All the people who could afford state-of-the-art mechanical augmentations and the drugs to support them were forced...

>All the people who could afford state-of-the-art mechanical augmentations and the drugs to support them were forced into poor, run down shanty towns and only one company makes the drugs they need, said company which has no in-game presence in said shanty town

How? I'm liking the game and all how does a most rich minority of people get forced into shitty ghettos? This metaphor and setting sucks

Because the events of HR caused their rights to be taken away.

All unregistered augs get moved to Golem, those who are and have permits can move freely

Government doesn't give a shit how much money you have. What do you think happened to rich jews in Nazi Germany?

This whole Aug idea sounded silly from the get go. Why would anybody chop off their limbs and get them replaced when you can jump into an exoskeleton or have a remote machine do what you want.

>how does a most rich minority of people get forced into shitty ghettos
Maybe that whole thing where augs were made to go berserk and kill hundreds of thousands of people

For the last time

Darrow made a lot of Augs go insane and start slaughtering people and committing suicide, worldwide all at once. This is why they're being persecuted.

Yes, the use of this as some kind of tie to actual real world racism and prejudice is ham-fisted and poorly thought through.

because it's cooler

Because quite a lot of them were amputees in the first place. Because organic machines are ugly, foul-smelling and weak. And probably because it was fashionable.

Yeah, I know the story of HR, doesn't make this sound any -less- dumb, feels extremely flimsy compared to Deus Ex 1 where people are poor because the people get all the taxes and the corporations get none
We're talking about the franchise that's first plot point is a terrorist talking about plutocrat conspiracies and how bankers and rich people control everything

>most rich minority of people get forced into shitty ghettos?

The game states numerous times that some people just got augmented due to work (construction, bomb squad and a few others) since they needed to compete for work or to replace a limb whilst most rich augmented got them just for the sake of having them. The poor ones who got augmented for work are the ones who get forced into golem city whilst the richer augmented can afford the cost of paperwork and bribes to stay in Prague and the Police are less willing to harrass the rich ones in general.

This is alluded to by the fact that many of Prague's augmented being stopped by police are well dressed and in suits with fancy looking augs and by other things. Plus Golem city is unique in its severity supposedly

>because it was the normie thing to do


>self improvement without the need for effort or lifestyle changes

People would eat that shit up like no tomorrow

is it just me or do i see a feel hidden in his spit

Just you

>how does a most rich minority of people get forced into shitty ghettos?

One they're not all rich, many are workers or medical augmented people, and two, there are precedence where the state just declares one part of the population illegal and takes everything from them, from the templars in France during middle ages to nazi Germany

Not all Augs are expensive. Jensen's are priceless but almost everyone else has standard affordable augs.

Most were middle to low income class. The rich one's prefer to use neural augs instead.

Still, it doesn't mean that all aug users are rich.

Yeah all of the wealthy seem to only have neural AUGs if they have any.
Which makes sense, low visibility and a lot of benefits for white collar workers.

>from the templars in France

>Be king
>borrow money
>can't pay for borrowed money
>elevate childhood friend into pope
>call everyone I owe a heretic
>kill said heretics


Based Philippe le Bel

No surprise a bunch of continental, Quebecois cunts have to turn a quality setting and franchise into muh bigotry.

>standard affordable augs
No such thing. The ones that aren't offered/forced onto the workforce are sold with long term payment plans to make more people think they can afford to be "part of the future". And then there's the fact that even after the aug has been paid for, Neuropozyne is a continual cost for the foreseeable future. If you don't take it, it will kill you. Or you have to get your aug removed and, depending on what it is, ensure you never get a job again because who wants a one armed/legged cripple.

Just because they're widespread doesn't mean they're cheap

I don't understand how it's hamfisted. As a european, I'm seeing this shit happening right now with the muslims. Terrorism and a seemingly increasing threat (wave of refugees) transform societies and people very fast, myself included.

I better understand how shit like nazi germany could happen so fast when problems were even worse socially and economically.

So yeah, things like mankind divided can happen, and very fast

And in DE:MD you see a man who removed his neural aug and now not only hears constant ringing his body still thinks he's augmented so he needs to take neuropozyne anyway.

get off the keyboard and back to your inhalants

as a fan of the series I'm not even going to bother with this one.

the fact that I can't pirate it and my computer probably can't run it has no influence on this decision

I bet OP just watched annoyed juan's video and didn't even play both Human Revolution and Mankind Divided that's why he makes these kind of statements.
Or it's just another bait.