What are the best space games out there?

What are the best space games out there?
I want to feel the loneliness of space.

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get Elite Cancerous

>6-10 billions light-years
>1 billion light-years across
Jesus christ, this universe can't be this huge.

Same. I want that feeling of dread when running into strange phenomenon. I just want star trek the game, being a shitty crewmember and being a spectator on the bridge.

>I want to feel the loneliness of space.

No Man's Sky

>It is completely empty of both normal matter and dark matter

But that's bullshit. There are galaxies in the "void", they're just nowhere near as densely packed together as they are in the rest the Universe. Saying it emits no radiation or light is a flat out lie and the person who made this image is a fucking idiot.

>cruising to see new space station
>set ship on course and hop out of seat to stretch legs
>step out the airlock to look at the ring of the nearby moon going past
>try to go back in and realize the fucking door is locked
>I'm stuck on the outside of an empty ship cruising at 750 meters per second, that will never stop as there is no one to change it's course, and no drag to slow it down
this was some top notch spess loneliness

are you telling me that a huge piece of space with hundreds of millions of galaxies surrounding it just happened to have almost nothing there?

Space Engine. The answer is fucking space engine.

I think the known/observable universe is about 100 billion light years.

Takes a lot of space to hold 18 quintillion planets man.


wtf im a theist now

Kerbal Space Program, while "only" a compact star system can do that

What game I want space lonelyness too

Isn't this just a big fart cloud blocking light?


Looks like Star Citizen

yep. That's just the kinda thing that happens. Galaxies aren't distributed regularly, they're in clusters. See this for the general idea and the huge mindboggling size of the voids that can be found: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_filament

gravity does some weird shit


It's a dust cloud:


With space engine you don't really get the feeling of being there.

it is star citizen. Game is pretty fun atm

Of course there'd be voids that are devoid of everything since galaxies and dark matter tend to cluster together and out of these spaces. This is becoming statistically more common since the expansion of space and the universe is now making these voids expand faster than light can travel through, in, or out of it, redshifting photons to oblivion. We're already losing sight of the galaxies on the very edge of our observations of the universe because of this expansion.

That's a picture of a dust cloud

yeah its barnard 68
literally not dark matter or shit like that
just cold gas and dust that starlight cant penetrate
not a game, but rather a great space wallpaper tool

No man's sky, goty 2016

>tfw just want to relax and traverse the universe in peace

observable universe is 93 billion light years across, but for all we know it's actually bigger than that, it's just that the light from further out hasn't reached us yet.

>We are actually looking at the past of the universe.

Thank you

does that thing will turn into a star?, if so how big

>we are looking at some parts of the universe as they were before Earth was even formed


>The cloud's mass is about twice that of the Sun, and it measures about half a light-year across. Barnard 68's well-defined edges and other features show that it is on the verge of gravitational collapse followed by becoming a star within the next 200,000 years or so

pact of civilizations that agreed to implement dyson spheres in their systems to ensure optimal privacy and deter invaders

if we could somehow teleport somewhere else, we could observe the past of the earth by intercepting the light emitted at that time

While I do love NMS, there's no loneliness in it. Whenever you're chilling in space for too long the game will spawn a convoy or pirates to keep you company.

Surely if it's observable it's capped at 13.7 billion by definition?

>get bugged out and stuck T-posed while battle rages outside


so that thing is actually small?, damn,we are actually nothing


Light from further out can never reach us because the universe is expanding FTL.

wasn't there a thing last year about some science motherfuckers who'd found something that looked like a megastructure? Whatever happened to that?

No, you're not taking into account the Universes expansion.

>What are the best space games out there?
Homeworld series, Freelancer, Freespace 2

>I want to feel the loneliness of space.

>This thing is actually a gas cloud called Barnard 68
>It's actually only 400 light years away, within our own galaxy, which is why no star can be seen in front of it
>It's actually only half a light year wide

I bet normies ate this shit up on facebook without even questioning it.

speaking of which, can you go there in SE?

This, there is a "visible horizon" to the universe for us thanks to the expansion of the universe, after a certain distance we can't see what's there because the space between expands faster than light can travel.

There will be a time, albeit incomprehensibly from from now, trillions of years or more, where the night sky on every planet will be empty because all of space has expanded beyond the horizon the light travel.

the universe is expanding, so the light from objects at 13 biilions years must be farther by now, hence the 93 billion years diameter of observable universe

nah, because the universe expands. So at the estimated rate of expansion a thing we observe at 13 billion light years of distance has had 13 billion years to move further away. Once taken into account this means the actual distances between what we're observing are bigger than what we're observing.

Yes, KSP in general is great. When starting out even the first suborbital flight manages to convey the vast emptiness of space due to how big and far apart everything is. Landing on the Moon and later other celestial bodies feel like big endeavors, not to mention hauling asteroids or docking spacecraft and having to get calculations between great distances absolutely correct so you can rendezvous with a relatively very tiny object.

