I feel this year has been so lackluster in good game.
I feel this year has been so lackluster in good game
Me too
All I liked was MH:Gen and Blood and Wine. Rest was meh.
Titan Quest Anniversary ed. was a pleasant surprise
>SUPERHOT is the only new game I've played this year
And it's only gonna get worse
there have been at least 20 good games to have come out so far. stop being a jaded faggot
What 20 games nigga?
This has been the worst console generation by far.
>not having a backlog extending back to the 90s or earlier for when modern vidya sucks all the time
They're probably shit
I mostly played stuff from last gen this year. Current gen is a joke and a really bad one.
1. Punch Club
2. Pony Island
3. The Deadly Tower of Monsters
4. Yakuza Kiwami
5. The Witness
6. Dragon Quest Builders
7. Great Detective Pikachu
8. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
9. Unravel
10. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
11. I Am Setsuna
12. Stardew Valley
13. Dark Souls III
14. Ratchet & Clank
15. Alienation
16. D44M
17. Kirby: Planet Robobot
18. Style Savvy: Fashion Forward
19. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X
20. Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
We need these boring years to clear our backlogs. All is well.
>Punch Club
>Naruto Buttonslapper Storm Ninja 4
>Punch Club
>Naruto Buttonslapper Storm Ninja 4
i can do it to
You're really reaching here, user.
This is cancer
>wahhh there are no good games
>here are some good games
>wahhh its all shit
kill yourselves, entitled pricks
You put in some trash in there dude
Is that game any good? Want to play a fresh shooter.
Zero Time Dilemma was one of the biggest disappointments in a very long time.
what did he mean by this?
Kubo was way better
What did he mean by that?
really makes you think
Stellaris has been a blast for me despite its flaws. I love roleplaying as different types of empires.
I know I'm a huge faggot, but its fun.
I've been enjoying KOF14, but discussion is nonexistent.
>Stardew Valley
>Dark Souls III
>Kirby: Planet Robobot
>Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X
>Punch Club
>Pony Island
>The Witness
>I Am Setsuna
FOTM indies that can't stand on their own
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Ratchet & Clank
Did somebody say "More Remasters"?
>Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
Game for people who forgot that porn exists
>the rest
>Kubo was way better
Kubo is a good movie but Zootopia is a true master piece of the audiovisual medium!
Having tastes doesn't make one entitled. Use your buzzwords elsewhere. You're the one making claim there's "at least 20 good games" and then provide a list in which barely 5 games on there are worth even looking at
Lookit all that weebshit.
DOOM was great, at least campaign wise, which is kind of ironic.
But other than that, yeah, what else even came out or is still to come?
you probably havent played a single game on that list dipshit
>Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
Mai Ninja
Go back and play older games then, fag. Fuck, people with "nothing to play" barely count as Sup Forumsirgins. And if you're discounting going way back and playing older games because "muh aged like milk," then you REALLY need to fuck off.
This is it.
This is the worst list.
>love titanfall 2
>hyped for titanfall 2
>beta sucks
>love WW1 & 2 games
>hype for battlefield 1
>beta sucks
gears of war 4 is the only game that Im still hyped for and thats mainly because of the based horde mode on PC
2016 sucks
Sure user, whatever makes you feel better about your poor taste.
Don't forget the new Disgaea. Its good weebshit though.
post a pic of your copy of doom
I fucking loved the base launch.
I keep wanting to get back into the game but I keep telling myself to wait until the next patch, and then the patch comes out, and I tell myself to wait some more.
Same problem with Rimworld.
If you discount perfectly good games just because "i-it's weebshit!" you need to hurry up and go back to le reddit.
>Sure user, whatever makes you feel better about your poor taste.
oh look ANOTHER dirt fucking easy puzzle game that a 2 year old can finish before going to school BUT AT LEAST IT LOOKS PRETTY!
What was wrong with the BF1 beta?
Hard mode: don't say niggers.
fuck off
>8. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
>12. Stardew Valley
>13. Dark Souls III
>16. D44M
>17. Kirby: Planet Robobot
25% isn't that bad, I guess?
Map sucks and I hate how tanks are hard to deal with unless your one specific class.
Been fucking my shit up with different mods. Might be worth picking up again just for that.
the average time to beat unravel is 6 hours you are lying out of your ass
its hard to put my finger on it but each BF game has gotten more and more accessible. I think BF1 is my breaking point. the guns, the aiming, the movement, everything about it just feels easy. its hard to explain exactly why 2bh
guess Ill have to depend on tripwire not releasing a broken game for vietnam to scratch my WW1 & 2 itch
that won't happen
Total War Warhammer
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
This is the Police
Hearts of Iron 4
That's not too bad.
>ummmmm, ACTUALLY a 2 year old cant finish it before going to school
that wasnt his fucking point. the game is stupid easy
Hug your cum stained body pillow harder, user.
Stardew Valley and Doom are the only decent games there
all shit
>kind of ironic
DOOM was always single player focused, you dunce.
I think this year is great there are so many games I loved like Fire Emblem Fates, Star Ocean, Odin Sphere, Tokyo Miragge Sessions and there are a lot of games I'm still excited about like FF XV, Gravity Rush 2, TLG, World of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Dragon Quest VII, Pokemon Sun Moon
you should kill yourself if you dont like those four games
no it isnt
That was epic... Epic for the win!
>Total War Warhammer
giant TW fan and this is the only one that I wont put +200 hours in or even own. the historical aspect is half the fun for me so a fantasy game doesnt interest me, especially since I dont care about warhammer
>Star Ocean
>Great game with negative reviews everywhere
Fucking bullshit. Reviwers only shat on it because it was a JRPG.
