Is Andy Bogard gay or just a herbivore?
Is Andy Bogard gay or just a herbivore?
he fucks mai
He has a kid with Mai in Garou so no, he's not gay.
He is a praying mantis.
I don't know, probably at his house, can't imagine him going to hers
Are you sure it's not Terry's kid?
Andy doesn't want to settle down with Mai until he kills Geese and avenges his father. It's so he doesn't leace a wife and child behind if in the end Geese wins and kills him.
Andy and Mai don't have children, that kid is his student.
This. Also Mai is plain toxic. She's always been sort of a div, but she kicks it up another notch in XIV. They are an item in XIV, but if he didn't make a move before one could see why.
Hottest body
Worst personality
That's why.
Geese died in Fatal Fury 1 though.
He spent a good ten years learning ninjutsu alongside Mai.
She's like a little sister to him, and dicking your little sister feels wrong to him.
Holy shit what a fucking fag
No he didn't. He developed the shippuken and that kinda softened the fall a bit. IIRC he died in Real Bout Fatal Fury.
thats who i thought he was talking about. hokutomaru. im more inclined to believe that geese is andys father
>Andy Bogard
>Accomplished businessman
Gauranteeed that more pretty women than just Mai are throwing themselves at his feet.
You're thinking about this guy
Please don't bring fan fiction into this. You can clearly see Geese falling off of Geese tower in Fatal Fury 1.
You just described Robert.
No. That guy is a Mexican and an Antonio Banderas expy.
Robert isn't a businessman. He inherited his wealth.
Andy's father was brutally murdered yet he still manages to pull things off. Nonorphans can't compete.
Please come to the KOF thread
Things Andy loves in order of importance top to bottom:
More training
Fried chicken
Joe's headband
Power gap