The King of Fighters XIV 20,655 New PS4 SNK Playmore

>The King of Fighters XIV 20,655 New PS4 SNK Playmore
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X HD 12,915 New PS4 SEGA
>release it as Ps4 exclusive, 50 million consoles sold they said!

ITS OVER for third party exclusives on ps4. SNK really thought Mexicans had ps4s for some reason. Thats what you get for disrespecting pc gaming after we practically paid for XIV development with XIII sales. Back to pachinko.

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That's all they sold? KOF only sold that much?

That was on a shit sales week for everything in Japan.

Fucking sources, faggot. I refuse to believe it.

OP doesn't mention this is only sales for Japan.

Weird, other games sold well into their 3rd and 4th week.

Well, you would guess those should be popular in japan.

I swear its Japan economy!

The sales of Project Diva X are somewhat justifiable though, because the game is not very good and was clearly a lazy attempt at cashing in on the good will of fans of the series. Granted, I want it to do well because I love Miku and I love the PD series, but even for me, it's hard to recommend it to people.

Maybe if they released Future Tone over here it would do better.

Ya cause those games are sure gonna sell gangbusters every where else in the world.

KOF might sell better in south America and China

>South America
>Playstation 4


Unless its released on netbooks, there is literally no market for it. Should have made it for ps3 at least if they wanted the SA market.

*yawn* PCfags are so annoying.

Go play Minecraft or Shower with Your Dad Simulator, loser


Shouldve released it on the PS3.
Bet PS3 could run it.

Those are Japan only Sales on the first week which doesn't include digital.

Not an argument :)

Devs said in the first KoF station video they released that even with the power of the PS4 they had trouble getting it to run at a constant 60 fps.

KOF14 will sell more then SFV mark my words.
>Actual followings in most areas of the world
>SFV is literally only played by Capcucks in America and has a weak Japanese scene numbers wise.

Don't hate. They fixed the netplay game plays great and traditional as fuck. Just be mad that even pros winning majors think SFV is a ass game or needs alot of work.

Never said it was.

SNK is a fucking garbage dev.

You mad, PC scum. Maybe I'll let you lick my boots if you beg

KOF14 will sell more then SFV mark my words.
>Actual followings in most areas of the world

Too bad in those parts of the world they dont have ps4s you fucking idiot.

Like clockwork

when was the last time a kof approached 1mil sales?

Honestly that's just retarded.

It's two fucking sprites against a static background, there's only so much that needs to be done per frame.

Developers use increasingly powerful hardware as an excuse to spend less and less time optimizing their code.

Did you buy both games at least?

Eh, we also know that they couldn't use previous asstets and they had no environment/tools to make 3D games when they started making this game.

You're the one snapping at me. Are you okay? Do you want me to post Roll for you?

I didn't think it possible for one person to be so wrong, but here we are..

What do you think?

I'll snap your neck, kid

They're not sprites. Also this

Southern spic here, I already burned all my monies once buying a Vita for muh Miku, no way in hell that I will make the same mistake with teh Playstation 4fps.

What are the odds for a Project DIVA oficial release for PC? SEGA should sell a PC controller for rythm and Platinum games on PC.

Ah console child doesn't even know what he's talking about. Don't worry We will save your asian vidya games where they actually make money

I don't think it will but so far my fightan group likes XIV a lot and it's getting more time each night.

SFV is okay but it's like Capcom is actively trying to make me hate the game. In a perfect world they wouldn't have botched the release and we might have had hope of a CvS3.

Never. There's other miku programs for PC though.

fuck off both off you

Then literally no one buy the game.

>Crying about sfv in a kof bad sales thread

Do we have numbers for digital sales or sales from other countries yet?

>tripfags piss at each other
Why don't you both go die in a ditch somewhere, neither of you will be missed.

X sales are lower because it has been out on Vita for months. It's also better than Future Tone, get fucked.

>maryfag at it again

Yes, it did 500k digitally on Japan.
Soul Calibur BTFO

This is what you wanted to hear?

None reported yet. It was reported he #2 selling PS4 game in Korea the week it came out, but they didn't give out numbers either.

I play games, you play with cock

I wanted to know if it's selling at least decently. I don't care if it's outselling some other fighting game.

Its KoF. Its not selling well.

>Yuri & Friends

Not that user. Personally I don't care whether it outsells other games either. I just want it to sell enough for them to make a profit and to warrant another game from SNK and they did say that they had a limited budget. Although they would need to hire more devs first before making another game. Oda has said that they only have the people who handle their mobile stuff and the people who worked on XIV and they don't have enough for more.

>50 million
This is Japan only.
>But what really must be most concerning for Sony about this current impasse is how an underdog console like the Nintendo Wii U, which is considered in the West a "dead console walking" and never had the sort of super high-end launch that the PS4 had, is that it has managed to outsell the PlayStation 4 in Japan with more than 3 million consoles sold to date.

If it doesn't sell well then how the hell are they up to the 14th game?

OP, those are last week figures.
These are current week figures

>The King of Fighters XIV 5,164 (total 25,819) PS4 SNK Playmore


Arcades in Asia


PS4 is weeks away from overtaking Wii U in Japan.




>social eating


Found these Preorder figures. They're back from August 13 though. KoF was at 46,294 preorders that week. in the US only.

That's even lower than GGxrd and GGxrd sold like shit

What's wrong, user, don't you like to watch people talk with their mouths full of food on camera?

Those are Physical only Japan numbers for the first week. In Korea it was the #2 PS4 game on release, but no numbers given and then there's the post above yours which includes preorder in the US only during the week of August 13.

Fucking lol, that's some desperation when you start taking sales numbers from countries like Korea. What's next? Bangladesh? Also Koreans are mostly PC players

>Koreans are mostly PC players
And they play tekken that they ended up the gods for it

Why do sales matter with fighting games anyway? Smash is the highest selling fighter of this decade and most of the FGC refuses to touch it.

Sales for any game matter because they determine if a game will return for a sequel.

>There hasn't been a Saigado KOF doijin since 2009