What was the last game you pirated]?
What was the last game you pirated]?
Can I go to jail for answering this?
mario party 1
Literally 80 percent of my games
yea don't do it op is FBI
Final Fantasy Crisis Core I think. My girlfriend broke my hacked PSP and after that I just never bothered.
Probably Stelarris which I played for like 10 minutes.
And not for lack of wanting to pirate. There is just nothing interesting out.
Thanks for the rare pepe!
I pirated factorio because I thought 20$ is a bit much for what it is. But I'll buy it because I had alot of fun with it. Ironically I spent 47$ on dlc soon after.
Can't remember. I don't think I pirated a game after 2003 or so.
I have only the highest quality
probably some random snes or ps1 game. can't member
I usually pirate eroge since its easier to get but last game was just cause 2. I buy games now as its much easier to get something for a okay price, also being a employed old guy helps.
I really don't remember. Cheap Russian/Brazillian keys have made it practically irrelevant for me. I bought a third world Mankind Divided key for $17 from G2A the other day. According to SteamDB it's run locked, but after activating with a VPN I can play just fine, even after restarts and shit. Same with the copy of Deadpool I have that used to be run locked. The 'onlyallowrunincountries' tag seems to be deprecated.
>inb4 todd howard image & fallout 4.
Yoshi's Wooly World
Who's asking?
never have
this is the police
Danganrompa 2
But then it crashed in chapter 4 and I literally never saved, so that was the end of that.
It's Danganrompa though so the ending is probably garbage anyway
Im tempted to pirate the latest tomb raider since its still 45 bucks the premium edition which includes the season pass.
pirated recently:
Kerbal Space Program
Dragon's Dogma
Witcher 3 GotY
Titan Quest
Grim Dawn
>Kerbal Space Program
How is it? It seems fun to me, but I don't wanna waste the time if its not worth it.
>Want to play obscure titles from 30 years ago
>nobody sells them except third party retailers, and they go for several hundred dollars
>tfw constant legal arguments in favor of abandonware
I just want to play Tales of Destiny. Why is tis so hard?
The Liru "game" if you can even call it one
Street Fighter V - Fully updated
That would be illegal. You're just trying to get me to admit illegal things.
Still waiting on a 3ds emulator.
Mass effect 3. I felt cheated after 2 turned out to be shit, didn't wanna throw more good money after bad. Smart move.
Just hack your 3DS, its literally idiot proof now
But user, I want to play 3ds games without owning a 3ds.
I knew it was super short and didn't think it was worth the money
it was a really good game though
>citra hasnt posted a new video in 3 months
Finished Saudi and Rome, now in Moskau. It's pretty fun. The fight against Marburg was a pain in the ass
fuck off
>It's Danganrompa though so the ending is probably garbage anyway
Oh fuck man, I fucking loved its ending. Maybe you can download a save file or something. If I remember, wasn't the crashing caused by shitty translation or something? That's some absolute bullshit considering how cool the ending was.
Sengoku Rance
Ran kicked my ass last time I played.
Neptune Vii because I don't wanna actually support fanservice shit games and sleeping dogs definitive edition
I haven't purchased a piece of digital media in almost a decade
Facebook topkek normie
Get off my board normie mcnormison!
We sure showed him didn't we Sup Forums!
I bet it was a filthy privileged male..
That one Bill Clinton audio track
Does emulating count as pirating? Because then it would be Megaman Battle Network 3.
Otherwise, Legend of Korra
I don't really pirate anything, but the lasts thing was VTMB. I did it for many reasons.
Pic related.
It's fun but it is definitely not worth fifteen whole mother fucking United States dollars. I'm tired of indie devs pawning off their minimal effort flash games as full on video games. This is the kind of shit you'd see on Newgrounds.
Actual game? Cities Skylines to fuck around in it for a couple of minutes.
Porn? Rapelay.
When the fuck is summer over?
Sup Forums convinced me it was not a crime with a victim I should care about.
KSP can be really fun. The feeling when you first land on the moon without crashing into it and blowing up is so good. Ive spent whole afternoons playing without getting bored.
Id recommend watching a youtube tutorial just to understand the basics, then do whatever the hell you like.
After SFV ... this is the next one.
ur still a faggot
oh and way of the samurai 3
Nah, he coo.
I've only pirated one game in my life and that was LISA. I played for about 20 minutes, deleted it, and then bought it.
It recently got a content update recently, and no one bothered to update it. The woes of piracy
Don't mind me Sup Forums, I'm just pirating this woman's vagina.
>Dragon's Dogma
>Grim Dawn
I'm genuinely mad, you broke bastard.
Sup, can you sent me a copy by Mega?
Max Payne 3, and I ended up deleting it because of the annoying unskippable fucking cutscenes every 2 seconds.
Does emulation count as pirating? I guess so. Medievil and Castlevania SOTN
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Game Dev Tycoon, I liked it and bought it
me too please.
You did the right thing. Activision doesn't deserve a single cent of your money for that game.
RIP Troika ;_;
enter the gungeon
good thing too cuz it sucks
Tomb raider legend.
Played it up to japan on ps2 when it came out. In 2010 I got it from the library for 360 and played up to japan. I played that bit several times, but had to return it. A few weeks ago I pirated it because I now know I like feet and I played up to japan. I beat it, and the boss seemed familiar, so I guess I did beat that level before. Now I have next to no reason to keep playing and might delete it.
So you're gonna what? Play arcade mode?
For the story??
no man sky, I expected literally nothing and it still failed to deliver, it's amazing really.
Killer7 I think.
RedOut but it didn't work. Iso was corrupted or something.
Before that, probably NMS.
>treating human beign as a product
Are you misogynist, user?
Last time was a while ago, I buy most of my games. It was probably something Japanese like AA2.
Can't be arsed to get my games from oversea.
So you pay someone for the privilege of not having to get something for free?
Ive never pirated a game but I pirated the entire discography of Cake
Recently the Wii U has had piracy become available and easy - and with no modding!
I haven't been interested in many of the Wii U's games (mostly because of dumb forced control schemes and bad design decisions), but I always said that I'd play them if they were free, so here we are.
Looking forward to Color Splash and Breath of the Wild.
Frank Barry Imes, nice to meet you, user. Care to answer that thread question?
It's been a while, I think it was some PS2 rom
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
The pirated version comes with still unreleased DLC
the ending isn't great, but goddam, chapter 5 is the defining chapter of that game, you really need to play that at least.
Funny I bought Max Payne 3 and I generally pirate games, It's also one of the few games I've played to completion.
Just burned a Giga Wing disc for DC. Might get it legit sometime since I enjoy collecting, but right now I have neither the funds nor the inclination.
life is strange, no regret