What the fuck is the appeal of this franchise...

What the fuck is the appeal of this franchise? How can anyone enjoy this braindead series that doesn't even require strategy?

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It went Persona with romancing instead of strategy, hence all the sperglords arguing over which waifu is more shit.

I enjoy leveling up characters and making babies.

>What the fuck is the appeal of this franchise?
Pretty much the same appeal as Final Fantasy. Over the top 'dramatic' stories and anime cliches.

>How can anyone enjoy this braindead series that doesn't even require strategy?
That's honestly why I stopped playing the games. Missions for the most part are simple. Just counting spaces and killing enemies. And the only way they make it harder in later levels is to magically have reinforcements appear with no warning. Its like playing chess, except the AI can spawn an extra 4 knights and a queen whenever it wants. That's the very definition of artificial difficulty.

But to be fair, its not just limited to Fire Emblem. Most Tactical games do it. Including the over-hyped FFTactics.

>strategy warfare game is mainly about strategically placing your units and warfare
Colour me surprised.

Also reinforcements moving on the same turn they appear stopped during 7-12, and 14 pretty much necessitated you using pair-ups, tonics, and rally X wherever possible, on lunatic and to a lesser extent hard

It kinda sucks desu.

I was very disapointed when I bought Awakening on my 3DS

There's your mistake, a better starting point would be 7, 8, or 9

>I've only played the GBA or 3DS games
That's not even all true anymore considering how good the first 60% of Conquest is.

Then what is a good Fire Emblem game that isn't full of weeb shit and actually requires you to think?

Thracia, especially if you want to A rank it or higher

>People bitch about awakening.
>Awakening saved the series from being shelved.

People should be glad that now FE is a main franchise.

>doesn't even require strategy?
Yeah try to brute force through this.

>Doesn´t even require strategy
Stuff like this is only beaten through strategy.

>braindead series that doesn't even require strategy?

Play Radiant Dawn then report back

Also pic related

4 if you can stand the shitty design, 5, TRS, 9 on Hard or above, 10, and 11/12 on their respective Dante Must Die modes.

That looks like artificial difficulty.

It's really not, unless you're used to GBA mechanics and haven't played it or 4. It's tough, but not as bad as it looks.

>Doesn't even require strategy
But to answer your question OP, I like the series for the strategy, and, the characters. Also, why does your pic look like the logo of a Final Fantasy game? That's not what FE logos look like.

>the new games don't require any strategy!
>but the old games are artificial difficulty!
Man fuck off.

The logo is for the mobile game. Maybe it going be a shitty card game.

Playing a map, memorizing what turn the reinforcements appear and then replaying the map again is not strategy. Its just trial and error.

FE7 is a masterpiece, what the fuck are you on?

Also Conquest has the greatest level design in the series, playing on hard was absolutely great.


I wouldn't call FE7 a masterpiece, but it's definitely a great game. Personally, I think FE4, 5, and 9 are masterpieces. It's rare that I consider a game to be 9.5-10 out of 10, but, for FE4, 5, and 9, I'd give them each individually 9.5 and 10

>that chapter and 18 with the side objectives
They weren't kidding when they said this game was on some shit.

>braindead series that doesn't even require strategy
Only Radiant series allowed you to place units and press next turn until enemy kills himself

>Play Japanese strategy rpg
>Do everything right
>Still lose because hitting the enemy is not guaranteed
>Have to do the stage again
>Decide it's dumb that this has to happen
>Save every turn and if RNG fucks you in the butt load the game
>Realize there's nothing fun about this

I never understood the need to make SRPGs a game of chance. Some of them are not as guilty of this as others I'll give you that.

But like can you imagine going "checkmate" when playing chess and then your opponent is like "nu-uh you missed because I flipped a coin and it came up tails! It's my move now."

The appeal is that you need to choose the right units, use the right weapons, plan out your turns and your tactics for each chapter, adapt your tactics when the situation changes, etc. It stays interesting because each chapter is extremely well designed and requires the player to utilize different tactics based on the objectives and terrain.
Strategy is minimal; TRPGs are about tactics.

This is a terrible image that completely misrepresents almost everything about the chapter.

Yes, that's what he said. Good job. You can recognize a word and repeat it. You're now on the level of a Chimpanzee. Care to try for Dolphin?

Git gud

You know there's such a thing as planning around RNG and/or having backups, right?

Most of the time you can and should be avoiding situations where a character's life hangs in the balance of a dice roll if you just play good.

Aren't dolphins actually one of the smartest mammals? Anyways, I've never once had to memorize enemy patterns or maps. OP just sucks.

Just out of curiosity, what's your idea of a good series in the same vain?


Part of it is when you fuck up but still manage to get through, like in SS Kyle had 80% chance of hitting a mage which he would one-hit, he missed, and managed to tank/ddge enough shit to survive.

I'm sure you have at some point, especially in the more unfair FEs and maps don't kid yourself.

Would've been better, since Fates went to shot even more than Awakening.

