>ryan dies
>vinny falls off the face of the earth
>dan joins
>breaths new life into giantbomb and holds it on his shoulders
>decides to join vinny off the face of the earth
Is Giantbomb TRULY dead this time? I can't imagine lightning striking twice.
>ryan dies
>vinny falls off the face of the earth
>dan joins
>breaths new life into giantbomb and holds it on his shoulders
>decides to join vinny off the face of the earth
Is Giantbomb TRULY dead this time? I can't imagine lightning striking twice.
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Video Games
I'm so happy he's leaving. I cried.
how anyone stomached those fat obnoxious sjws in the first place is the real mystery
Dan & Vinny videos everyday is maybe the saving grace of GiantBomb. I really enjoyed the Shenmue Endurance Run so far (despite Alex) and I hope Dan joining GBEast will bring more videos. The SF part of GB is basically dead though, Jeff alone can't carry it and the others are just a decent +1, not really entertaining enough by themselves.
Just don't listen to their podcast, especially when they have """female""" guests. They can usually shut up about stuff like that in their videos.
oh good I'm glad the fat sjws shut up about their politics when the cameras are rolling
now I can enjoy their insightful grunts and mumbling while they play video games poorly without being bothered by their odious political views.
GBWest's output has improved tenfold since Dan left. Goodbye, attention whore, you will not be missed.
... how is vinny "off the face of the earth"? just listen to the beastcast instead of the bombcast which is shit now and is going to even shitties now that dan is gone and you'll be fine. also I agree that vinny is the best giantbomb. Im not as huge a fan of dan as others seem to be but yeah hes definitely better than brad "Im actually asleep" shoemaker or ... *vomits* ... drew "I play videogames sometimes! I really do! wait why are you laughing?" scanlon. with only jeff left out of the worthwhile GB personalities over at the west coast offices though and him still keeping up that excessively bitter and jaded streak thats been hanging over him ever since the death of ryan (and frankly who could blame him, you could really tell how that affected him :( poor jeff) the beastcoast is just gonna be where it's at from now. Im gonna throw out the unpopular opinion that alex can also be quite funny and interesting at times and plays perfectly off of vinny's personality. austin also was a good addition btw imo, too bad he's gone now...
I wonder what SJW they will hire
no matter who it is, he will inevitably be worse than austin
honestly, austin was literally the least-offensive, funnest, most personable SJW type personality they could possibly have found, and was SUCH a breath of fresh air after we had to endure patrick "crybaby" klepeck for such a long time before that. patrick leaving and being replaced with austin was actually what was the best thing to ever happen to that site. theyre always going to have at least one full-blown SJW in their cast so it might as well have been austin :(
Giantbomb literally hasn't been good for the last 4 years
Go to bed Austin.
Only austin can stand austin, get the fuck off Sup Forums austin, your next article about how a white guy looked at you funny while you were perusing video games on your labtop and that RACE WAR NOW is justified is not gonna write itself.
honestly did you guys actually prefer patrick fucking klepeck to austin? I cant even.
I only watch/listen to Giant Bomb by now because of Jeff
he always has this look on his face like the light inside has gone out but he still works
you type like a faggot
Austin was honestly worse than patrick, but no one liked patrick either. Stop trying to pull this bullshit.
The VR streams is some of the highest quality content they've made in a long time
>I cant even.
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.
oh how sweet I love weavers stuff I didn't even realize he MOTHERFUCKER!
fuck off sheldor! i've had enough of your shit
The average Giant Bomb fan ladies and gentlemen.
Im honestly curious though, in what ways was austin worse than patrick? honestly patrick was such a self absorbed clueless whiny dipshit that I was honestly celebrating when he left the site. I may be overestimating how not-bad austin was, I dont think I actually watched a lot of content with him in it but, ANYONE would have been a breath of fresh air after that imo ...
as much as they hate San Fransisco they sure are infected with smug political correct bullshit.
>"Ooops, I said fag, now I gotta apologize to everyone practically in tears!"
>Mechanical apartheid is very problematic!
>South Park is stupid and old because the newest season makes fun of things I'm uncomfortable with, PC principle and the Coon are NOT okay.
You have no idea how hard I want to make a Nega-giantbomb that's no-holds-barred offensive. Invite people like Brianna Wu and just rail on Transgenderism as the disease it is.
>as much as they hate San Fransisco they sure are infected with smug political correct bullshit.
it's almost like..... SJWs are hypocrites..... whoa..........
>Invite people like Brianna Wu and just rail on Transgenderism as the disease it is.
well he just wouldn't accept your invitation though
Fucking nuke California, now.
you're welcome. it's really sweet.
If you didn't listen to the podcast, then skip all of the previous year with him being part of it, unless you want to hear him rant about WHITENESS IS RUINING GAMES or quoting MovieBob tweets, and vinny isn't slapping him and telling him to fucking stop.
also honestly, I just take it as a given that any given gaming website nowadays is going to have its share of SJWs. accepting that and moving on I honestly dont see how there still can be a difference in how bad it can get. quite honestly I just hate patrick klepeck THAT MUCH. maybe austin is as bad as all of you claim but to me at least at times he could engage in funny banter with dan (the eating/drink sharing stuff during e3 for instance was funny to me) and seemed otherwise mostly inoffensive ...
