So A friend asked me and i have no idea so i thought i would ask you all for help. Who the hell is the guy in this picture top right hand corner.Has white cloak purple popped collar and green shirt. Goatee red/brownish hair? What game is he from i can not figure it out.
Its solid snake from final fantasy
Is Damaskus from Pantsu Quest XII
really good help there guys.
Anyone at all actually know?
Set your avatar to that.
Go to some site that shows your avatar, like playstation or a leaderboard.
Reverse image search that avatar.
Tried that it gets me more avatar pictures but no actual description of the character.
You can't bump your own thread, so let me help. I'm curious about it too.
I always thought they were just generic fantasy characters made for the sake of having a set of Avatars that filled that area, but I don't know
works for me
>Multiple friends using avatars of the blonde girl and the one with orange hair.
Learn how to search google, found the game already:
What avatars do you use, Sup Forums?
these'ns. left is on my HK account, right is my US
This one.
I switch between this and Momohime.
Someone already did you a favor, OP.
This one specifically.
had this when i first got my ps3, havent changed it since
I've had santa sack boy since 2010. The one time I changed it a few years back alot of my friends got mad, so it's just permanently santa sackboy.
These two. Neptunia being my present and Neon when I first got my Ps3 Slim. Toro when I first got a ps3 back in 07
It looks nice evne though I'm not fond of skeletons
Character's name is Morgan.
Been using this since it first came out, I don't even know how long it's been.
Wish I could use Japanese account avatars on my NA account.
>tfw i always wanted to have the neptunia dynamic theme but i share my ps3 with my roommate and i dont want him thinking im a filthy weeb
>only one friend on PSN
>he uses the redhead
can't really complain since my avatar is some robot in a kimono. Think it's from a vita game? I dunno.
Exact same 2 Hk, Jp.
We should sum fuk
Who gives a shit? My login avatar in work is pic related
haven't played monster hunter in forever
been using this since i got a ps3 in 2006
i didn't even realize until later that it belonged to the best wipeout team
left is main, right is JP account
good taste
sent u an invite, bby ;)
Whos the flat slut cumdrinker on the left?
I dunno, just saw it while looking for a new avatar
Skullmegeddon or bust. Double Dragon Neon was the most fun I've had with a video game in 5 years.
Best avatar right here
Why do all the PSN avatars suck? Best one is that cat mascot that's only relevant to Japan.
>not using the little colored things that look like poop
>That bottom section with stupid random shit picked for avatars like those colored turds, a basketball, a witch & a shooting star