To think it's Metroid that'll sooner get shelved...

Why everyone is saying that metroid is getting shelved?

Fed force is a fucking spin off, Other M is the most recent game and was released in 2010. Not even that old.

N64 also didn't got a metroid game. We don't need a new metroid game every year dammit.

There literally is nothing you can do if you have really bad luck. I mean it depends on the game how bad RNG can fuck you over but in many of the badly designed ones it can and will prevent your victory no matter how much you try because enemy soldiers can hit hard and you will not have 100% hit chance even if you boost it with some kind of ability or whatever.

>FE9 better than FE7
Hector hard mode>>>>>>FE9

Maniac mode >> Hector Hard mode

I was gonna laugh at you no matter what game you chose, this made me spit my drink.

Go play FF tactics nigga

>unless you're used to GBA mechanics and haven't played it or 4.

4 pulls less bullshit than the GBA games save Sacred Stones.

Nope. Hector hard mode is the most balanced and well designed FE imho

Hey man, FE is my favorite series, but FF Tactics is a damn good game.

>recommending FFTactics as something better than Disgaea
You're an even bigger idiot than he is.

Name an unfair map.

You're thinking of 13, pair up in 14 was nerfed pretty hard and outside of some defending stuff I found it better to just have people beside each other for the double attacks rather than the defensive bonuses pairing up gave you

It used to require strategy. Awakening doesn't. And that one disappointed me so much that Fates is the first FE game released in NA that I didn't buy on release, or at all.
The new art style butchers the feeling that the old games gave me, and the pairing up mechanic in Awakening made even Lunatic a breeze. I don't think I can go back to the franchise now, unless they magically rehired the old artists and went back to using sprites with those sexy animations instead of rejected Bravely Default character models.

Why the hell does OP's pic look like the cover of a Final Fantasy game? FE and FF are my favorite game series, but, this is what an FE logo looks like for a game

Plan around the rng.

>I'm going to move "friendly A" in to attack "enemy A", and if he misses he will survive the return hit from "enemy A", and I he won't be in position to be struck by "enemies B, C, and D" because I can move "friendly B" in to cover him.

Just plan out your moves, and think about what will happen to that unit if something goes wrong

I was thinking of the ninja cave, and the ninja corridors of chapter 24, there's not nearly as much strategy involved in FE13's pair up as there's a far smaller opportunity cost

Fates legitimately has some of the better gameplay in the series, conquest is actually difficult

That's the current working logo for whatever the mobile game is gonna be. I don't expect it to stay looking like that, but the weird smooth simplicity of it does make me wary for some reason.

that's when you just play romhacks of the GBA games

Oh, okay. Well, why the hell does it look like a Final Fantasy logo? Pic related

so is revelations, I couldn't get past chapter 18 since I'd gone past the point of caring, I haven't even attempted that chapter yet.
Saw the pre-chapter spoiler and just stopped

>All waifus are behind gacha box.

Nintendo would make a shitton of profit.

>require strategy?

It's a tactics game, not a strategy game.

You're retarded and uneducated for not knowing the difference between the two terms.

FE4 is the only Fire Emblem that is mildly a strategy game, and I can guarantee your pleb fingers haven't touched it

Tone down the stat inflation and the class skills shenanigans and rework pair up and I might be inclined to agree.

Not OP but what makes 4 so special? Everyone seems to praise it for some reason.

I've only played the PoR and Awakening.

Because Final Fantasy is popular and they figure it'll catch its fans' eyes I guess. This logo style actually started with Awakening, it was just a little more subtle about it than this. I hate that the Naga translation of Genealogy used this style for its title screen.

>lolsorandomXD grindfest with edgelord demon humor vs. the second coming of our lord Tactics Ogre

you're kidding if you think they're even in the same league

the only good thing about disgaea is prinnies, and that's not even gameplay related

I'd agree with conquest. I got to chapter 20 and couldn't take the game anymore. I didn't know it'd be possible to have such a shitty protagonist but they managed to find a way. I'd list Corrin as one of the worst video game protagonists I've ever had to play as

It's heavily overrated. Cool plot, fuckhuge maps, but your units are too godly so you spend twenty turns walking your army to the next castle to capture just to have a couple units defeat the enemy army. It's essentially "babby's first classic fire emblem"

Thracia 776: Chapter 24x

Do you mean logo or font for the title?

>Not OP but what makes 4 so special?

Maps are fuck huge. Your goal is to capture 4-5 castles in order, while protecting the ones you've already conquered. As such it's like 4-5 chapters glued together, so the length of each chapter is like 3 hours.

That may sound bad if you need to take a break, but it has mid-battle saving, unlike the next 3-4 Fire Emblems.

It's pretty much Horse Emblem due to how large the map size is. Some people really like horse characters (compared to smaller maps in FE5, 7, and 13) so this would be their game.

