
What happened to in-game songs sung by the characters?

Are modern day videogames too edgy and serious for this?

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>Are modern day videogames too edgy and serious for this?


Trails of Cold Steel had one.

Despite being a dub-only game, the song abruptly switched to the Japanese VA singing.

i'm glad they're gone
musicals felt forced awkward and out of place

it doesn't sell unless it has transforming planes or something

Stella Glow had those.

Cisquisition had a song sung by characters.

Here, just what you asked for.

That seems to be the trend with more recent anime dubs, off the top of my head Angel Beats retains the original Japanese singing for GoDeMo.

Don't know what happened in that regard, anime dubs could come up with some pretty good singing TANK POLICE, FEEL THE POWER THAT'S INSIDE!


here you go faggot

a better version

>That seems to be the trend with more recent anime dubs
Recent? I'm straining my memory to think of ones I've seen that haven't done this.

I wish Lunar didn't die, the first two games were so good.

Then, came Lunar: Dragon Song. The final nail to the coffin.

I fucking hope so. That shit is horrificly bad.

Don't hurt me like this
The first time I cried to vidya was when I listened to Wind's Nocturne as a child

Such a shame. Oh well.

The OG waifu.

>ywn collect another bromide again

Only time I've ever seen this be good is when it was ironic. Like God Hand's credits or something.

The only game where every girl was best girl.

I feel like Silver Star Harmony was the final nail. Dragon Song was shit, but sure there was still some hope left if they could still do a good remake, of a remake. But it ran like shit and there was literally zero difficulty until the final boss, and the prologue content was trash tier, and they could even bother to re-render the FMVs in widescreen. God, what a waste of money that was.


Ar Tonelico and #FE come to mind.

Ar Tonelico/no Ciel have fantastic vocal soundtracks.

I need to play it again.

Mia fag here. Agreed, you can't go wrong with any Lunar girl.

I went though both PS1 remakes a while back. Had fun with them.

Mia's a nice choice.

Lemina is my gold digging waifu.

The PS1 was my first exposure. Wish I still had a copy.
I'll be a Luna fag till the day I die.

>PS1 was my first exposure
Same here. What happened to your copies?
Anyone played the PSP remake of Lunar 1?

>tfw LunarNet is dead

Lost them in a move. That or a sold them being the dumb kid I was.

>Anyone played the PSP remake of Lunar 1?
Yes. It was awful.

Play the GBA remake, it does some things different, adds some content here and there, cuts the playtime in half.

>Anyone played the PSP remake of Lunar 1?
Yeah. It's alright I guess.

That's unfortunate.

Thanks. I'll check out the GBA version, didn't even know it existed.

I'm playing it right now, was about to ask for opinions.
I really like both sound and visuals, but the battles are so damn slow, am I the only one who's annoyed by it? I have enough patience for FF9 battles because while slow, they're not that numerous and pretty fun, but the battles here are too numerous, too slow and too unstrategic.

>Anyone played the PSP remake of Lunar 1?
I couldn't get past the redub. I have a similar problem with the Akira redub.

I felt like a fag for liking that song 20 year ago and I feel like a fag for liking it now.

>Thanks. I'll check out the GBA version, didn't even know it existed.
Keep in mind that its on the GBA and is a somewhat different take on Lunar than an actual remake.

Got nice sprite art, the battles a straight run up to enemy - hit them - run back so no more moving around the field stuff, it add a couple new weapon types because hey why not, it added super moves which the PSP version later cribbed, there's a new optional endgame dungeon or two - which the PSP version didn't crib, the first dungeon in the game was removed and the second heavily reworked, and some other different things here and there. The translation is nowhere near as charming and there are not FMVs obviously.

It's pretty cool though. And like I said it's really short due to changes, and battles generally being quicker. Now the PSP remake... oh boy don't make me go into the flaws on that mess.

How do you like the graphical overhaul? Does it still feel like the original?

>Akira redub
Wonder what the impetus for this was. The original dub was a product of its time and I can't see a redub going that well with a 20-something year old movie.

Interesting. It sounds pretty neat from the description and I do like what I see in the screenshots. I assume neither the GBA or PSP versions were handled by Working Designs? They were a fun company, even if their translations took some pretty big liberties.

From what I remember, the PSP version uses the exact same localization/translation as the Working Designs PSX version with some new material added for the new story scenes.

I found the battles were a fair bit easier though.

>Wonder what the impetus for this was. The original dub was a product of its time and I can't see a redub going that well with a 20-something year old movie.

Dunno, I was use to the original dub and every voice was grating in the redub. I know they did it for licensing reasons, Pioneer had gotten the rights to it.

>>From what I remember, the PSP version uses the exact same localization/translation as the Working Designs PSX version with some new material added for the new story scenes.
Pretty much yeah. Just take out the pop culture stuff and that's Harmony's script.

They changed song lyrics into overly literal sounding jumbles of words with absolutely zero flow or sync to the music being played.

