>reuses PS2 dub
>no voice acting for new scenes
>won't use either the 3DS or PS2 orchestral ost, instead the shitty midi ios one
>shit graphics
Reuses PS2 dub
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wtf i hate video games now
But OP, it's portable, and that's what matters the most to me, because I must have the ability to play video games - regardless of quality - at every waking moment of the day.
I must be entertained at all times.
Not to mention Jessica's censored costumes - I was looking forward to this too
You're lucky you're getting it at all you non Japanese speaking little bitch.
>You're lucky you're getting it at all
Oh no's! I don't want to shell out money for bare-minimum game localizations!
>won't use either the 3DS or PS2 orchestral ost, instead the shitty midi ios one
they were also heavily considering cutting those "story so far" segments from DQ7
but hey
at least we're still getting (some of) the game right gaiz
>>reuses PS2 dub
How the fuck is this a bad thing?
>reuses PS2 dub
>no voice acting for new scenes
Except a couple of the original PS2 voice actors (Yangus and Jesica) have already confirmed they're being asked to come back and dub new lines. And the original Japanese game had zero voice acting so the Japanese voices are all new. Its the major selling point of the remake for Japan.
>won't use either the 3DS or PS2 orchestral ost, instead the shitty midi ios one
Videos of the game already show orchestrated music. Its one of the selling points of the game in Japan, dumbass.
>shit graphics
The graphical downgrade is really the only argument you can make. But nice try on everything else.
Will OP ever recover from this?
>reuses PS2 dub
>no voice acting for new scenes
source: my hairy anus
Dragon Quest VIII on 3DS will sell a million copies just from the hype. As Nintendo pointed out in their recent direct, Dragon Quest VIII gets put on many top 100 games lists and has unusual levels of hype for a Dragon Quest game. So its going to do fine.
The real thing we should be focusing on is helping Dragon Quest VII sell. With only 8 days until it releases, its already the most pre ordered JRPG on Amazon following Pokemon Sun and Moon. Let's hope it can hit the 1 million mark n the west.
already pre ordered senpai
I dont understand why the fuck they changed the music in the US release of DQVII 3ds. What the fuck made them do that? Because the file sizes are the same
Hori himself wanted that change because not only he hated how the shorter than usual themes were in the Japanese version, it was a common complaint among Japanese players.
This change came from the man himself, nothing to do with the localization itself.
See, many songs have abrupt cuts because the game didn't get an orchestrated OST made for it, they just cut songs from medleys in the Symphonic Suite, and a lot of those themes weren't complete for the sake of flowing into one another.
I already preordered and got my friend to buy it even when his only DQ game is DQ8. So I feel I did my part. Can't wait myself since DQ7 is one of my favorite JRPG even if it has major pacing issues. And a version that cuts out more of the bullshit is amazing to me.
I still hope they mean it has the midi as well, and the orchestral version is an option
I have no idea either and I'm sure they'll have to explain their actions later. But one thing we can point out is that the Japanese version of the game didn't have full orchestrated music. The songs were limited to minute and a half segments that kept looping. They might have decided to replace them with MIDI because of this. Though it still would be a stupid reason. Just redo the Orchestrated music and make the tracks complete. Its not like there's a limitation of space on a 2-4 GB cart. I guarantee the full game data will be less than 2 gigs.
Another thing is, people need to stop blaming Nintendo for the changes. When they were done by SquareEnix themselves. Nintendo didn't localize this or any DQ game. Its always been a third party company like Plus Alpha or 8-4, overseen by SquareEnix of Japan.
>What the fuck made them do that?
Licensing issues. Sugiyama is a huge Japan-only and music rights fag and won't let them use the orchestral OST outside of the JP 3DS release of VII. Hell, he wouldn't even let them use it in the JP iOS/Android releases either.
according to the game explain interview gaijin ears can't tell the difference. it was around the lasts questions asked. the localization was brought up at pax too so they seem to be aware of the concerns of the fans.
You mean to tell me there are people who didn't like the voice acting in DQVIII?
>I have no idea either and I'm sure they'll have to explain their actions later.
did by later you mean days ago?