> any given gaming website nowadays is going to have its share of SJWs. accepting that and moving
Vinny is really really going to waste at GBE.
>Vinny + Drew
>Vinny + Jeff
>Vinny + Jason (Anime sperging)
>Vinny + Brad
THERE'S NO ONE HE CAN'T WORK WITH. Except Alex, he's just sucking all the fun out of Vinny.
have him sign a release form that states it will be offensive, similar to what Eric Andre does.
I will have the whole California cess-pool on my show. Bring on Austin Walker and talk about how BLM is a terrorist group. Bring on Jeff, play some gangster music that objectifies women, (he'll dig the tunes), and after I'm done jamming to some G-shit, I'll start a formal interview where I talk about how problematic DOA Extreme Volleyball 3 is for objectifying women.
Find some SJW's to bash Christianity (they'll gladly join in) with. Talk about how oppressive it is to society, and then move on to bashing Islam just to watch them squirm.
These are my dreams.
>did you call me "Judy" when I had your dick in my mouth?
aaaaaw that's adorable
Please delete, the autism on display makes me depressed.
I'm incredibly pleased for him
in San Fran he would have slowly lost his energy as it was sucked away by Jeff and Brad and he would have become a zombie the way Drew is around those guys.
>There will never be anything as good as the Persona 4 run ever again
One the one hand, GBEAST finally has good content since Dan works well with everybody and Vinny needs help!
On the other hand, Jeff has NO ONE to banter with and is stuck with
the guy who cannot play games
the guy who has no camera presence
the guy who takes too long to contribute
the guy who fucks dogs
...and all the new ideas are dead again.
Literally everything new and fun about Giantbomb since Ryan died was thanks to ideas and effort produced by Dan Ryckert. People don't want to admit it for some reason, but it's true. That means good things for Vinny, at least! Maybe we'll get some good New York City fun from now on.
I'm sorry again, Jeff :(
go watch EZ faggots you smelly cuck
NO. The world needs a counter balance to SJW's even if it's at the cost of autism overload.
>Dan is alright.
>Always liked Vinny's videos, and Alex you have to share his sense of humor
>Jeff probably has a lot on his plate, but value his cold opinion
>Drew needs to be better at video games, but likeable
>Brad.. needs to reevaluate some things. Can't watch his solo streams.
>Austin was a likable guy, just dont take him too serious
>Fuck Klepick
Now he'll just slowly lose his energy after he gets his foot amputated from the diabeetus overtaking him.
he just can't stop eating taco bell
>Never again
that's not how the world works.
You don't solve racism by making black people racist towards whites.
You don't solve sexism by letting women hate men.
You don't solve SJW faggotry by being autistic "counter balances".
Vinny definitely aged best
lmaoing @ ur life
Ryan was too pure for this world
aw come on, now I'm dying for more like that.
Why are you doing this to me, weaver?
>You don't solve SJW faggotry by being autistic "counter balances".
yeah you just ignore them and let them walk all over you.
that's the only course of action to take to their reprehensible actions.
it's comedy. There needs to be a complete opposite of the California social justice garbage that's being dumped onto the rest of society, or else this tension will kill everyone and destroy comedy for good. MDE is a great example of a current counter balance, but they've got nothing to do with video games, and they're only one group.
You sound like a NeoFaggot.
whatever happened to "don't feed the trolls"?
SJW want attention, if you don't give it to them, they stop. easy as that.
Isn't that just Trump?
Who else do you think he's going to throw out after the mexicans?
Epic posts, bros. Sign me up for your neocon newsletter.
It's an improvement at least.
Fucker forgot his eyebrows though the woman hating chauvinistic pig.
SJW's are the biggest laughing stock of society, yet they are the loudest minority.
It's eerily similar to baptist Christians of the 90s who said everyone supporting abortion was damned to hell. The left has become exactly who they mocked in the days of the Daily Show, and they need to be laughed in a similar manner that John Stewart presented to the world.
Anyone who was part of the Left when there was some semblance of sanity in their party now has to side with complete nutjobs, because they'd rather not give the right a leg-up.
the term "Because it's 2016" needs to be made fun of in front of the public eye, not just on Sup Forums.
Great job, friend. Please continue.
Not just yet!
It will be when they hire some awful woman/tranny for west coast to appease all the shitheads in the community that literally shed tears when fatnig left.
John Oliver is a faggot.
That's all I got left.
I just bought a premium sub for the old Ryan archives for $30,dud I fuck up?
Glad you could get that out of your system.
Next time, try spewing your shit on Sup Forums instead faggot.
You don't have pictures of Vinny from his teen years, do ya, punk?
Jeff aged 2nd best because that beard gives him an actual face now. Plus, he's losing weight.
3rd is Ryan because he hasn't really aged at all!
Brad became fat Pidgeotto.
Thinking about doing the same.
Do you know when the sale ends?
