So I'm playing RE4 HD on PS4, and I'm in the fucking hedge maze. I've used several yellow herbs...

So I'm playing RE4 HD on PS4, and I'm in the fucking hedge maze. I've used several yellow herbs, so my health is up to about the 9 o'clock position on the health bar, and I'm getting my fucking ass handed to me. These dogs are killing me in one hit with the tentacles, or two with bites. I do not remember this part being so damn difficult in previous versions of the game. Is the 60fps having some kind of effect on the amount of damage dealt? I seem to be doing the normal amount of damage, with two riot gun shots taking them down. It's just their damage dealing seems to have been increased.

Use grenades or the tmp, don't rush blindly around corners, you should always utilize your 180 quick turn move

equip a grenade and just fucking run past them scrub

Flash bangs kill them. Use those on groups and be sneaky

The dogs literally can't hit you if you're running you fucking retard, quit trying to be Rambo and play it like a Resident Evil game and only fight when you have to.

Don't have the TMP and I only have one flash grenade and one hand grenade. I'm taking my time, but these things pop out and almost instantly attack me. I walked around one corner and there were 3 dogs standing there with their tentacles out. One ran away and the other two attacked me immediately, killing me as soon as I rounded the corner. This type of thing has happened a couple of times now, and I think I've died like 4 times already.

I'm no rookie. I've beaten RE4 somewhere in the ballpark of 10 times. Hell, I recently built my friend a PC, and to test it out and show him some stuff I played through the recent re-release on Steam. I made it through the game without dying, as I usually do. Something just seems to be up with this PS4 release.

You just fucking suck. Just shotgun these niggers.

Flashbangs work wonders, however they are scarce.
Use a shotgun idiot, the basics of crowd control

dogs only attack you if you run directly at them. if you run at an angle they literally will never hit you.

I played that exact section on the PS4 version and I got through it with relative ease without dying. You should have all the tools at your disposal to deal with the dogs.

Every enemy in the game can be outrun and all have a window of opportunity for you to quick turn and shoot once you're far enough. Don't be a shitter, improve your game

has anyone else had their game crash on them?
the game crashed twice on me.
first time when i inserted the queens grail and the second time after i defeated the right hand.

Haven't had any crashes yet, but I'm only at the Navistidors for the first time. I'll be very upset if the game crashes on me later on.

i hope you save the game plenty of times.
i can beat this game with only saving at chapters end, but the fear of crashing is the only reason i finished the game with 80+ saves.

Is the hedge maze only in certain versions of RE4?

I've never been in the maze in my playthroughs of the game

Is it worth it? I already have the shit on ps2, GC, Wii, and 360. I know if I buy it I'll just to do everything, like get the handcannon and shit.

I felt the same way the first time I played through it again recently, but I'm 99.99% certain that you take the same amount damage from enemy attacks as did you in the hundred other versions of the game. It's probably just a bit of rust after not playing the game for so long if anything.

Playing this on PS4, no crashes so far.


>be Leon
>trespass private property
>go into the house without asking permission
>find a the owner on his daily routine
>interrogate the guy
>guy got scared bysomeone breaking into hsi house and try to defense his property getting an axe
>Leon shot the innocent civilian into his own house
>citizens outside the house hear the shots and the guy breaking owner's house window
>locals try to make a citizen's arrest
>everyone get shot
Nice one Leon. Fucking psychopath.

Am I crazy, or do enemies seem to only drop rifle ammo in the HD version? I'm at the island and I honestly don't think I've picked up a single box of shotgun or handgun ammo from a dead enemy since getting the rifle when it's first available. The only places I've found ammo for those weapons is barrels/crates/chests.

Also it seems to be giving me more TMP ammo than I remember, despite not me having the TMP.

They did kill the 2 officers who didn't do a single thing.

Stop playing on easy then.

Leon is an American working for the President. The entire world is his jurisdiction, he literally cannot trespass. Therefore, he was simply acting in self-defense.