>Just redo the Orchestrated music and make the tracks complete
Do you have any idea how expensive it is to get a fucking ORCHESTRA together, even more so the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra? They didn't do that for the fucking original release where Dragon Quest games sell like hotcakes, what makes you think they'd band the orchestra together for the US release?
And those "midis" everyone keep saying are just the original PS OST, they're perfectly fine.
>>won't use either the 3DS or PS2 orchestral ost, instead the shitty midi ios one
you've convinced me to not pirate the game
Someone did ask them about it and all they could say is "you wouldn't notice so it's fine." I wish they were honest with us. Is it because of licensing issue? Music cut off like people been saying? What? Just give us the actual reason and don't beat around the bush.
The dub was alright, its audio quality was pretty poor. Yeah the 3DS doesn't have ultra high quality speakers, sure. But a redub using the same cast (for the most part) would've been appreciated.
Overall it just really shows have VII is a true full blown remake worthy of a purchase, while VIII is a Chrono Trigger-ish port job where you're likely better off playing the original.
No random encounters, that alone makes it the 3DS version the better one.
Why not just get any other orchestra?
Trode, Medea, Dhoulmagus, Mercello, nearly all bosses and minor NPCs. They were all horrible.
The only decent voices were the main party members: Yangus, Jessica and Angelo. And even then, they didn't fit my views of the characters at all. Jessica is the worst. She sounds like a 40 year old woman trying to impersonate Mary Poppins. Not a 17 year old anime girl. By the time I got to Pickham, Trode was so annoying I just had to turn the voices off completely. And I didn't lose any of the impact for the rest of the game. It still became my favorite game of all time without voice acting.
To be frank, Dragon Quest is so rooted in anime stereotypes, the Japanese voices fit the characters much better. And the new voices for Dhoulmagus and Marcello are exactly what I envisioned they should be. Right down to the voice actor they picked. I hope they at least give a dual audio option.
I'm seeing so many different things here. Also no, it's not the PS1 music.
3DS version adds playable Red and fucking Morrie. If that's not enough reason to get it then call me a faggot because I'm getting it anyway.
Again, if they didn't do that for then original version, why would they do that for the one that they're skeptical they'll even get enough sales to justify their localization?
>Do you have any idea how expensive it is to get a fucking ORCHESTRA together
I wasn't saying they should redo the actual music. Just cut the original orchestrated tracks better. But for the record, some of the tracks in the 3DS remake were done with a new orchestra already. Not all the tracks are taken from the Symphonic Suite.
Why didn't they do it in the original version?
Dub > Sub.
OP BTFO etc... etc...
I did not know the OST was changed. I might not buy this now.
>DQ8 PS2 JP: midi
>DQ8 PS2 Western: orchestral
>DQ8 3DS JP: new orchestral
>DQ8 iOS/Android: PS2 midi
>DQ8 3DS Western: ???
Considering VII's western OST is a newly recorded midi soundtrack not found in any prior release, I guess we'll get the same for VIII?
OP was spewing nonsense, we already have gameplay videos of DQVIII with the orchestrated version. They made the orchestrated version for the original US release of DQVIII anyway.
Never have I seen such a large amount of SHIT TASTE. DQ8 had great voice acting all around
While SquareEnix doesn't give a fuck about Dragon Quest, Yuji Horii seems to. And more than a few DQ games have actually gotten improvements when brought to the west. But of course, then other games get things removed for no reason.
Its a total crap shoot which games get improvements and which get fucked over. Based on who is handling the localization.
>Also no, it's not the PS1 music.
Was actually wondering about that. While a orchestrated version would be great MIDI isn't bad just not as good.
It was the localization team that royally screwed DQ4DS. Feel they wanted to do accents but half way in found that it took way too much time and SE didn't want to pay extra so they cut the party chat. Which I'm guessing why accents is much more limited. Seem some people enjoy them so having it sparingly is them trying to balance the new way of localizing.
Source for this? This is interesting and I want to read more about it.