I think the only other space games that have managed to convey the loneliness of space at times are Freespace 2's that one infiltration mission where you see humongous alien juggernauts in the distance, but never actually engage them or X3's one of the randomized Unfocused Jumpdrive sectors where you jump outside the galaxy and see it in all its glory with nothing else but creepy music keeping you company. Though apart from those certain exceptions the games are mainly pretty crowded, with X3 focusing on grinding money in a space market and FS2 focusing on dog-fighting.

>if the acceleration of the universe's expansion continues to increase, there could come a time when space is expanding too rapidly for gravity to hold things together, and eventually, too rapidly for atomic forces to work, making every atom in the universe explode

>completely void of both normal matter and dark matter
Do they even know what dark matter is

that video is comfy

No Man's Sky
It's lonely because there's no multiplayer.

100 billion light years what? diameter? pretty sure it can't be that big.

>observable universe is a 13 billion lightyear bubble for reasons that should be obvious

>the universe is expanding, so the light from objects at 13 biilions years must be farther by now, hence the 93 billion years diameter of observable universe

Nice save. Google sure is handy huh.


Space Engine

Unlike one man's lie, there are actual cosmological phenomenas ranging from black holes to auroras. While you won't be able to point and click on spore creature rejects, you will be able to speed up time and see rotation of planets, moons, and stars. You hop on to a planet at the edge of a galaxy and see a galaxy-rise yourself.

Made by a single Russian and his supporters, it is completely free.

if universe is actually expanding infinitely as one theory says there will be a moment in which all atoms will dissipate into smaller components, and so on

user on the internet thinks estimations made by scientists are wrong, stop the presses

Why do people pretend to know about deep space when no one will ever know anything of the am to of when we do?

damn, i was really hoping for it to be some sort of horrifying eldritch being, given that it's shaped somewhat like a bird in OP's pic

is this an insult?

If you guys think that the Universe is big, just imagine a graham number's amount of potatoes.

we just fucking love science

It's a term for matter that does not interact with the electromagnetic force. It is known to exist because the rotation patterns of galaxies do not behave they way they should in consideration of the total mass contained in all their luminous objects. This discrepancy is not accounted for when all hypothetical planets and interplanetary matter are also included.

That's all that is really known, I believe.


If you think the unoverse is big just lookat my dick LOL

That picture is bullshit, it's just a massive interstellar dust cloud.
t. actually studied the fucking thing in college


Most people want to act like pseudo intellectuals because they happened to be interested in the works of actual scientist. It's like when people think some people are popes of scientist like Bill Nye The Fucking Bachelors Degree Guy

how doers it dust when u cant see it?


That was a rhetorical question. We can't detect dark matter, the only reason we know it exists is because of how observable matter behaves. I dunno about the void itself, but without matter how could they know that that region of space is devoid of dark matter also? This is also a rhetorical question.

Good job you fucking retard.

It's a big universe

>not crusading against empire scum in your killvette loaded to the brim with weapons and shields

We have also detected it based on movements of celestial objects that we computed beforehand.

>the space between expands faster than light can travel
Sup Forums tries theoretical physics.

its just general culture dude, i like to know these kind of shit simply because i want to know

for you

For you

SC actually has drag, for whatever reason (probably to prevent speeds too large for the engine to handle)

space is god damn awesome take this motherfucking star

stuff like that is just insane, a star that may actually be sufficiently massive it'll collapse fast enough it won't even cause a supernova

You don't have to have a bachelor's degree to know the basics of the universe or know where to find that information.

Also, knowing the importance of knowing that information.

But have some class, no one likes a know-it-all.

it does not have drag, at one point it did but currently there is none. people have aimed their ship at another station, got up speed, and turned it off and let it drift, to come back 16 - 32 hours later and find themselves there or almost there.

>Expansion is matter

Just because it's too much for you doesn't mean we all have to be that dumb

I like how you can't talk about space anymore at all with some shit head barging in who adds nothing to the discussion other than informing everyone they are pseudo intellectuals for having an interest in something.

Good fucking god. I'd think actual scientists would love the fact that laymen are interested in their work as opposed to someone who tells everyone they are fucking retarded for taking the time to talk about something more substantial than the latest reality TV shit fest.

Look into The Electric Universe and Plasma Cosmology, it answers all these questions.

Gravity is not the dominant, organizing force in the universe, electro-magnetism, electricity, is.

>I haven't graduated from special to general yet

Does anyone feel sad that there probably have been countless civilizations in the universe that died out without anybody knowing that they existed, and humanity might be one of them?

Always bring your KGB FOAM when you're out exploring, there is a lot of dwarves out there

the alternative is the crippling loneliness and pressure of us being the first and only intelligent life form in the universe

I'm sad all the time that there are countless retards like you.

I've been playing some Space Engineers a lot lately and it's pretty cool. There is really nothing in-depth about the gameplay yet, for it is an early access steam game, but building your own shit and sailing around the star system is pretty nice.
I hope the devs will make the survival mode less shitty.

Shit like this makes me realize why scientists are jaded motherfuckers. Politics and shit are insignificant when a star or a black hole can kill us one day


I've never considered that, Jesus.

there's very little chance of a black hole killing us

gamma ray burst sterilizing the entire planet out of fucking nowhere however is a real concern however