>60$ smackeroos on launch
>play as an odst with the same strength as a spartan for some reason
>shitty scavenger hunt to find mediocre levels
>shitty firefight with no customization
>bretty gud story tho
why does Sup Forums like this game?
>60$ smackeroos on launch
>play as an odst with the same strength as a spartan for some reason
>shitty scavenger hunt to find mediocre levels
>shitty firefight with no customization
>bretty gud story tho
why does Sup Forums like this game?
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty sure it was $40 max
had to look it up, it launched at 59.99 and quickly dropped in price.
you are not as strong as a spartan though, that's a retarded claim. being able to barely scrap by and kill a hunter =/= how easily Spartans can do it.
also you forgot about the soundtrack.
>jump three feet in the air
>melee a brute in 2-3 hits
you got the health kits, but you got those in reach too.
You objectively don't jump as high as you do in Halo 3.
It was supposed to be a Halo 3 expansion, but for some reason MS decided to sell it as a standalone release.
This is probably one of the comfiest games I've played. It's pretty good IMO but should have been sold for a lower price.
>firefight with no customization
This made it the best Firefight,
>can melee ayys to death like a spartan
>can hijack vehicles like a spartan
>can use detached turrets like a spartan
ODST's are supposed to be the best of the best outside of Spartans but I find it ridiculous how easy it is to melee kill enemies and carry a current easily.
>Can do everything you can as a Spartan
>Holding two weapons is somehow a foreign concept
I wish they would have emphasized stealth and surivival in the game
it was fan service to the people who grew up with Halo.
and yes it was comfy. dat biodigital jazz man
Nah, Reach had the best Firefight.
>and yes it was comfy. dat biodigital jazz man
It was supposed to be more stealth as in you're a little shit aganst all these guys. but instead they made the Soldier godlike. That fucking sucks so much.
>can take more hits than a spartan
>can move faster than a spartan
>can throw grenades farther than a spartan
No, it was 60. I vividly remember my gf had broken up with me that day and I was really frustrated with a lot of things and I was broke so I scrouged up 40 dollars in quarters and nickels to pay for the rest of the game because I wanted something and all my friends had talked about getting it.
Worth it though, firefight was amazing. Still the best in the series. It always bugged me however that if I wanted to play the second half of the mythic maps, I needed the disk that came with ODST and I couldnt play them off ym Halo 3 disk.
>shitty firefight with no customization
Not a downside.
Also that OST tho.
God tier
>shitty firefight
what prompted the change?
>>play as an odst with the same strength as a spartan for some reason
ODSTs melee was significally nerfed, same for the jump. And removing the "not shields" would have turned casuals down, just use that one skull to turn them off
>>shitty scavenger hunt to find mediocre levels
Nigga that was an amazing part of the game.
>>shitty firefight with no customization
It was overall better than Reach one, even without customs simply because it was way more intense.
>same strength as a spartan
please kill yourself
you are an idiot
you don't know what you're talking about
my nigga knows whats up. best halo on legendary
>It always bugged me however that if I wanted to play the second half of the mythic maps, I needed the disk that came with ODST and I couldnt play them off ym Halo 3 disk.
At that point, your Halo 3 disc was just there if you wanted to do some co-op campaign.
2 > 1 > ODST > 3 > 5 > Reach > 4
>trying to get the Vidmaster achievements when someone has a spotty connection
>get 4 people together to do the achievements and the fourth guy is shit at the game
I don't see how anyone can complain about the price though, I definitely got $60 worth of entertainment out of it.
ODST was the greatest concept for a stealth game or a tactical shooter and I hate that they wasted that on a glorified expansion pack.
I miss it when Bungie knew how to make more than one kind of game.
I'd like to say Bungie wanted more sales.
how do you mean user
there is no halo 4
Reach = 5 with all content > ODST(with complete Halo 3 MP) = CE PC > 2 = 3 > CE >>>>> Vista > 5 >>>> 4
Rankking it for FUN, Reach still has/had the best custom games, Halo 5 would top it if it wasn't that all the content arrived when the playerbase was already dead. Then comes 3 custom games, which where the base for the Reach ones.
2>5>CE>Reach = 3>4
2's singleplayer is underrated, CE's singleplayer is overrated.
So, did Halo 5 just not get any map packs or what?
Best song in the entire franchise
It launched with less maps then any other halo game on launch, and since then has gotten new maps for free every month
So while it has more maps then the typical halo game at launch now, it still has way less maps then any other halo game at this point in it's lifepsan
>playing on normal
on higher difficulties if you don't take it slow you're going to get fucked.