>every voice in the game was good
These voices are so over the top hammy and dialect ridden, they sound like they come from a program on Nick Jr aimed at 5 year olds. But okay, I guess if you like them.
only thing i hate is that i can't play DQ1-3 on 3DS, at least i can play 4-9 on one system, which is nice. 1-3 rerererelease when?
You can still play them on a handheld with Game Boy Color or DS. Or you can just emulate the superior versions on SNES.
>Fujimoto keeps showing off all the fan mail and encourage fans to keep it up and please to support the series
I really do hope DQ7 and Builders sells well. I do think with the new leadership they are willing to take the risk of trying out Dragon Quest again.
Strange they never released DQ1-4 NES or 1-3 GBC on VC. Would love to be able to play them all on my 3DS.
i already own 1-3 on gb, but i can't play them on the 3ds and just have them on one system.
im surprised we didn't get dqm1/2 and 1-3 gb on the eshop yet. i'd buy them.
>even a hundred copies
dude its going to bomb even harder than heroes did
Heroes bombed in the west? Source? And if you link lolvgchartz please kill yourself.
Maybe on NX? What else they can remake at this point?
i'd say it sold well, at least 3 used copies at my local gamestops on average, more people holding onto theirs. i sold mine once i platted it, it loses its fun once you hit that point where you have to grind for useless shit.
im hoping the new one is more musou than tower defense like DQH1 was, wouldn't mind dlc characters to expand the roster.
Heroes bombed because it was a DQ fan game after no fucking DQ support in almost 5 years. It would be like if Zelda had 100% no support and almost forgotten in the west and suddenly they came out with Hyrule Warriors would it actually sell? Fuck no because A the west only really started getting into DQ with 8 and kind of slowed down with the DS until 9 both only succeeded because of marketing.
More than 100 people on Sup Forums have expressed interest in Builders. You're really an idiot. And heroes didn't bomb. It sold about as much as a Musou usually does.
You're as stupid as those people who think Dragon Quest X was a failure because it didn't sell 4 million copies like DQVII and IX did. Totally overlooking that it was an MMO. And the most successful MMO in Japanese history by the way. Surpassing the subs of FFXI, FFXIV and WoW.
Heroes 2 will sell even less less in the west than Heroes did. And it will be coming off of VII & VIII remake release, Heroes 1, and Builders.
Count on it.
>Heroes bombed because it was a DQ fan game after no fucking DQ support in almost 5 years
Pretty much the same situation as Federation Force. A spinoff game released when the main series has been dead for years.
Can I borrow your time machine? I want to play Dragon Quest XI sometime before 2059.
That's a bit different. Federation Force bombs because of fan outrage. I would have used Metroid in that sense but fans has been yelling for any game after the shit game that was Other M. But it was stupid of Nintendo to make Metroid: Triforce Heroes when there hasn't been a Metroid game in so fucking long.
I can see Builders doing well. It's basically Minecraft for people that hate how aimless Minecraft is like myself. I honestly tried getting into Minecraft but always felt bored 15 minutes in and quit only to try again months later to the same results. Builders seem to understand that issue and tries its best to make a game that "fixes" that issue. If it can find it's audience it can sell really well.
Recommended party for VII?
Eh if FedForce was released at the time of Hunters it would have sold decently.
It was less about the game looking bad and more about the IP being neglected for too long.
speaking of builders, I couldn't into minecraft because it was first person. with builders being a japanese game could assume there's at least a 3rd person camera option?
The four characters you like and the one character you don't out. Game has 5 party members in a 4 slot party. Just be smart with your job classes.
For 3/4 the game, you don't have a choice in who you use. Its only in the late game that you have to start choosing which people to leave out of the party. Almost everything before that, the story dictates who you use.
But in the end, most people seem to use Hero, Gabo, Melvin and Aria. Because Maribel has been gone from your party so long that she's way behind in class levels. I'm hoping the 3DS will fix this since I really want to use Maribel.
I kind of said that. Yeah Nintendo ignoring the series for a long time and only to just release FF just puts a bad taste in people's mouth.
I actually don't know if there's a first person option actually. The only gameplay I've seen was all in a top down view.
DQVIII is one of my all-time favorite games but the voice acting was nothing special. I thought the voices were fine for the most part with a few really good ones, but I could have easily played without them.
