is Sup Forums excited?
Nintendo NX
>we held back the NX reveal for this shit
Very excited
Not really.
>no analog sticks
did sakamoto design it
How do you connect it to the console?
Excitement is contained. Literally know nothing about the console and speculation is a waste of time. Will tend to my backlog until actual news drops from the source.
I'm excited for the reveal, but I'm not excited for the system. Not yet, at least.
does it have games?
Reveal in October.
When is the reveal?
No, because it'll probably shoehorn in some gimmick in the name of innovation. I just want a normal console for once
Nervous. This could make or break console gaming for me.
If it involves needing a phone that's enough for me to write it off entirely.
Various games nowadays use phones as a side thing.
The NX will be a Master System.
They will produce new games for it.
I'm talking bullshit like needing a phone for a screen. Keep stupid mobileshit to phones
Sony requires you to have a HDR compatible TV to enjoy PS4 Neo at 4k.
doesnt mean its gonna make people want it.
I'd rather just buy a normal PS4, i don't want 4k.
is there still no reveal date
I can't be excited for the NX itself without seeing it first. I am very excited for BotW though.
>want to catch up on old games.
>Friend suggests to get a Wii U due to most old games being cheaper on there.
>Another friend says the NX could be a console with backward compatibility/eShop.
The wait is killing me I swear.