This is a good game


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I disagree

I disagree

Nope, and its sequel is awful too


it felt clumsy and slow when I tried it

No idea what people see in this game

>anyone who dislikes the game MUST be an egoraptor fan

Classic Sup Forums

>Disliking SA1 means you like Arin


I didn't like it before that fucker

I mean, it's alriiiiight, but it's starting to show its age.
Sonic, Tails, Knucks and Gamma are all fine enough. but Amy and Big kill any desire I have to replay it.

I actually liked the Big levels.

Better than its sequel.

I agree

It's okay. The graphics were good for the time, but even then the lip sync or lack there of was unreal and the voice acting was never good.

The chao garden not having a menu made a lot of things harder than they should have been if you weren't an active VMU user either.

Though the rest is pretty good and the big the cat levels are much easier than people always suggest.

Absolutely loved it and SA2 as a little kid, but they're both showing their age now.

It needs a remake with Boost gameplay.

I love the game and have fond memories of it, but it is absolute fucking garbage and ruined the franchise.

I still love it, and 2.
Probably nostalgia but whatever, in that grand scheme of things all that matters is what you think, and I like it.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are great only plebs and autists disagree

it's okay at best
Too much of the game is pointless filler. Even the bits that are overall good (Sonic, Tails, Knux) are still kind of iffy.

also, Casinopolis as Sonic is shit

And then there's the rest -- Amy has no reason to be as bad as she is -- she could have had somewhat fun, more traditional platformer levels. Gamma is clunky as shit overall, but he got cool boss fights. Big has zero reason to even be in the game. Literally none.

at least you can ignore all of the really bad parts completely

never did like the whole adventure field thing -- it gives life to the area, but I want to play the actual game, not run around back and forth going between places

SA2's got four major issues:
>uses one action button for everything (wanted to light dash? bounce attack to your grave)
>camera is absolute shit
>you spend fuck-all time actually playing as Sonic/Shadow, and Tails/Knux/Rogue aren't that much fun, and Eggman's stages are Tails' stages but slightly better
>Knux/Rouge's radar is fucking awful, making what could have been a more expansive version of SA1's generally fun Knux stages into a fucking chore. There's no reason for you to only know where one piece is at a time.

they're crippling issues (replayed the entire game yesterday with some buddies since we wanted to unlock Final Rush in multiplayer in SA2B and we didn't have a memcard with an all clear save on it), but the game has its moments where it's brilliant

there's other issues (item powerup unlocks are no fun at all here, the game really shines when you're fully powered up and all the characters are clunky as fuck before you get all of their shit, story is kind of hilariously bad), but they're not game breaking

honestly, this

it's not like SA1's opinion started going through the floor sometime around when Heroes came out or anything (dunno why, unless SADX's release had something to do it, or maybe Heroes just tainted the concept of 3D Sonic in general for people)

It gets a pass on charm alone. It's great fun, even if it can be a little buggy at moments and the hub worlds are sort of pointless and crappy.

>but he got cool boss fights
>mashing one button to win

Other than that, solid post.

This is a better game.

It's ok I love it too user

It was a very good game

>Casinopolis as Sonic is shit

i like it

I hate that you can't criticize anything about it now because the autistic fanboys scream that e-celeb said something, magically making it void, as if it didn't exist until they said so.

>tfw I hate this game and always have and can't talk about it now because I get accused of being Arin Hansen

It's my favorite Sonic game. But I also fucking loved Chronicles, so there's that.

The classic games are good, but I hope fans of Sonic from 1999-2008 get some love from Sonic Team too.

t. Arin Hansen

It's not bad, I'd rate it around 6/10.

It was alright.

Ever since GameGrumps did their lets play of it people have been coming in droves saying it's a bad game. I don't care how much you try to say otherwise, there has been an increase of faggots against this game because of Egoraptor. It's just like when Ego did that Sequelitis of Ocarina of Time. A bunch of faggots came out of the woodwork echoing his shitty opinion.

If all the characters played like Sonic the Adventure games would be GOAT.

more like if their missions were like sonic's, i wouldn't mind if they had some differences like tails' flight or knux glide, or making amy like her advance incarnation or some variation on their speed

'Gameplay'. The game practically plays itself and there's no enemies to speak of.

That's adventurefags for ya.

>that intro

Fucking dropped

>It's a Genestists and GGfags shitting over a perfectly fine game episode

Explain the difference between this and the Dreamcast version please

>you don't like what I like. that makes you a fanboy!

Fuck off.

Please have sex.

Dreamcast version is good. Unfortunately, it's the DX version that's widely availible and that one's pretty rough.

>crappy new models
>uneven framerate
>removed detail and effects

don't let the more vibrant mystic ruins fool you

All of what you said is the opposite of true

One of them looks like shit.

The other is on Sega Dreamcast.

