Is Resident Evil 3 less bad than RE 0,1,2?

Is Resident Evil 3 less bad than RE 0,1,2?

RE0 is the only one I actually enjoyed a little.

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RE0 is the worst classic RE and you're a dumb faggot

REmake > Re2 > 3/CV/1 > 0

Resident Evil 3 was probably the most fun I had out of the entire PS1 trilogy.

Is there as much statue pushing and stupid puzzles as 2?

REmake = RE2 > RE3 > CV > RE1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0

Not as much as Resident Evil 2 but there is some puzzles you have to complete. The game is more focused on being chased by Nemesis himself.

I just remembered, there is this annoying water sample puzzle you have to complete which was quite difficult to figure out without any guides.

I dont mind puzzles, but 2 was just too absurd for me to enjoy. I play them mostly for the story anyway due to the lack of interesting gameplay, but after 2, who was supposed to be the best, which ended being the worst, I'm kinda scared.

How is Code Veronica? I heard it's much harder?

And if you didn´t try getting in the fountain to see the solution at the end.

0 is so bad
-no interesting locations, except a linear train thats over in 15 minutes
-shitty item system where you just drop all your shit on the floor and have to move them all piece by piece to the next location
-boring bosses and enemies, except the leach zombies, which are still a less scary version of bandersnatches
-shit story which revolves around some leech faggot
-horrible "puzzles" based on switching between 2 characters

Well 0 has the worst offender of that with the predator chain puzzle that make no real sense.

How was 2 the worst?

RE3 has some of the most infamous ones

i.e the clock room and that fucking water puzzle

code veronica is pretty hard. It doesn't have too many puzzles, it's pretty long, has a lot of backtracking, and a pretty interesting story. It's pretty underrated. But it suffers form poor game design in some parts where you are forced to switch characters without any warning, which can allow you to lose items

how bad can you be ? just do test and error and you are good to go

>you will never unlock the linear launcher

I'm pretty good at running 2 and 3 but fuck that shit

>Tfw I still can't save all the hostages and complete the Mercenaries using Nicholai

2 is all about walking back and forth from one end of the manor to the other, opening doors to get keys, to open doors to push statues, to get gems, to open doors, to get keys, to open doors to push statues, to get gems... all of that inside a police station.

The gameplay is bad, controls are annoying as fuck and the worst, the camera angles are just so annoying. There is one shot in particular in 2 where you literally enter a room, and only see you in front of the door. You hear a zombie, but you have to move toward the zombie to actually see the zombie when he's 1 feet away from your character.

The whole game feel like you are some guy controlling a tank via security cameras, and the tank has only 3 aim angles. Zombies, Crows or dogs.

0 was smoother and less rigid. 1 had a cool setting that somewhat made sense story wise, but 2 was just full on silly.

And the games are not even scary. The only scary moment in the game are jump scares from dogs jumping from windows or Redheads.

At least the music is good but the games are so much worse than other Survival horror games like Eternal Darkness or Silent Hill so far.

Wow you have such bad opinions. Never post again.

How are my opinions bad?

nigga everybody knows that RE 2 is set in a Police Station with a massive lab underneath it just like in RE 1 its a mansion with a lab underneath.

>complains about the camera angles
>in an RE game


Most everything you said about RE2 was subjective garbage like
>the gameplay is bad
>controls are annoying as fuck
>camera angles are annoying

Saying "x mechanic is annoying" doesn't amount to anything close to valid criticism.

>the whole game feel like you are some guy controlling a tank via security cameras
You never played a classic survival horror game before, did you?

The ONLY thing you got right in your post is saying Eternal Darkness and Silent Hill are scarier games. The RE games were never overly scary, it was about macabre action set in a dark and foreboding world ripe with atmosphere and dread.

The cameras angles ARE bad. The games were made before the second joystick. Can you give me one good thing that comes from fixed camera angles?

And yeah I know the story, I finished the game. But it's still not making sense. Who the fuck lock doors with gems. Sure the Warden was going crazy, but come the fuck on.

>Can you give me one good thing that comes from fixed camera angles?
It framed the action exactly how the developer wanted and intended. Sup Forums likes to shit on this term but there's a certain cinematic flair to fixed camera angles. Do I prefer a freely moving camera? Of course. But in the right setting, like classic survival horror games, fixed angles work wonders. They often framed the horror just so, preventing the player from having the camera pointed away from something that's happening.

>it's a game about zombies and super viruses and superhumans and boulder punching and giant plant monsters and giant robots
>he complains about how unrealistic it is to lock a door with a gem

Dude, Clock Tower on the SNES has better controls.

And yeah I played Survival horror games. But the game is a worse Alone in the Dark game. It was impressive for the time, but only nostalgia make you overlook the flaws. Which I dont have. RE1 is okay. Far from great, but okay. 0 is much better gameplay wise. But 2? Come on now. As a full highly trained SWAT member, you cant even shoot a slow moving zombie in the head or use a melee attack without being grabbed, EVERYTIME?

>Who the fuck lock doors with gems. Sure the Warden was going crazy, but come the fuck on.
>Questioning RE puzzles

Suspense, sometimes not seeing what is in front of you is a good thing

How long are RE2 and 3 compared to 1.

Wondering if they are worth sinking my time into (more interested in 2).

I played Clock Tower on the SNES and your exaggeration is both foolish and unnecessary. You can just dislike the controls without reaching for bullshit like that.

Are you referring to Leon by the way? He was a rookie on his first day.

It make no sense because you ARE the character. If Jill can see the zombie, why the fuck cant I?

Eternal Darkness did cinematic camera angles without them being annoying.