>PSP version uses the exact same localization/translation a the WD PSX version

Nope, Harmony was completely redubbed and translated.



The Harmony version is meh...

God I feel like someone just killed my childhood.

Doesn't stop there, Wind Nocturne was also meh...



Even though Harmony is a more literal translation, it still just doesn't feel right after decades of the PSX version.

>old nostalgia fag

It's wrong wrong wrong, it's all so wrong!

Actually if they got the same voice actor it would have been fine for the new translation i guess

Luna's voice actor in the PSP remake is the same one from the PS1 game.

It's the same singer.

The new opening has really bad sound quality.
Really? She sounds different.


Still one of the best.

Not at all! Bioshock Infinite even gives you a massive button prompt to initiate it! Truly we are ina golden age of gaming.


11 years can do that, as can a different voice director. Plus she was the only original VA brought back, so you could get fooled into thinking she was a new one to.

Lunar 1 is pretty shit compared to 2. Possibly the most generic JRPG since Dragon Qusst 1.

If you've played the original, definitely play the PSP version. Loses a bit of the charm but is still really good, with a slightly different look.




That's not recent. Slayers NEXT did the same thing



All this free time I have and I still haven't replaced my lost folders

That's why I'm here for, To help a bit in that regard.

Saints Row Gat out of Hell had one


Man, I feel like I missed out on something great in my youth.

It's a very short, very easy game. Emulate it.


>mfw althena's hot springs

Kek. This looks fun. Going to check it out.

>tfw emulator crashed whenever I got to that point.
Literally the whole game.

oh man, i got super hooked on that song that i would play the fight just to hear it over and over

fuck those games both had great music

I liked the PSP remake
It was significantly easier than the PS1 ver, but that's because the localization team made the English version way harder than the original, so the PSP is basically the original difficulty, though it's a bit easier since they added the limit breaks from the GBA version

There were some load times with the spellcasting which slowed things down but the rest of it was an improvement. The changed English lyrics might fuck with your head though

lmao not a terrible lost since you can just youtube it but that timing is hilarious

I like the new lyrics better. I only played the PSX version.

I guess this technically counts:
>Nash butt closeup

Thanks user, for years I've been remembering some shitty early 00's flash animation of like two cats with this song high pitched in the background, I never knew where it was from. I can't remember the flash either, but the song stayed with me.

That's cool, I just don't after having played the PS1 version multiple times.

Shii's Song my nigga.

Fuck, it was exactly that one.
Hit really hard on the nostalgia gland.

I was working at a retail store when it launched, and got a co-worker to break street date for me.

Remake has it's ups and downs. The redone 2D artwork is great imo, and the music is good, albeit maybe more of a lateral move. the changed lyrics trigger the hell out of me though.

But then you get the FMV scenes which had nothing done with them, and look way out of place, and the new VA's just don't do it for me, though that's just like, my opinion man.


Valkyria Chronicles had one.

It was embarrassing.

It was so embarrassing that I don't even want to look for a video of it on Youtube.


>physical bromides
Neat. Didn't know about this

>Remake has it's ups and downs. The redone 2D artwork is great imo, and the music is good, albeit maybe more of a lateral move. the changed lyrics trigger the hell out of me though.
The arts a matter of opinion, personally I greatly disliked how the characters looked. The updated soundtrack had some good stuff to it.

>But then you get the FMV scenes which had nothing done with them, and look way out of place, and the new VA's just don't do it for me, though that's just like, my opinion man.
No mention of the awful loading times? How pathetically small each and every individual screen is? How the music cuts out when you change screens? How dungeons are nightmarish to get through now do to them being broken up into a million screens WITH RESPAWING ENEMIES? Not to mention that with how fucked the perspective is, the space you have to move around in is super narrow so avoiding fights is all but impossible.


>men's spring
>you can just walk right in
>women's spring
>have to walk through a forest fighting dangerous monsters

We'll have to agree to disagree on the artwork senpai, While the chibi sprites from the playstaion days are more than fine, I felt the spritework from the remake was really damn good, The animations for actions and skills are on point as well.

Fair point on all the other stuff though, it had been well over a half decade since I played SSSC, so I didn't really notice most of those issues.

>it had been well over a half decade since I played SSSC, so I didn't really notice most of those issues.
I played them back to back earlier this year. Going from the PSP game to the PS1 game was eye opening. Entire towns (inside & outside buildings) in a single load. No disruptions entering/leaving places. Dungeons which weren't awful. They really fucked up on the technical end of the PSP version.

Does this count?

While that song was very very eh, only earless, tasteless faggots will say the nip version of 1000 Words was better than the English version

>No mention of the Ar No Surge/Tonelico series.

Seriously faggots? Both series have been released in the last 10 years and both FOCUS on singing

I've been thinking of getting into the Tonelico series. Where should I start? Have they come out with anything recent?