Frame rate is a bit better than dreamcast, characters have a more polished model, SA2 chao garden,mission mode, And gamegear games.

PC version have some shaders and effects missing from gc version, also frame rate is less stable than GC.

Don't shitpost with the Mania, please

Wait, do people really like the DC version more? GC has better graphics, SA2's chao garden, the missions, and the Game Gear games.

Though the DC does have Chao Adventure

>buildings turning white out of nowhere
this nigga's graphics card is dying or what?

Hit the weights, take a shower, lose weight, have sex, gain height, get a clue.

No, I've played both extensively. The DX version has an unlocked 60fps framerate, but often dips as opposed to the the Dreamcast's preferable locked 30. The character models don't necessarily look better even though that was the intent (the plastic sheen is ass). The updated textures often look better, but hide the fact that detail was outright removed in areas (Final Egg). Also, the draw distance is worse.

The SA2B Chao system and an actual (albeit still sorta poor) all-emblem reward is nice, though.

>The updated textures often look better, but hide the fact that detail was outright removed in areas (Final Egg).
What do you mean?

There are missing details in some of the backgrounds.

>TFW can't have good Sonic discussion anymore thanks to Maniafags

I hope you fuckers have never criticized Mario for rehashing before, since it's clear that you guys just want the same game over and over.

The DX version has terrible controls, butchered physics, more glitches, hideous graphics, is far more unpolished, and the best word to describe the feeling that you get from playing it is "stunted". If the DX version had never existed, Sonic Adventure wouldn't be called shit by so many people.

if you're implying it isn't, you're retarded
it's a cool idea, but instead of exciting, fun pinball mechanics, you end up with sluggish garbage

there's like three posts with Mania involved, m90

>it's a /sthg/ leave their containment episode

This is probably bait since this seems like a pretty intense strawman, but the Mario series at least got some pretty damn good traditional Super Mario Bros games in the vein of NSMBW and NSMBU. Hell, even the 3D Land/World games count here.

Sonic got Sonic 4.

>but the Mario series at least got some pretty damn good traditional Super Mario Bros games in the vein of NSMBW and NSMBU. Hell, even the 3D Land/World games count here.

No one responds to your post because they know you're right

I fucking hated it even on launch day. The Sonic levels were passable, but everything else was pure shit, including the hub areas.


Sonic Levels: Good
Tails Levels: Okay
Knuckles Levels: Okay
Amy's Levels: Mediocre
Big's Levels: Bad
Gamma's Levels: Okay to Mediocre

It's an average game. Not great but not terrible like Arin "Aryan" Hanson made everyone believe.

>Sonic Advance 1/2/3
>Sonic Advance on N-Gage
>Sonic Genesis for GBA
>Rush/Rush Adventure
>Sonic 2 mobile
>Sonic Dream Collection

Plenty of great classic-style games m8. Classicfags like to act all rascally and pretend that they're oppressed, but the truth is they've always been well catered-to.


>Sonic Advance on N-Gage
>Sonic Genesis for GBA

its variance of fun depletes the further you progress.

I meant to throw "recently" in there, but you are right. The Sonic series got some pretty nice traditional 2D games in an era where the Mario series basically shafted its gameplay heritage. Things shifted, though.

Nobody responds to it because you fags blame e-celebs when you can't articulate a defense for your shit game. Even though I've been shitting on SA2 for years and years, I'm clearly just following the opinion of some literally who giraffe looking motherfucker.

Too bad this defense didn't take off until recently. I would have liked to see apologists say that people just hate Sonic 06 because Spax3 sheepishly slurred a bunch of nonsense about Jason Griffith.

Please refer to the following before posting shit about a game without being objective to how is actually is.

>perfect chaos
>not the definition of fun

shame it's over so quickly

Almost perfect, just take the right half of the Unleashed box art and move it down to Meh.

I unironically believe that 2006's hate is overblown. It was just seen as a bad game until PokeCapen's Lets Play, but then it became "OMG WORST GAME EVER xD". It's not that bad of a game.

Same with Busby 3D and Seanbaby

Not him, but you've already sabotaged your point by making a comparison to '06.

Sonic Adventure 1 is horrible aged. It's on the same Level as Sonic 06 in his Quality. In Fact, every 3D Sonic after that (even Lost Worlds) was a lot better.
Jeez, Sonic Adventure 2 did everything better than this Game, why the Fuck should anyone play this?

>defending Bubsy 3D
Seek help.

its not like you can just play sonic and get there. You have to unlock that shit.

I enjoyed this game but egoraptor said it's bad so I hate it now.

What other high-profile platformers have the degree of glitches, jank, and frequency of load screens as sonic 06? There are literally none.

06 is the result of a shitty development process exacerbated by months of lost progress... and that info wasn't made public until well after release. It deserves its reputation.

