Who wins?
Who wins?
Red obviously
Why not use either of Red's canon teams?
Manga Red is a far more impressive trainer than Ash.
So Red, yes.
>The very best versus 20 years of failure
Gee, I wonder.
>very best
>lost to Gold
jsut wanted to post this fun gif, enjoy
Important question
Is it the Championship match? If not, Ash. If so, Red because Ash will job so hard it hurts
>3 flying types
Ash is retarded
Red, no question
Half of Ash's team would get wrecked by Pikachu alone because of his shitty type matchup judgement. M-Venusaur would wear out the others with PoisonPowder which leaves Goodra/Noivern/Pikachu to be comfortably dealt with by Gyarados/Aerodactyl.
>Losing to one kid is the same as losing in every championship.
Even if you gave Ash a team full of legendaries he would still lose, he is that bad. You would think that after 20 years training pokeymans he would have become good, but nope, he is the same old shit.
>Everyone saying Red
I don't think you guys realize how OP Ash-Greninja is
>anyone defending Red when his Poliwrath has that moveset
>wearing out anything
>with no recovery
so op he lost easily in the one fight that mattered?
So op he's gonna be dumped pidgeot style?
Faggot Red doesn't have a single fucking Ice move and neither a Rock one
Finally, someone said it. What do you need mind reader for?
so did anyone ever explain the concept of bolt-beam to ash
because hilariously enough, misty's starmie could actually wreck his entire team
Is it during a tournament in the show or a movie?
This is very important.
So you know when to use Focus Punch safely, of course. :)
So OP he still one shots everything aside a plot armor fight?
Ash jobs very often even when it's not the championship.
He's pathetic.
remember when his pikachu actually had issues with a lv 5 chikorita
Ha ha ha.
EdgeQuake too.
Ash is not Red though.
Ash is jobber supreme. Red wins easy.
Depends on abilities of the pokmeon but still Ash has a lead with those two dragons and Red has nothing to counter them.
>mainly special gyarados
>strength and tackle snorlax
>poliwrath with literally only focus punch and water gun
>>>>>frenzy plant
>red would win easily, guys! his team is superior!
It doesn't matter that Ash has three flying types when Red doesn't have a way to deal rock/ice damage and only one Pokemon with electric moves.
>Ash jobs very often even when it's not the championship
That's not true.
This is cute.
Bruh. Ash destroyed both Onyx and Rhydon with Pikachu. Rhydon is immune to lightning.
With that lineup? Ash takes it no contest. Pikachu alone can wipe the floor with 3 of Red's pokemon, that's not even taking into account Ash-Greninja and that whole fuckery.
This. The moveset is too basic for Red.
For fuck's sake he's running focus punch without hypnosis.
>ash's entire team is weak to misty and brock's trump 'mons
Its like pottery
do you think anyone will actually say ash?
if Red replaced that tackle on his snorlax (seriously tackle) with curse he'd actually have himself a competitively viable 'mon
Gold is a fucking champion too.
see aside from ash being incompetent, there's no reason he should lose
ash also has a few stupid choices
pikachu that's begging to be walled by ground types
greninja with 1 good move that's ignoring everything good about greninja
and I don't know what that goodra is trying but its not working
Jesus, both their teams have awful movesets.
Trying to make Pikachu into a mixed attacker is already a bad idea with that pathetic bulk. At least he has priority?
Lol HM on your heavy hitter.
That said, he does have Double Team, so at the very least it could potentially evasion stall if it isn't knocked out like a bitch beforehand.
Would be incredibly scary if it wasn't for the fact that it has fucking Flame Body. Could get a burn if it's lucky I guess, but Steel Wing and Razor Wind are jokes, and it doesn't need Flame Charge because its speed is already great. At least it's packing Brave Bird, I guess.
3 fucking fighting moves, why? This entire set gets walled by practically any Ghost type.
Rain Dance is ok I guess, but Ice/Dragon isn't the best coverage (covering mostly the same types) and Bide is useless on this thing.
Supersonic is shit that will miss half the time, but the rest of that set is at least somewhat decent. Not fantastic, and it gets walled hard by Steel types, but it can hit hard and get STAB on both types and thus is not completely awful at least.
Ash's greninja doesn't follow the rules.
Watergun, really? Well, at the very least, it could spam Double Team and hope to pull off a Focus Punch. It's gimmicky but at least there's some sort of strategy here.
>Mega Venusaur
It's a solid wall, and would completely wreck most of Ash's team if it weren't for the fact that its moveset is so awful. Vine Whip sucks, Poison Powder is a worse Toxic, and Frenzy Plant is shit that leaves you open. At least Sweet Scent will let it counter Greninja, I guess?
Once again, a mixed attacker on a glass cannon that needs to focus on one stat. At least it has good coverage and hard hitting moves.
Why the fuck does this thing have Strength AND Tackle? Does Snorlax even learn Tackle?
This looks like a little kid's moveset. Two special water moves, no good STAB, and Body Slam? What is this, Gen I?
No STAB aside from a shitty two turn move, fucking Supersonic again, and gets walled by Steel types again.
>Ever winning a fight that matters
>what is this, gen 1?