A whole new voice cast would have been a great addition.
I'm use to Jessica's new voice that was used in Heroes, she sounds a bit younger. Her old voice is fine too.
I think people love the voice cast was because at the time it was released the only other game with a voice cast that didn't completely suck was FFX and MGS. No real game had a voice cast that came close to being listenable. And honestly I can't really remember any voices that I didn't like. Not all great but nothing that standout to me as bad. Which personally is all I care about.
>I think people love the voice cast was because at the time it was released the only other game with a voice cast that didn't completely suck was FFX and MGS.
You're kind of pointing out the problem however. While DQVIII, FFX and MGS stood out above other games as 'better than Symphony of the Night level laughable garbage', they still weren't 'good'.
I'm all for admitting that the voices were better than most games. But people act like they were the best example of voice acting in history, will never be surpassed by future game and infinitely better than their Japanese counterparts. Which is just wrong. I mean, a game like Demon's Souls already had more natural voice acting and better use of British dialects than Dragon Quest VIII. And Demon's Souls still hits the cheesy scale pretty high.
But voice acting is a very opinion based issue. And many people still only care about how the voice sounds and not the actual acting ability of the actor. Still others just accept whatever they hear first.
I feel DQ8 voice acting still holds up. It gets a bit cheesy at times but I don't think it ever gets to annoying territory. And the characters that are important enough that you would remember them have voices that work for them. Dark Souls voice acting is fine if a bit bland. But it works with the world it's in.
DQ8's was the beginning of all the troubles of these games's localizations
If it wasn't for it we wouldn't have to deal with these shitty accents.
Yes and no. The dialects started right from the beginning when they localized Dragon Warrior on NES. But it is true that Dragon Quest VIII took it to a new level and the games that followed got worse.
DQVII should be leaking in a couple of days, right?
Funny enough DQ4 NES has a pretty normal localization. No accents and even has some fun puns in the game but not nearly at the same level as the new localization. And honestly only DQ4DS really shits the bad in terms of localization. The other games are fine personally.
>and the games that followed got worse.
Only IV and Joker. In V, VI, IX, and Joker 2 accents were barely noticeable.
Dragon Quest Joker, Swords, V, VI, IX and Heroes still had really bad use of dialects and altered names/puns for no reason. The localizations since the PS2 have just been a level of degrees. DQV had less dialects and alterations than IV. But still was bad when it did.
duh, no accents because NONE of the nes games did, save for the ye olde english.
>accents were barely noticeable.
You have a very high threshold for accepting things. I wish I could overlook stuff like this. But I just can't.
yuji hori likes to touch up his games and not just rerelease the original versions which because his changes are significant they are not able to be released on VC
Jesus IX looked like dogshit.
What were they thinking?
anyone got that DS upscaling emulator thing?
oh no 1 character out of hundreds, who you'll likely talk to once then never again had an awful accent
the horrors the horrors!
>oh no 1 character out of hundreds
Are you implying it only happened with one character? Because if you're, then you're a moron. The game itself only had 200-300 NPCs. And at least half of them had some kind of dialect use. And this is not even counting the monsters.
>that font
Emulating DQ9 at higher res is a terrible idea precisely due to the fact how it becomes instantly obvious that some NPCs are just sprites rather than 3D models.
release date when?
Virtual console when?
>Its one of the selling points of the game in Japan
>in Japan
for 8 tho
I got the amazon fire during the amazon sale. I got this game for free, just face it 3DS is dead.
Which honestly I'm fine with. November has this, YW2 and Coldsteel 2. October has World of Final Fantasy, DQ Builders. And November has Pokemon. So maybe December might work but personally I feel really early 2017 is a much better date to give it some breathing room.
So, is DQ8 using the orchestrated OST or not? I'd really prefer not to have to listen to the MIDI shit.
Heard Jessica gets more stuff, as well as a new ending.
Kinda irritated me that once she joins your party, she literally has no more story
If I remember right all that's really added is the option to marry her
Outside that there's really nothing new about her as a character/story.
Why did someone use her hairstyle for that wojack meme?
it's just barney with a british accent