But the usual focus this day and age is good multiplayer or bust. Especially with shooters. Every single massive FPS anymore is multiplayer first, campaign whenever (or not at all.) And they threw that away in favor of a good campaign,
It's good but seriously lacking in content
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
It could've been great but Squeenix meddled with it too much. Maybe the Director's Cut will make up for it.
meh im a massive warhammer faggot so i dont mind.
i would love some more historical total wars though. atilla was great
Good campaign and Mario Maker: Killdozer edition.
They added the weapon wheel to snapmap recently and it's fucking amazing.
Still no boss enemies
I could care less about reviews I enjoy game very much and beat it twice already. It's my third favourite game this year behind Fire Emblem and Tokyo Miragge Session if you have Wii U check that one to it's really great.
how about you fuck off, that list was actually garbage, not a single title there is worth someone's time OR money.
>Got a Vanillaware game.
>Got a Housemarque game.
>Got a Star Fox game.
>Got more Guilty Gear.
>Got localized God Eater R+2.
>Digimon Story CS was a really nice surprise, I'd never played Digimon before
>The Witch and the Hundred Knight got a great enhanced port AND a sequel confirmation.
>Grow Home got a sequel out of nowhere which was nice
>I Am Setsuna is a gorgeous little classic style JRPG and I'm loving it
>FF XV and TLG are both releasing in the coming months
>Watch Dogs 2 actually looks promising since the devs recognise the issues 1 had I liked 1 a lot despite its flaws, sue me
>Steins;Gate 0
>Pokemon Sun and Moon look great
And most importantly (for me anyway)
>Gravity Rush got a fantastic enhanced port and Gravity Rush 2 is releasing this fucking year
I've had worse years.
I've had a really good year actually.
>Darkest dungeon
>Xcom 2
>Battle fleet gothic: Armada
>Total warhammer
>Watching battleborn crash and burn
>Dark souls 3
>Killing floor 2 (Though I've been playing it for like a year and a half and it needs double the fucking guns it currently has.)
>EDF PC port
Not sure what recent year you're comparing 2016 to and getting the impression that it's been shitty.
This year was especially great for JRPG fans so much games across all systems and the next year it also looking great with Persona 5, Tales of Berseria, Nier Automata and Tokyo Xanadu coming early next year.
Grim Dawn, Darkest Dungeon and Stardew Valley are great games
>Nier Automata
>Nier Happy Uguu Cuhrazy version
>Total Warhammer
>Xcom 2
>Arma 3 APEX
About all in terms of good stuff this year
Huge disappointment
kill yourself
How about you kill me, pussy
Welcome to my world. I've been here eight years already.
-audible laughter-
Rather than the positives, let's focus on the negatives.
What were the worst titles this year?
>I liked Watch_dogs a lot
I'm sorry user, but you have horrible taste. Game never should've gotten a sequel.
No Man's Blunder by a mile get bored of it after a few hours.
I wouldn't call it bad, just boring and blatantly unfinished. It left a bland taste in my mouth, not a sour one.
>i would love some more historical total wars though
the next one is going to be a WW1 game, hear me out
for the first time in TW, there are aerial units in Warhammer. they're using Warhammer as a test for planes for a WW1 game
Uncharted 4
Dark souls 3
Mario Luigi Paper Jam(it was meh but I did enjoy playing through it)
Only games ive enjoyed in 2016. I played a few older games too, but new release wise its been meh. Only excited for new pokemon and south park at the end of the year.
>>Darkest dungeon
Grindy RNGfest.
>>Xcom 2
>>Battle fleet gothic: Armada
>>Total warhammer
Porn's good
Yeah ok
>>Watching battleborn crash and burn
>>Dark souls 3
>>Killing floor 2
>>EDF PC port
I got the first as a gift long after it first came out and was pleasantly surprised. I like open world games and WD basically took a known formula and messed with it by adding environment control. IMO the environment control is pretty damn fun and a fantastic spin for the genre.
Also Online Tailing was the shit. Some of the most fun I've had in a multiplayer mode, even.
It had issues, no doubt. Shit like the clunky driving and lack of polish in areas definitely hurt it. But I enjoyed it quite a bit and the sequel looks promising since the devs addressed some of 1s issues already based on the stuff they've said so far (more map variety, improved driving, more options when hacking individual things like cars).
I'm very happy it's getting a sequel.
Oh also, how the fuck did I forget to include Overwatch in my list of games I like this year. I've played 200 hours+ of it and fucking love it.
>Not putting Xcom 2 in the grindy RNGfest slot with DD.
Not even worth a (you)
The Witness.
Prove me wrong, faggots.
People just became too nitpicky to enjoy anything. Federation Force is a great example. A nice little co-op shooter with a lot of replayability and fun which got trashed by everyone for not being the Metroid game they wanted.
All I liked was Dark Souls 3 and the Witcher 3 expansions.
There is fucking nothing else, thus far.
Looking forward to Dishonored 2 and that's it.
Well, Watch Dogs 2 as well actually. Not the game itself, but its release since it will be THE meme game of the century.
>clicking my post link
>manually replying to me
>deciding my post is or isn't worth some value
>changing the post link
This is worth 500 (You)s, thanks
>not a good game
Yeah. No
>>you know who you are
>Implying you get to dictate the value of a federal reserve (You)
I'm calling the cyber feds, F*ggot
I mean.. I liked previous games, but this one was shit. A few bossfights were fun, but mostly it was worse than full burst.