Odin Sphere

Just finished this game, and I liked it a lot, the fast paced 2D action was something I missed.

What do you guys think of it ?

Velvet best girl

Really good, the remake fixed the most glaring problems with it apart from parts of the game feeling really repetitive. When you finish Gwendolyn's chapter and move on to Cornelius's, going through the same area and same boss is a bit of a downer. Thankfully the remake added new bosses to make it less of a slog though.

Be sure to try some of Vanllawares other games since you liked Odin Sphere .

Probably a GOTY for me.
Gwendolyn and Oswald are retards.
Velvet is best gril.
Ingway best boy.
Velvet didn't give a shit about Odin who could literally kill her with his pinky, but went complete 'oto-sama onegai' around King Valentine. Did he molest her and Ingway or something?

Also wish Mercedes and Ingway could have a happy ending, but I guess it makes for a better story that they didn't.

Try out Muramasa Rebirth. I liked it a lot too

Yeah, I had to take abreak just after Mercedes because I was forcing myself a little, finished the game two days after, Oswald and Velvet were very fun to use.

I am interested with Murasama and Dragon's Crown, wich one should I get first ?

In terms of gameplay

Velvet > Gwendolyn >= Mercedes > Oswald >>> Cornelius

I really hope Princess Crown gets translated some day, that and maybe Kumatanchi are still the only Vanillaware game that aren't in English.

Well. I like Murasama when I first played it a while back. I liked the skills system it had. As you probably already know the Vita version is pretty much the best way to play it. And I hear the DLC is pretty good.

Dragon's Crown is based more off of say old Capcom beat-um-up particularly the DnD ones and it shows. If you have someone to play it with it's really fun. But it's okay Solo too.

Muramasa definitely. It's got the same type of fast-paced combat. Dragon's Crown will feel way more obtuse. Plus it has the same basic storytelling style as Odin Sphere, whereas DC barely has a story - it's more of a dungeon crawler.

Get it on the Vita if you can, and get the complete edition ro whatever it's called with all 4 DLC

Someone's sill working on fantranslating the Saturn version of Princess Crown at least.

Really fucking hated playing as Oswald desu. Partly because he's an edgelord, partly because i didn't like his gameplay

too many re-used bosses. i quit at the dark knight guy because i feel like there will be nothing new if i keep playing

Why is it still 60 bucks? Should've dropped in price by now

I still need to play some more. Loved it on PS2 back in the day, and loving it on PS4 now. It's seriously fucking gorgeous and a blast.

God damn I fucking love Vanillaware.


Well fuck me I don't own a Vita. Will see how I can play it.

I enjoyed wrecking shit with his Berserk form, and was bored the rest of the time, but Cornelius was worse for me.

You miss the five final bosses of the game user.

Dem tities

A Wii version exists, but it never got the DLC which is part of what makes the Vita version so great.

I like Saturn games so it doesn't bother me.

>Did he molest her and Ingway or something?
It wouldn't surprise me, he was obsessed with his own daughter.

That's not the problem

The guy didn't want to do the PSP version if that's what you're getting at.

>They fucking pulled Dragon's Crown from the european store
Fuck me. With a rusted metal stick.

Just buy a disc

>implying anyone owns a saturn
>implying saturn emulation is even remotely good
That's the problem

I have one.

>saturn emulation

It's the [Current year] not the early to mid 00's. It can't be that bad anymore.

I'm trying, but is hard to find a copy, new or second hand, specially if your country only cares about fucking Fifa and LoL (the other day I bought the only copy of God Eater 2 that arrived at the store I use to go). And no, I'm not going to buy a physical copy online, I don't trust the national mail system (too many packages lost or broken) nor do I want to pay extra for a private delivering company.

There are still a couple of small stores I need to check though.

Well yeah you're in a tight spot there. Pretty much the only place to find these kind of niche titles that easily is online

Not him but I live in a shitland named Algeria, online shopping isn't even a thing here. I've been looking for games like Nier, Resonance of Fate or Dragon's Crown for so long without any result.

I like how her breasts are so big they basically use up all the skin she has, hence her skele-back and arms.

Shit. That sucks. There's not much you can do in that kind of case.

I do hope whatever small stores you can find has it.


Do you have physical game stores at least?
How do you play newer games?
Why haven't you run the fuck away?

It's my GOTY so far, I absolutely love.
BlazBlue Centralfiction will top it, though. I've already sunk an absurd amount of time into the demo and it's only been out two days.

>Better than based Cornelius in any way, shape, or form
I'll fight you

>Do you have physical game stores at least?
They only sell pirated copies, I buy games when I go in France

>How do you play newer games?
Depends, I played Demon's Souls and Tales of Xillia when they were out, played Uncharted 2 4 years later.

