Wtf I hate Falcom now

wtf I hate Falcom now


>mfw she's my love interests now
I never asked for this

What's Falcoms obsession with wincest, I mean I know its not "really" incest but it's a running theme.

>ywn have your sister-senpai wash your back with her breasts

What are you, gay?

When you see the puppy faces of the other girls you didn't pick
I didn't ask for this

Alisa is the love interest user.

How much better is the ps3 version?

Gonna ask just one more time.

so much better its the same
it has an install so the loading times are slightly faster than CS PS3

she's a dumb blonde, i'd rather fuck a witch and she can use her magic to make me get more semen to cum on her massive boobs.

>>she's a dumb blonde, i'd rather fuck a witch and she can use her magic to make me get more semen to cum on her massive boobs.
Then go join Vita or something.

gay for that joshua boipussy


I would but she has no boob game
Emma is the true semon demon

I think I'm in love.

Use Hit Quartz user, this is the first game where Hit has an actual reason to use it

>Toval brings up Carnelia in one of his scenes


But user, Vita has that voice, and her boobs are great even if not at Emma's level. Plus you have Claire and Sara for the big boob ladies if you are into that.

At least Joshua and Estelle felt less like one of those shitty LN's where the sister(blood related or not) lusts over her onii-chan and more like a believable relationship.

Is there anything at the Shrine in the highlands?

I skipped over that place.

that's true, I'll consider it.
I do like providing Celise with Warm Milk though

There's some Trial chests, Criminal Master Quartz, and 3 AP


I just beat Bleublanc and Altina

I thought I was going to be able to backtrack there for a quest or something

Do you think Joshuas packin'?
Gotta have a nine iron in there.
Estelle probably rides it like a champ.
Meanwhile Rean has to go devil trigger to get a stiffy and Alisa bleeds all over it.

nah Rean doesn't even fuck Alisa. He fucks Millium and makes Alisa watch.

Millium is his little sister, that would be sick user.

>Emma and Laura trial chest

Poor monsters, they never stood a chance

>bosses frequently using huge HP recovery moves

Game with Olivier as the MC when

wahhhh is the game too hard for itty bitty baby? It's not even a difficult game, you fucking child.

Game with MILF Estelle when?

>It's not even a difficult game
You're right, it isn't difficult. And that's the problem. If there was even a hint of tension and worry of failure then bosses healing would be okay.

But there isn't. Instead, it's just tedious and drags battles out because padding/filler. It's no different than boss fights in the Lunar games or Albert Odyssey where Working Designs inflated the boss HP to ridiculous level because fuck you that's why. Having hueg HP didn't make those boss fights tougher, just longer. Which doesn't equal fun or difficult.

wow okay dude.

>It's not hard but wahhh healing bosses
kys shitstain


>implying you wouldn't tap this

You can get some of the Gambler Jack books later, but not chapter 1.

I'm not a subhuman pedophile, so no. Even if I were, she is shit.

He mentions it in the first game too.

>Voiced by Taneda Risa


Not him the only thing I'd tap though is one of the cakes

I would if she had a personality, but she doesn't. I'll stick with the superior lolis.

Is that Claire's VA too?

No thats Miyu Matsuki, she's already dead ;-;

>go to new shop
>they don't sell any books or recipies

If Tita appeared in a future game, would she be a total rebel who smokes and does drugs and drinks lots of alcohol underage?

Kinda lost my CS1 saves with Laura/Sara, are the save transfers changes minor or meaningful ?

Would hate to be too forced into Alisa when she's my least favorite.

No. She would be a good cute and kind girl. Even better than Towa!


Renne would be a corrupting influence. Soon she will sell her body for crystal gnosis.


>Ebel Highway monster on nightmare

So if I was a fucking retard and missed the shrine in Ch.1, can I go back to it later in the story?

Also, why does Machias dress like an oppressed jew? Oy vey

I fucking hope so man.

Why is everyone in Crossbell a horrible person?

Erebronyian propagandists OUT

Considering how Celine's stance on them so far is that their purpose doesn't concern us now, I can only imagine we'll go back to them. Similar to the Tetracyclic towers, I bet.

Because they have to live next to Erebonia filled with yet more horrible people

But Liberl is next to Erebonia too, and its full of wonderful people

Actually wjy is Liberl the only nation that isn't largely filled with awful people and the people who are awful are either terrorists belonging to a secret society or foreigners?

From what I've heard only the scene when you first meet up with your love interest from the first game changes. Everything else is the same besides some gameplay bonuses.

You can't pick Rixia as your love interest so it's a shit game.

The queen is just that good.

Only having Calvard and Erebonia as neighbors without much border to protect helps, mostly.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

I've been busy this week so I didn't get much further than that anyway, may as well reload.



Sickeningly good?

so will we be forced with Alisa in the finale or get to choose



I'll be damned, she's surprisingly cute.

>Have to choose between Claire and Toval
>Can't choose both

Fuck this shit game

Erebonia isn't filled with bad people.
It's filled with shitty old-guard nobles though.

All NPCs are in this game.

Early Laura is super sexy.

I want to see how Claire plays, but Toval is so fucking good senpai. His accessory and a Cast 1 orbal gives him a 70% boost in casting speed.

>when you reunite with Machias

I never thought that I'd be happy to see this fucking sperglord again.

I should buy this, but I'm still trying to convince myself to finish the first one. Even sprung for the collector's edition.

Why do I always buy turn-based games expecting something different? The first Trails in the Sky game was great, but everything else I've played has been ANIME bullshit.

if you don't like anime bullshit, stray far far away from Sen

Heard that Claire isn't exactly great; anyone know how she plays?

It's Fie's cooking power hour.

>if you don't like anime bullshit, stray far far away from Sen

yeah, it's generic harem anime bullshit

>Dat lolibutt

Reandad confirmed man of great wisdom and love for his son

Just wait until you have to choose between Toval and Sharon


From what I've played so far (I'm at around the Intermission chapter post the curbstomp at Ymir), she's a fucking monster.

Well, her S-Craft is at least though I do prefer Sharon in terms of utility.

she looks cute desu

Concealing Wind + Scud Ripper is brutal

True, she's a qt animu, but that's not Estelle.

Choose Toval. He's best bro and has quickcast
Plus you want his bond level to be the highest so you'll get his accessory, which will turn Emma into a destroyer of world


Really? How OP is she compared to Toval?

but she is the enemy and hates Laura and her family for some reason

I'd rather fuck than .

While this is not an actual critique of the quality of the artwork in either image, I'm sorry to inform you that the penis knows what the penis wants and thus I'll have to upset you by saying that as of this very moment I am not offended by the Evolution artwork's existence.

Oh, I know that, user. I just wanna humiliate her before being blasted to pieces by McBurn.

Why does she look like she could be Towa's sister?


Will Kiseki ever have another protagonist as perfect as Estelle?

Judge for yourself, user.

>What's Japan's obsession with wincest
pic semi-related.