You know you'd be banned from your GiantBomb forums for that talk? Shame on you.
If you didn't think Mario Party Party 1 was the best content from Giantbomb in the past however many years, I'll think you intended that post to be a negative comment.
I'm worried they'll do only 10 turns each or something on the remaining Mario Parties to finish on time.
I'm going off at a tangent here.
50 years ago, dog breeds used to look very different. They were healthier, and actually worked as animals.
Look at pugs now, for example. Their features have been exaggerated through constant breeding, to fulfill an idea of "pugness" while constantly moving goalposts. Everything they had was cranked up to eleven, flatter nose, shorter legs, breathing problems, spine problems, you name it. They're caricatures of their former self.
And look around you. the whole world is full of cases like that.
The new kirk is not just a good leader, he's a good-hearted madman.
Homer Simpson isn't just a simple minded father anymore, he's a literal retard.
Capitalism is not just about buying stuff, it's about jerking yourself off to "muh freedom" while paying thousands for hospital bills.
SJW not about equality, it's about I don't even know what tumblr is about nowadays.
It's like the comedian said, the world has become it's own parody, and we're too used to it to realize it.
I genuinely feel bad for this guy
>tfw Giant Bomb will never move outside of the degenerate commie shithole of California
>GB will never consist only of Jeff, Vinny, Drew, Rorie, and short doses of Dan
>they will never NOT have orwellian mods censoring discussion
>GB will never only charge $12 a year for premium
Giant Bomb is finished, it's over, go home.
Nobody cares about your shaming tactic, nigger.
Self-hating whites should be put down.
I stopped caring in 2010, is Vinny ok, did he get a job with another company?
Yeah, I just love the guy with no attention span and the guy who never talks. So based.
pshhh, get em bro! I bet this mansplainer is voting for Drumf. Hillary can't come soon enough. Make Donald Drumpf Again!
Great stuff, guy. Keep it coming.
>New Endurance run
I can deal with it
Just kill it.
Drew has really come into his own in the last 2 years and Rorie works as the wildcard and keeps Jeff on his toes.
>inb4 this is essentially what replaces Dan
Even at 50 turns, it only takes 'em about 3 hours. They've just got...5 games left to do? 1 a month should be fine. Dan (and Even Jeff) have promised they'll get to them all before he leaves to the other coast.
>Is Giantbomb TRULY dead this time?
Depends on who they hire for the SF studio.
It'll obviously be some SJW friend of Alex's or whatever, so yeah it's probably dead.
If they ever moved they, talked about it on the latest Bombcast. They immediately concluded they wouldn't because the gaming industry to too much a part of the Bay Area (but seriously, who fucking gives a shit in this day of technological filesharing??? It's not like they interview or report on everything anyway.) But, they did say Chicago wouldn't be so bad or even close to Gameinformer over in Kansas City.
wait, dan is leaving?
there goes any and all interest I had in giantbomb
all that's left is mega64
Dan is being transferred to work at the NYC branch (Giant Bomb East) to work with Vinny and Alex. This decision is NOT by CBS, GiantBomb or HR's choice. It was because Dan wanted to move closer to New Jersey since his girlfriend wanted to move back home an they're either engaged now or getting engaged. He also has some side-job wrestling opportunities apparently.
I'm just thankful he's getting the FUCK out of San Fransisco. I wish they ALL would leave San Fransisco.
>SJW friend of Alex's
I know Alex is a piece of shit and an easy target, but you can't pin all of the leftist influence on him. Every single one of them is a cultural enemy. They're all anti-white SJW cucks. Even your "based" Jeff and "comfy" vinny.
Alex is their industry contacts guy, though. For Giantbomb, it's mostly Alex who sets up all the interviews, panels, guests and even some staffing. Otherwise it's Jeff himself. Jeff has already hired his friends.
I hope to god that you're not American
How do Americans spell it? You better reply, user.
Ep5 shenmue shows its spiraling down in quality. They just keep running in circles retrying to enter the same place over and over til its open.
Won't explore, enter new places, go shopping, feed the cat, train or anything. And they say its boring because they arent doing anything when they could be.
And alex is awful
Probably breathes
"breath" is a noun
"breathe" is a verb
you fuck
Huh, I fucked up
>mfw when people talk about eceleb garbage
Anya is a good girl
How is Vinny such a universally loved person that not even edgy teens on Sup Forums dislike him?
I wanna like the Shenmue ER, but Dan isn't making it easy. He tries too hard to bring up totally unrelated topics of conversation that he thinks are funny.
Its that or Alex's bullshit
Its a slow game that will have filler conversation
You have NO fuckin' idea how presentation works, do you? Like, shit. I bet you can't interview fucking anyone without a script. How about you go watch a let's play of Shenmue instead?
He's a genuinely good guy and has consistently been hilarious his entire career on giant bomb. It also helps he isn't super vocal about certain opinions.
Alex is worse with his constant need to "keep things rolling smoothly" which just comes off as impatience. Everyone else just wants to fuck around and explore but Alex is insistent on rushing through and mainlining the game every step of the way.
vinny a pure