems kinda over the top to me
I wish they would stop with the damn power suit it's been the focus in almost every reveal
Define "hobby"
>old gen ports
This causes a crash.
>port of old games, remakes, rehashes and rereleases
Who cares.
Yes, actually. Capcom opened the floodgates with how much money they made off the 10 zillion re4 ports and remasters.
video games are a form of entertainment, like TV, music, or movies
if you consider "being entertained" a hobby, then more power to you. That's not what a hobby really is though. Listening to music isn't a hobby, but playing a guitar is a hobby.
collecting games is a hobby even, but the act of playing games is still not a hobby.
>All 3 games for $20
They're $20 each, aren't they?
The dipshit posted a link that countered what he said. It's $20 each and slightly less than the combined cost for a bundle.
Define "hobby"
He's just being a faggot, ignore him. Anything you do in your free time for enjoyment is a hobby, so for most people playing vidya is a hobby.
yeah, cool.
Is watching TV a hobby? Is Sup Forums a hobby? because that fits under the "definition" of hobby too.
I wonder if they put saving into survival like they meant to the first time.
Define "hobby"
watching tv
Define "hobby"
Define "define"
go away faggot I know you're not the original guy considering it showed you as a new IP in the thread
To state the precise meaning of (a word or sense of a word, for example).
To describe the nature or basic qualities of; explain: define the properties of a new drug; a study that defines people according to their median incomes.
To delineate the outline or form of.