>why does Sup Forums like this game?
I question this myself, I thought it and Reach were shit.
Such a fucking COMFY soundtrack. I guess it's time to shill out 170 buckos for a new 360.
If you are gonna pay that much money, you might as well just get an xbone and MCC to play it and the other halo campaigns at 1080p/60 fps
MCC was buggy at launch, and still is to some extent, but it never had any issues with the campaigns in solo.
>170 bucks
Nigga I've seen them at gamestop for 50$
How much backwards compatability does the x1 have? I have RDR, Dead rising and a few other exclusives.
I don't want to buy used and new ones can only be found online.
Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo 2 > Halo 5 > Halo 4 > ODST > Reach
>How much backwards compatability does the x1 have? I have RDR, Dead rising and a few other exclusives.
I don't keep up with the list, but you can probably just google it
Worth noting that Reach isn't in MCC, but it is on backwards compatbility, though that only runs at it's original resolution and framerate.
Wars isn't either, but a ehanced port of wars is included with the ultimate edition of Halo Warrs 2, so Wars will have a native port on xbone as well when that comes out
Stop playing on easy, you scrub.
The jump height is retarded though, but that's to keep the gameplay similar. Look at how floaty normal marines jump in the other games too.
Halo Wars is BC
Was wars even good? I really can't imagine playing an rts game with a controller
For an RTS game on console it was pretty decent.
2/the port of 1 will also be on windows 10
>ODST is 7 years old
It was good and had some pretty challenging levels.
MP was fun to fuck around with.
>friend sending two Scarabs to fuck your shit up
>you have nothing to fight it with
>you're playing as Cutter, so you can spam ODST drops around the Scarabs, forcing them to kill the ODSTs and give you some extra time
Hopefully Halo Wars 2 should be good, especially as the PC version is designed for PC players, and not just a port of the console version with kb+m support.
>you are not as strong as a spartan though, that's a retarded claim.
So is punching a tank to death with naught but your fingerless gloves a normal thing to do for humans in the Halo universe
>you as an odst (as well as the standard marine) can tank multiple jackal sniper shots on legendary
>chief gets zapped in one hit anywhere on the body
>60$ smackeroos on launch
I payed for that thing 3 Euro, so for me the Prize Argument doesn't Matter.
>play as an odst with the same strength as a spartan for some reason
You were not as strong as a Spartan in the Game, you clearly died faster. Enemies they were no Problems for the Master Chief are here really Dangerous, had some fun Firefights tho.
>shitty scavenger hunt to find mediocre levels
The Levels were great. I am a Huge Fan of Cyberpunk and Film Noir, that whole Game sweat this Genre in every pore. The Plot, the Characters, Hell, they had even a Jazz Score. And by the way, the worst Levels by far had the very first Halo, or how I called "Halo: Combat Back Tracking".
>shitty firefight with no customization
Customization is Garbage anyway. Why? Because they make your Gun worse, that makes the Gameplay shitty. If your Gameplay is not good enough to stand for itself, then build Customization in it.
>bretty gud story tho
The Story was the best told in the whole Halo Series. They had a complex Plot with a lot of Areas and it works. Halo 4 tried the same and failed in cases were ODST didn't.
>No mention of the godlike OST
Halo 3 jackals autoaim headhots
ODST jackal snipers do mostly body shots
Try and hit your buddy in campaign with a beam rifle in the body in Halo 3, it's not an instant kill.
It is kinda retarded that you can take as much damage as a spartan, the health bar kinda tries to negate that, though.
Sort your fucking capitalisation out.
objective fact
How can people say CE is better then 2, 2 is a step up in every possible way
>Better campaign missions
>better story
>better MP mechanics
>better customs since you can edit gametypes
>More content, larger sandbox
The only thing CE has better is mods on PC and slightly less shit weapon balance
>Oh boo hoo no body has the same opinion as me
This is what you sound like right now.
Worse campaign, worse story, worse MP mechanics. MP experience was decent overall since it actually had more than system link and shitty tunneling services.
>Worse campaign, worse story, worse MP mechanics
That's completely wrong though.
The only missions in CE that are better then 2's average are Silent Cartographer, Assault on the control room, and MAYBE Truth and Reconcillation.
As far as story, CE barely even had one. It was litterally just a thread to give you an excuse to change the scenery. 2 actually had fleshed out factions and characters.
found the best onion
I think they included Halo 3 multi with all maps to offset the price?
They released the maps later as the mythic map pack 2. The 3 maps were either get them now at 60$ with ODST or wait months later for 10$
ODST has the best firefight sandbox. Reach has MM and customization.