>tfw still can't git gud after over 15 hours played
I thought I would make progress by now, but jesus this game is HARD
Tfw still can't git gud after over 15 hours played
Somebody didn't pray to RNGesus hard enough.
If you suck use the marine as a crutch at first because he has the most balanced base
use the pilot
This, Pilot is best character. You learn how to deal with a shit starting pistol and then you win. Also keep unlocking shit, you don't get the best stuff until about 20 hours in.
got the fucking camera and thought "okay limited ammo, came from a blue chest, must have decent damage right?"
I've been using the marine because I hate the bullets not going where I'm aiming and his aim is like 10x better than the pilot
as I said, I hate having shit aim
though since the only Bullet component I can reliably get is the gunpowder I might end up switching to him if I can ever manage to even GET to the forge.
>fucking camera
It DOES have somewhat decent damage. Then it goes through the roof if you have 5+ enemies onscreen. Basically poor mans BSG.
...the damage goes up the more enemies are in the room?
fuck, should not have done what I'd been told and saved all guns except starter for the boss, huh.
>the damage goes up the more enemies are in the room?
Technically, since it hits everyone at once.
oh, so it's piss pots anyways, good to know.
I have no issue with the games difficultly. Its very fair and doable, especially with with a completely invincible dodge. Its the fucking pea shooter guns and getting bored that stops me from getting to the very end.
Why are you playing poor man's Nuclear Throne?
Woah there, first try and get to the forge before you even think about getting bullet parts. Getting one of those parts generally means hurting your chances of survival, so best to do that until you feel confident. It's going to take multiple pay sessions to assemble the bullet parts, so don't rush anything and burn yourself out.
I find getting the arcane gunpowder to be easy as fuck once I figured out the pattern of carts stays the same every time, I just can't afford to lose the active slot every fucking time.
>find red chest on floor one
>try to open it
>90% of guns are toss
>Bulletsponge enemies
>Tedious, stupidly long playthroughs mean you lose the will to keep playing
Its like a shit mans BoI
You actually need to keep playing in order to get the better items and guns. The weaker guns you use to clear rooms, and the stronger ones you save for bosses and such.
Are they even going to do any more content Game got really boring really fast
I miss /lite/
Reminder that Glacier is best early game boss gun:
The biggest problem with EtG is that 99% of your unlocks are side-grades, with a tiny handful of true upgrades and downgrades.
Which would normally be fine, but the difficulty jump between Floors is a little too much for a game with so much middle ground, and few real synergies. They failed to really nail the Isaac balance.
>get Glacier
>get Hot Bullets
One of the few time this game was actually fun.
Would you say Nuclear Throne or Gungeon is harder?
>Pea Shooter vs any starting gun
NT is harder, EtG has a steeper difficulty curve.
what is this
I miss it as well.
NT is harder.
ETG is more like a 40 minute concentration test where you start losing if you don't walk in the correct patterns.
I suck at both.
wait how do you skip levels like that?
I'm convinced the game is just bad. shooting a weak ass pistol all the time isn't fun I'd rather have better weapons with more enemies and bullets on the screen any day. At least then it would be more fun even if I lost, but the game is just miserable and 2 player sucks too
No, you just suck.
i made it to the third phase of bullet hell once. fucking close. but the runs are so fucking long.
Maybe it's just co-op. Do they scale enemies hp up in it? if not single player is probably an even worse slog. I hate these games where you need to play and die for 10-20 hours to unlock enough shit just to be able to progress.
>find a chest
>no key
>shoot it
>it was a mimic and I unlocked an item by shooting it before I tried to open it