Sup Forums, I've never asked for anything from you guys before, but help us Sonicbros out. Vote, make this shit happen

Sup Forums, I've never asked for anything from you guys before, but help us Sonicbros out. Vote, make this shit happen.

Other urls found in this thread:

Made 3 accounts already.

>22 percent voted no

What is wrong with you people

Cheers for the heads up. Just voted no.

Edgelords, mate.

>Expecting Sup Forums to be competent
>Expecting Sup Forums to not fuck this up

>op talking to himself

And who said sonic fans are autistic?

Adventure Autists

>Collector's Edition
>meaning it'll include the OST

>Fucks up his own sentence
>Tries to call other people autistic

Probably just people who don't plan to buy Mania in general.

The fucking irony

They've should have posted this on a site where idiots on social media can't ruin it for everyone.

this what all you faggots sound like any time Sonic Mania is brought up

>Social media
>Trolls everywhere

Welcome to the internet.

>Lele Sanic so funneh gutta go feast

Fuck off.

Sup Forums is kind of a garbage site for this kind of thing. NeoGaf, say what you will, is where you need to go for fan support.

Pretty sure you mean "aren't".

Great going, moron.


Is this nigger serious lmao

Fuck off Let's Play fag, go make a Game Grumps thread

Not even a Sonic fan but I voted yes for you guys, you guys helped with Project Rainfall so it's the least I can do.

Op samefagging the fuck out of his own shit thread. Get a grip m8, what I posted makes sense, I know autists can't into sarcasm very well but try to keep up, there's literally only 5 of us in the thread.