You know who was a fucking beast in gen 1?
Motherfucking tauros.
>No Charizard
>those fucking movesets
Yeah, no. Ash would still lose horribly and you know it.
Jesus what a badass
>critical hit: the team
Ash's Pikachu can literally solo that team you posted with no difficulty whatsoever.
I don't understand ash anymore as a character, he's totally incompetent and constantly loses, but now he has this mary sue pokemon team full of pseudo legendaries, oh and also he can digivolve his greninja or some bullshit.
You mean the Pikachu that lost to a level 5 Snivy?
>>>>>three flying types
Yes, i mean the Pikachu that was depowered by a legendary for 52 episodes and lost to a lv5 Snivy with overpowered moves for its level.
At least that had an excuse, Red vs Giovanni was worse than anything the anime ever did.
The only thing Ash has over Red is dying as many times as Krillen.
>Attract is op
Get a life you fucking dork
Red because Ash is bound by destiny to job
>this mad at birds
stay grounded
>using the internet to look up damage and strats midfight
There is something called in-game knowledge. Hope they limit turn times to 10 seconds so stallfags could kill themselves.
My point was that anti-Ashfags were using "three flying types" as a way to criticize his team.
please dont go muh charizard, BW season nerfed him hard and replaced his god moveset with shitty moves, he's not as good anymore, look it up for proof
If you removed all of the Kalos jobbers then why is the worst one still there.
Thank you user. I will save this gif and always think back to you when I watch it.
Even if you matched their Pokemon up against each other in that order that there's actually a pretty decent chance that ash could win.
>Pikachu uses thunderbolt against poliwrath dealing 2x damage and the STAB bonus
>poliwrath doesnt have any moves that could potentially fuck over Pikachu meaning Pikachu could win if ash isn't a retard who doesn't know about type advantages
Ash wins
>Ash greninja spams double team then uses multiple aerial aces in which case ash wins that round
>Venasaur goes first uses poison powder than frenzy plant and vine whip in which case red would win
Ash or red could win, depends on how they'd follow the rules
>Talon flame can't really do anything against reds Pikachu except hope for the STAB bonus
>Reds Pikachu has thunder AND volt tackle against flying so 2x damage and the STAB bonus so red propably wins that round
Red wins
>Hawlucha uses any fighting moves enough, he gets STAB and 2x damage
>Snorlax can only hope to rest enough to drag out the right, strength is the only real chance red has for winning and earthquake has no effect
Ash wins
>Goodra uses dragon pulse multiple times for the STAB or even ice beam for normal damage against gyarados
>Gyarados uses hyper beam which has a possible chance of fucking ash up but then has to recharge. hydro pump and surf give a STAB bonus, but it's not very effective against goodra so It probably won't work as well
Ash has a better chance of winning
>Noivern uses dragon claw enough times to crush aerodactyl since it's a decent damage dealing move
>Aerodactyl uses dragon claw enough to be super effective against noivern and win
Another possibility for either of them to win
So let's say it's a tie.
Even though ash has a better chance of winning
Types don't matter in the ashime
Ash doesn't switch out mid-fight unless one of his mon faints, so... Snorlax walls Pikachu, Venusaur wrecks Greninja, Pikachu procedes to rape Hawlucha and Talonflame, Aerodactyl takes out Noivern easily, and then he's got Gyarados and Poliwrath to finish off Goodra.
Red wins.
>BW season nerfed him hard and replaced his god moveset with shitty moves, he's not as good anymore, look it up for proof
what do you mean?
I really really like this picture.
Whats the elapsed time in the tv serie ? Like 6 months or so ?
Best teams for both:
>Mewtwo Lmfao
>Mega Charizard X Lmfao
>Mega Venasaur Lmfao
Only one mega per fight
Haha, I really like this gif. Do you mind if I save it?
This is wrong, some autist calculated every time a passage of time was implied, stated, and shown and it netted in approximately 10+ years.
I love that fucking Delphox destroys five of Ash's "best team".
I never would have guessed he would have used a Dodrio or Persian. I really like that they decided to go for an entirely original team in Origins.
Well, excluding Charizard.
It really doesn't matter. Red canonically has Mewtwo and completely stomps on everything Ash has.
>ash vs red thread
>op clearly shows they're going for game rules and canon
>anons are still using anime feats instead of numbers and movesets as their argument
Three flying types, six jobbers, one more league lost.
Charizard/Krookodile/Snorlax can easily replace him
Why couldn't they make the pokemon anime like they do the manga? After that pokemon origins ova they made you would have think they would have learned that aiming more towards the manga's storytelling would have been pretty damn popular.
Muk has never lost a battle though, right?
Well, this is wrong too, because Ash sure isn't fucking 20 year old. Not doubting the autist, but clearly he put way more thoughts into it than the creators of the show.
Neither has Primeape.
That's because the hacks that make the anime refuse to let the main character age or even develop
It just for convenience that the characters don't evolve. Just like in the simpsons where they still have the same age after +20 years, and talk about recent events despite the show taking place canonically in the 90s.
Lazy writing.
>what could have been
Ash never even fought Giovanni