It was the first Fire Emblem to have generations of children, but you don't get to use the adult ones of the first generation after the midway point of the game due to a plot point. There aren't any corny and lame parent+child support conversations. There is only sorrow. You will learn to like sorrow.

Also there's overt incest, but that's neither here nor there.

I don't like Disgaea or FFTactics. I'm pointing out that both games are overhyped and full of blind fanboys who ignore their flaws. You are just a fanboy for FFTactics rather than Nippon Ichi. Literally a pot calling the kettle stupid.

Yeah, FF's popular, but FE and FF are my favorite franchise. FE more so, so Nintendo doesn't have to try and trick me into thinking it's an FF style game.

>I'm pointing out that both games are overhyped and full of blind fanboys who ignore their flaws.

Lol, are you retarded? Comparing games holistically, and acknowledging FFT's flaws, it still comes out ahead.

>T.G. Cid
Put in the game for children and retards. Perhaps you'd use him judging from your ability to put things into context.

>Hidden stats, hidden class trees
Barrier to entry is heightened, which is preferable to being spoonfed through tutorials but still not preferable in general.

>PSP slowdown when visual FX are loaded
Square Enix has retarded port programmers.

>Original PSX version has shoddy Engrish translation
Speaks for itself, minus memorable direct quotes

>FFT's sequels are bad
This is the only one that's pretty much on bar with Disgaea, although Disgaea has more sequels. Or clones, if you will.

Why would a fanboy outright list every major flaw? If you're so subjective that you think video games can't be ranked, please return to Polygon or Kotaku or whatever.

>But like can you imagine going "checkmate" when playing chess and then your opponent is like "nu-uh you missed because I flipped a coin and it came up tails! It's my move now."

>chess analogy

>Comparing games holistically, and acknowledging FFT's flaws, it still comes out ahead.
>Lol, are you retarded?

You are the epitome of a blind fanboy trying to talk about his favorite game.

Hello, friend! Just chiming in to say that you're retarded and what you posted isn't an argument!

>Fire Emblem thread
>people aren't praising Conquest as the end all be all strategy game

you fags are delusional, kill yourself or fuck off to Reddit


The font I guess, but the font along with that underline just seems like it's trying too hard to look like a Final Fantasy-ish game. Doesn't help that it's shared with Awakening and Fates so I end up associating it with those games in some subconscious sort of way.

>FE is now just a series for casual normalfags weebs who call everything a waifu

I rather it being dead to be honest.

Conquest has too many bullshit maps near the end for me to call it the end all be all.

Still a good game map-design though.

When someone comes across a brick wall, they walk around it rather than trying to ask it to yield to them.

tbf you can marry, stroke, and impregnate the girls in it now

Not that person but I have bad luck and no amount of planning can save some of my units when 4 of them miss 80-90% chances to hit and it ends up killing one of my units. It should have been covered and defended but shit like this happens to me all the time. RNG hates me, it always has.

I ended up roiding Xander up in every possible way and made my Corrin his waifu for samurai, and state bonus since my Corrin's always suck, and just made them his backpack with healing items up the ass. Somehow he solo'd those last end game chapters but it was close. That was on Hard. I don't even want to think of my tears of pain on Lunatic.

>Still a good game map-design though.

The best fucking map design, don't undershoot it dipshit

>That 10 round defense chapter
That was fucking hell


or play FE4, since its for casual shits like yourself

Literally one of my favourite maps in the series and I'm one of those "grr neo-FE makes me mad" types

How much harder is Lunatic Conquest compared to Lunatic Birthright.

Right now im on lunatic birthright chapter 17 and its not too hard. Only chapter that gave trouble was 14 so far.

Im not grinding or using any dlc map bullshit.

I think you meant to post an image of Disgaea

>How can anyone enjoy this braindead series that doesn't even require strategy?
>He's never played Thracia 776
I feel bad for you.

FFT's class system and FFTA's "you learn the spell tied to a piece of equipment by using it" are tremendously more interesting than the grindfest that the disgaeas are. If you remove the geo panel thing, the battles are as bland as they can be.

Lunatic Birthright is tedious, more than anything. Only a handful of enemies actually have skills, letting you steamroll the rest of the game once Lightning Lobster joins.
Conquest makes you sing for your supper.

no, impossible, Japan makes the best games :^)

>Not that person but I have bad luck and no amount of planning can save some of my units when 4 of them miss 80-90% chances to hit and it ends up killing one of my units. It should have been covered and defended but shit like this happens to me all the time. RNG hates me, it always has.

I suck and I can't accept it: the post.

You sound like the imbeciles who say that they can't get out of low-ELO games due to bad teammates.

Disgaea's geo panel system is the equivalent to FE's or any SRPGs terrain system, the difference being you can manipulate it to your favor.

Disgaea also has the master/pupil system which is very similar to FFTA's spell learning system, but significantly less tedious in that you don't need to gimp yourself with a shit weapon for several fights to get said skill.

>le disgaea requires no strategy meme
Hit up the X-Dimension and tell me that again.