What are some games that after 20 years, I don't know WHAT will come through that door?

What are some games that after 20 years, I don't know WHAT will come through that door?

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There aren't doors in Battletoads you niggerfuck.

Kill yourself holy shit.

how can you know what will come trough a door if there a door isnt there in the first place

What is the Chumlee of video games?

So someone who acts stupid for the shows comedic relief but actually knows his shit?


Tibia 999 door

>fat fuck with a goatee
>knows his shit
Pick one

Why did this become a meme?

The show makes him look borderline retarded.

Didn't he go to jail or some shit?

Busted with Meth and Firearms.

RIP. They cancel the show?



He's already out and the show is still going.

if rick, the old man, corey and chumlee had a competition to see whose dick is bigger, how would they rank?

old man>>>chumlee>>>>>corey>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rick

rick probably has a tiny dick


He got busted for meth and guns and is out already? How the fuck does that work? Pretty sure that's at least felony worthy

I know the battletoads meme. But no one tried to meme the intro until like a month ago, now people spam it in twitch chats, Sup Forums, tumblr, fucking everywhere. Show has been on for like 8 years, why are people suddenly fascinated with the opening?

He took a plea deal where he'll be on probation for 3 years and his offense will be turned into a misdemeanor. If he fucks up during those 3 years though, then he's really in trouble.

He has money

IDK, why did people suddenly start spamming a still frame of Arthur clenching his fist? Meme magic is a wonderful thing.

memes happen for no reason nowadays. the newest generation of memers have no idea what they're doing. they're making memes for the sake of making memes. back in the day memes had purpose. not anymore.

There are A list celebrities that don't get off scott free from that. Chum is an E-lister

Oh so it's like said

Kids these days just spam retarded shit and call it "meme magic XD"

Most reddit thing about this place.


Sorry I triggered you, user.

>back in the day memes had purpose

Is this a real post? Are you fucking kidding me right now?

Memes were fun back in the day

Now they're legitimately destructive and dangerous

You're a moron, memes have always been awful. Even before reddit ripped off all of our memes, we still had forced memes like Fuck Yeah Seaking and Millhouse is not a meme is a meme. That shit was stupid. Meme culture is literally one of the lowest IQ forms of entertainment on the planet which explains why they have such mass appeal.

but i thought milhouse was a meme?

Millhouse was not a meme, but Millhouse is not a meme was a meme.

Being awful and actually dangerous are different.

Memes back in the day were fun. Now people use memes like facts of life. You have people here who literally believe certain memes here as fact. as law. Then you have memes that are just designed to try and attack a specific person like AVGN IS A KEK XD and NOT ANTHONY BURCH

We've strayed a long way from the days of funny cartoon faces and long cats

remember the new meme?

how new are you? have you never seen a single 2007 Sup Forums meme?

what did rick do to deserve that?

You use the word dangerous like it implies actual danger. How is calling AVGN a kek any different than a tabloid reporting some famous actor marrying an alien. They're both bullshit and the only people who take that shit as facts are, you guessed it, morons! Does AVGN give a fuck if anyone thinks he's a cuck? I highly doubt it, also Anthony Burch is literally a faggot so who cares what he thinks.

If you're a celebrity in the limelight you're going to get harassed with stupid shit. This has been going on long before the internet.

Yo boss, how much can I get for this here Uncharted game on the ps tripple?

He is selling hotdogs for RIDICULOUS prices you jealouscuck , fuck off to your job stocking shelves.

He seems the most like he's compensating for something. The old man and chumlee don't give a fuck about anything, and his son is entirely forgettable.


my wifes son
big hoss


>How big is that dick?
>Looks like a seven incher.
>Nah, best I can offer is four.

>I watch Pawn Stars for the dick speculation

...Huh, that's actually kind of clever.

what is game

They run an actual business, even before it became a show.

They wouldn't keep him if he was a liability.

Don't people who do meth get skinny?

Space Station 13.

L-l-l-l-l-look at you, newfag. A pa-pa-pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and-panting and sweating as you r-r-run through my corridors. How, how how can you challenge a perfect, immortal survival horror RPG?

Only good answer.