Do people even play it anymore?

Do people even play it anymore?

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I don't know I haven seen anyone. It must be a server error or something

probably has still more players than the division

>makes you think

1000 quintillion zillion jewllion keklillion animals discovered so far
I can't even right now my mind is blown

Is there any word on a huge DLC or huge patch coming up?

>it doesn't even have a general in /vg/
NMS truly is the blunder of this millenium

About 2500 or so on Steam.

yes.until 3 min ago


>it hasn't even been a month

>4k player peak yesterday
>after 2 weeks
>for a game that sold 730k copies


>the bare feet
my sides

B-b-but every game loses players, user! It's a single player game. There's literally nothing wrong with the game. Multiplayer was never actually promised.

It's funny because it's wrong

Yeah, of course. How are you supposed to find all the other players without playing it and checking every one of the 18 bimborillian planets?

It did and people kept shitposting their Nu-Males Sky LEL SO FAHNE JOKEZ shit in it so people trying to have a discussion couldn't do so.

It's better this way anyway. More planets for me to name after my waifu, thus proving to her above all others that my love reigns supreme to the ends of the universe.

Well thank fuck for that

Generals are garbage, even when they're about good games. I'd hate to see the kind of concentrated faggotry that would come out of NMSG

>October 8th, 2016

What's the world like a month from now?

It's very europe

>PEGI rating
>cannot out of mericaland

they still got rich off of it xd

Is this supposed to look good? It looks like shit with some sub-par RNG trees splattered everywhere.

And not a single one will know how to spread out the couple million each of them got out of this to last the rest of their lives.

I am kinda dissapointed. I was hoping for a second tortanic. But instead of complaining about the game everyone just quit.

>pirate it
>play it
>its okay i guess, kinda like subnautica which is nice
>runs like shit though
>keep waiting for performance improvements
>some patches and driver updates help but it still runs abysmally
>give up and move on

A little depressing because it's one of those games that could have at least been alright if handed to a competent dev. Same thing with Elite. Why can't we have a good space game that isn't Starsector?

>he doesnt know


they partnered with sony ages ago, they knew ALL ABOUT the ps4pro


cause its coming out for the Pro. Thats the version you saw in the trailers and clips

Because it was clear nothing was ever going to actually change about NMS' core gameplay, or lack thereof, whereas ToR just needed some patches to fix it.

It could possibly be saved by modding.

Yeah actually a couple hours a day.

>its coming out for the Pro
I'm sure all five people will be very happy with their purchases too.

Hi, Sean

nigga did this need a new thread?

Epic screaming!
Good parody my friend!

What happened to that game

It wasnt as big of a disappointment because the hype around ToR was unreal at the time.

>ToR just needed some patches to fix it.
i dont think this could be more wrong

So instead of them being in generals with their circlejerk, you rather they shit post over here? There's no inbetween

Another octillion planets coming up

I was in /nmsg/ since the beginning and you're full of shit. There was rampant shitposting during the first few days after release, but after that it was alright and people could talk about the game. The problem was that there's almost nothing to talk about with this game. All people did was post pictures of ships, which often would be reposts since ships don't have many parts to choose from and often looked the same as others, and occasional cool scenic views. We did have discussions about mods that came out but there just isn't enough content in the game to warrant discussion. During the last few days all that were left were fucking idiots who sounded like they were trying to justify their purchases and talking about how great the game is and telling everyone to buy the game and not pirate it, despite it being the most blatant scam in recent time. NMS doesn't really deserve a general.

It has more players than battleborn

the desperation in posting this vid over and over again trying to be famous is embarassing man

What's at the center of the galaxy lads?

black hole

>whereas ToR just needed some patches to fix it.

Yeah, no ToR was complete garbage at release and it took them years to fix everything + they had to go F2P to bring players back.

I like comfy night time on grassy planets.

>Boring story
>Grind fest
>Random nignogs have the resistance of a tank
Pick whichever

This game, man.

I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.

I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.

I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.

Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Sean and Hello Games. Jeez Louise.

Is it GAME OVER YOU DIE once you reach it?

>grass wiggling back and forth
>trees and plants completely static

Did you copy paste that from NeoGAF?

It's like pottery.

First post best post.


Doesn't really bother me, really wish they would fix pic related though.


it's -64°C, those trees are frozen and can't move
is what I would say to defend it but we all know that temperature has no effect on the surroundings

I play the shit out of it and I really like it.

I had a few friends ask me if it was good and I told them it really isn't. I just play it and like it because I'm a simpleton with an overfunctioning imagination.

I've got the GOG version too just in case they ever want to try it so they don't have to waste their money.

They LITERALLY had to redo the periodic table just to be able to add multi-colored skies so of course temperature has an effect on the surroundings.

>garbage at release
>it took them years to fix everything
Yeah, but the point was that they could and did fix it. What can be done to fix No Man's Sky? Nothing

>"angry gamer" schtick

8/10/2016 retarded freedomfriend.

why would you need to redo the periodic table to have multi-colored skies?
>every other game that doesn't redo the periodic table can't have multi-colored skies
also, why would redoing the periodic table proof that temperature has an influence?

>there are still Sean shills
It's incredible the power of lies of a nu-male

Either you copypasta or were paid.

aiit I'll trust you mang

It's the best game ever made!



Sean came up with some BS about how one of the devs wanted green tinted skies and that they had to alter the game's periodic table so that they could make a new particle that would diffract light in the correct way

The obvious extension of this is that if they had to make such a drastic change for something so simple, then of course temperature effects things because the simulation is so complex it would be ridiculous to claim otherwise

I hope I have explain user's post to your satisfaction, user

No, it's shit.

All new games are shit.

Why am I so depressed.

Try drinking what you find under the sink



Play what? A tech demo? Obviously not. It'd be nice when they release the game though.