>Why haven't you run the fuck away?
Money, family and other stuff. But mostly money, I do however plan to leave, I can't see myself living the rest of my life with people too dumb to be able to hold a basic conversation.

I don't want to turn this into a blog, so let's end it here.

If Dragon's Crown hasn't been removed from the US store, you can make an US account on your PS3 and use that+US PSN dosh to buy it.

You for real, mate?

Cornelius > Gwendolyn > Oswald > Mercedes > Velvet
Velvet is still best girl, though.

What country?

Cornelius was boring, I had more fun with Mercedes while doging and shooting shit than playing with him.

And chaining abilities with Velvet and doing air/ground combo with her was awesome.

What the hell, she looks just like Eclair from La Pucelle.


That is wrong and you are wrong for having that opinion

Cornelius>Mercedes Cornelius

King Valentine stole every single scene he was in. Hell how he starts chapter 6 is golden.

Err...I reversed that. Eclair looks like HER.


I want to fuck Mercedes

Wish we saw her hair more, the only time we did was when she was help captive.



You wanna be turned into a furry or something?

Based Sawashiro Miyuki voicing best girl again.


I like his hat

>The way she put her finger in her mouth

Mercedes was literally just
>Fly up a bit
>Aim diagonally downwards
>Mash the everloving fuck outta your attack button while flying backwards
>Use your AOE skill if enemies get too close
>Land and reload as needed
For damn near every single fight. Her fight with Wagner was great, but that's it, none of her other fights were even remotely interesting.
>SHMUP sections
Guess what, I can't stand SHMUPs.
Also, I have no idea how to read that ranking. Why would you use both > and < like that?

Cornelius is the fucking king of juggles, how could that possibly bore you!? And once you get his lategame abilities, you can tear through enemies with his super form, his huge lasers, etc.
Fuck, even at the very beginning, he gets access to a spell that can stun enemies, leading to almost infinite combos if you just reapply the spell every now and then.


I like his everything. I wanna fuck Ingway

Every fight with Cornelius was just casting his lighting spell that stun enemies and use your abilities/mash you attack button while waiting for your bar to recharge. Taht's why I found him boring.

That's part of why I love him. I love keeping my combos going for absurd amounts of time.

Finished Gwedolyn story a couple of weeks ago and started Cornelius but I'm having a break. It's pretty fun but it gets repetitive really fast. Is there a way to switch stories without having to finish them in order? It would make it less tedious. At least that's what helped me get through muramasa.

Nope, one by one.

Velvet is better at this.

I just hate how I have to spend 90% of the time eating shit so that I will be leveled up enough, instead of playing the actual game

Never trust a butt


I read that as
>The way she put her finger in her butt

I wouldn't mind helping her to do that.

How nice of you.

I started playing the game recently and just got to Cornelius.

I fucking hate playing him, maybe it's because I just started but it feels like he doesn't flow nearly as well as Gwendolyn.

Really fun and gorgeous game. The soundtrack is amazing too. Probably my favorite game on my PS4

His moves are awkward at first, but once you get the hang of him, he's a blast to use.

That's ironic, I didn't like Muramasa because I felt it got super tedious.

I'm enjoying Odin Sphere a lot more and it's keeping my interest more.

Cornelius is a crazy killing machine and the most fun character to use in my opinion. Once you've gotten use to him you may change your mind

>Is this guy really hitting on me ?
>Does he think he has a chance ?
>Where the fuck did Ingway go ?
>I wish Cornelius was pounding me.


I only played the PS2 version. God damn was it repetitive as hell.

So do you just have terrabytes of pictures of vidya waifus, or...?

It's a 10/10 game
Also for Sonys TGS conference I think along with 13 Sentinels gameplay we will get a Muramasa 2 announcement since they teased a sequel in an image last year

Not that much. But a good bit of them. Name one and I might have a picture of her. Otherwise it's someone new I can look up.

>Muramasa 2
i doubt that very much
vanillaware doesnt do sequels

Merveille from Solatorobo?

>they teased a sequel in an image last year
Post it.

Actually. Nope well not here at least. I do have some Solatorobo stuff. But it's all scattered around(I should really get to making that folder for it)

>Still at full price

it came out like 2 months ago

>making Alice sit on the couch without a book and holding up


Muramasa PS4 port when?

Cutest thing

Maybe someday.

That's one comfy loli

Amazon had the Storybook edition for 64 a couple of weeks ago, Glad i waited for it.

I want some news about the game with the mechs.
Gather all the Valentine coins for it.

>making Alice pick up Socrates and sit on the chair


Mercedes deserved a better end than what she got. She's pretty much the only one who dindu nuffin

Yeah. I can understand that.


>Gather all the Valentine coins for it.

I wish we had an option for that and play with a human Cornelius


Odin Sphere Remake > Dragon's Crown > Muramasa Remake > Odin Sphere > Muramasa

how is this game for ps3?