Literally the only things wrong with Bubsy 3D are the controls and the graphics. The music is good. The level design is solid.

And the controls can be worked around if you just git gud





s'all right.

Oh, it's a bad game. But it shouldn't be near a "worst game ever" list. Because there are hundreds of games worse than 2006.

>first phase of the fight has triumphant buttrock to get you pumped
>second phase has anti-climactic generic giant monster music
How did they fuck this up? Just switch the order of the music? Who made that shitty call?

The same person who decided it was a good idea to make you fight the same boring Chaos 4 fight three times

>play as Big
>get to the Chaos 6 fight
>beat it in less than 3 seconds
What was the point of even having the fight?

"It's not literally the worst game ever" doesn't mean much when it's still a pile of unplayable trash.

>It's on the same Level as Sonic 06 in his Quality
i don't remember the loading times being that awful on adventure, the bugs aren't that game breaking,and the story didn't have something as cringy as sonic's death and resurrection, and at least it doesn't have useles power ups like 06, in fact SA2 has those
what the fuck is the point of magic hands?

Well most games are shit. '06 has its place in history due in large part for being prolific and hyped up. Lots of people were expecting it to be great.

It also sold a lot of copies, so a lot of people got to experience it. Most truly awful games end up being marginalized and invisible to people.

Has it aged well? No. Do I still have a blast with it? Yes. I know that the game has a terrible camera, terrible voice acting, and Big the Cat, but as I grew up with this game I can overlook these (very big mind you) flaws and have a grand old time. Same kind of goes for the sequel, but that's for only 1/3 of that game because the mech sections were unnecessary and the Emerald hunting sections could go eat a dick, but I still can enjoy the Sonic and Shadow sections. If you want to understand more behind people overlooking flaws because they grew up with the game, watch this ( ) video, as it explains what I call "Nostalgic immunity" very well. Just know that the mic quality is shit.

Another defense of Sonic 2006: the gems you could buy at the end of the game were fun as fuck. It's like the devs said "Whatever, you beat the game, do whatever the fuck you want". I wish more games had stuff like that.


The controls are miserable. The easiest way to control Bubsy is to always be jumping, but then you can't see where the fuck you're heading. The stage design is "let's slap some platforms in the air and mountains and shit" -- occasionally serviceable, but never really competent.
The audio is lame. It's just shit all around.

They played Jumping Flash for like ten seconds and then decided to poorly attempt to do everything that game did, but as a third-person game.

learn how To type You fuck Jesus who Types like This

On a serious note, SA1 isn't really that bad either. It's absolutely full of problems, and SA2 does fix a damn lot of shit -- you can't say Sonic Team didn't learn from their mistakes (shame it's got its own long-ass laundry list of issues). But really, what's so Sonic '06-tier about SA1? It's controllable, load times aren't a major issue, it's only somewhat glitchy.
06's main fucking gameplay is a glitchy mess that takes ages to get to. It literally fucks up everything SA1 does right.

And hell, Heroes is easily worse than SA1 (which is appalling, since it clearly did learn lessons from SA1 and 2, didn't throw half-assed alternate gameplay around, it's just poorly designed and has some really bad levels and lame combat -- and it focuses more on combat than the rest of the series, it's more like a long stretch of mediocrity with very few particularly decent parts rather than being more like how SA1/2 have some real shit bits and some real fucking ace bits).

The problem is that the phase 1 theme didn't just play throughout. Having it blare right when you see "Perfect Chaos" get typed out onto the screen was amazing.

The fight shouldn't have had phases. Just give the first one twice the health.

Sonic Adventure isn't terrible but I can't in all good conscious call it good. It's just mediocre overall.

Everything about it aged like milk. Being forced to play through as other characters if you want the true ending is a chore since most of them are poorly designed, bland retreads of things you already did with other characters, or just plain not fun. Basically all of the characters that aren't Sonic come off like a bunch of pointless filler. And as for its place in the series, it introduced many elements that would go on to taint the series for generations. Plus you've got shit like the bad camera and that awful casino level.

It's not all bad, and I won't say it's devoid of good ideas or anything, but it's just hard to get a lot of enjoyment out of it if you don't have any nostalgia for the game.


>The controls are miserable. The easiest way to control Bubsy is to always be jumping, but then you can't see where the fuck you're heading.

Sounds like somebody needs to get good.

Is aged milk terrible or just mediocre?

I hate this phrase

>TFW can't have good Sonic discussion anymore thanks to Maniafags
Sonic discussion on Sup Forums was always shit. Any discussion on Sup Forums has always been shit.

You're probably that one guy who was spamming "LOL FANGAME" every Mania thread the other day.

Leave a gallon of milk sitting in the sun for a week, take a drink, and tell me if you'd describe the taste as "mediocre".