Tilting when you became insane, panning slowly. But they did not feel like you were directing a blind person through security TV.

Silent Hill had great dynamic cameras too,

>fully highly trained SWAT member
Jesus christ lmao.

I played 0 who has a Felon who is familiar with guns and a cop.
Then a Swat member who is the master of unlocking
And then again, the female cop.

They should have enough training to headshot reliably a slow moving target, but getting a headshot in RE is like seeing a unicorn. Unless you have a shotgun.

True ending in 2 requires 2 playthroughs, 4 if you wanna see everything, plus there's alot to unlock.

RE3 is shorter but has different routes and more random enemies.

You're everything that's wrong with the series. Literally. Someone who came into the series late, is speaking ill of the original titles, about how there's not enough action and zombie head shots, and about how you want to just blow zombie heads off with no puzzles.

You're the reason why we got Resident Evil 5 and 6. Fuck you and everything you believe in. These games are not for you. You can't come into an established game series and saying "THIS SUCKS AND NEEDS TO FIT MY SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR QUALITY"

I love RE1 and 2, and these days I'm warming up to RE3: It's only problem is that it's a bit derivative of RE2.
REmake > RE2 > RE1/3 > RE:CV(X) > RE0

"Rebecca is a young officer with the fictitious Special Tactics And Rescue Service "

"In which she is a member of the U.S. special police unit STARS trapped in a mysterious mansion along with her team partner Chris Redfield. "

They are not mall cops. They are highly trained and picked.

>It make no sense because you ARE the character.

Not in 1998 you weren't

You started talkin about that right after you said "But in 2?" so I assumed you were talking about Leon.

No, if the game was First Person you would "be the character."

Cool so only people who played the games since 1998 can have a valid opinion on the series.

They are all about the same length of 8-15 hours


But yeah you are. You play as Jill. You dont play as somebody who control Jill actions. You are Jill. Jill is not you.

Just like how in Tomb Raider, you are Lara Croft. Come on, explaining camera angles who cause harm to the characters with "Well you are not the character!" is just dumb. You should be able to see what the character you control see, or at least have a buffer zone.

Not him but I wanted this, more action and less keys, and I got Resident Evil 3. Maybe RE4 wasn´t 100 percent guilty of what RE is today.

Its my personal favorite but I will fully admit its not the best one in the series.


For the new games its

I dont give a fuck about the action. It's a game where you are given guns and weapons, play as trained STAR soldiers who are supposed to be the peak of the forces, and the main thing you do aside from puzzle solving statues, is shoot zombies.

It want to be an action game, so yeah, I will critique it as an action game. If it was a game like Amnesia, Penumbra, or Clock Tower, I would not want guns. But it's not. It's a game with more boss fights than Dead Space. It has more focus on shooting than Silent Hill. And yet it has worst shooting mechanics than all of those.

Eternal Darkness is a Survival horror in which melee is a great choice and you play as civilians. Meanwhile, STAR agents cant use a dagger without being bitten 5 times by a zombie.

>Resident Evil isn't survival horror!
Are you fucking for real?

I actually preferred Rev 2 to the first Revelations.

This post is what I'm talking about. I bet you're under 25.

You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about. Like I said, this isn't the game series for you. You don't join a chess club and say YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK WOULD MAKE CHESS BETTER! LET'S DO IT THIS WAY, THIS OLD WAY SUCKS!

Fuck off.

Re2 is the worst in the series tbqhwy

Where the fuck did I say that. Survival horror does not mean it cant be action. Deadrising is a survival horror game too, and yet it's clearly an action game.

Resident Evil is ALL about guns and action. If you played as a civilian and had to dodge zombies or kill them without having literal rocket launchers and grenade launchers, then I would kinda see your point. But it's not. Resident Evil 1 has .... what, 3-4 bosses? All based around shooting them with highly powerful weapons.

HIGHLY TRAI-oh wait nevermind.

re zero is fucking garbage desu

they needed to stick to one style of gameplay. either the more survival horror aspect of Claire and Moira or the slightly more action of Barry. both were good but the game didn't have a cohesive style of gameplay. I'm also reeeeeealy tired of Episodic games. I hate buying and playing game piece meal.

>Dead Rising is a survival horror game
Dead Rising is neither survival, nor horror.

I'm 27. I played 0,1,2 through. I own 3 and Code Veronica.

I love survival horror games. But Resident Evil is really not a good example of it. You are whining so much, you seem to think that I'm the cause that Resident Evil 4 became a mostly action game. It's not. Resident Evil was made before the second thumbstick was added to the PS1 controller. So was 2 and 3. It clearly wanted to be action oriented. And when 4 came around, instead of doing another survival horror, like they planned, they did a pure action game.

It's both. You have limited ressources on you. And how the hell is it not horror themed? Zombies and psychopaths are clearly horror themes.

I can't tell if this is some glorious shit post or if you're actually being this stupid.

Nah I think he´s a spic.

>Survival horror does not mean it cant be action.
Yes it does, those are contradictory genres. And when you say RE is about guns and action, you clearly ignore how the most important part of the gunplay is resource management: In RE1, there aren't enough bullets in the game to kill every enemy. The game actively encourages and requires you to pick and choose your battles, and run away from those you don't need to engage in. The "horror" comes from the tension of managing your limited supplies.
Horror tropes being in your game doesn't make it horror. Doom isn't a horror game because it has demons and Hell, E.Y.E isn't horror because you fight mutants and werewolves, etc.

Cool rebuttal. Can you address what you think is stupid?

Its not survival because health items and weapons are plentiful. there is no need to conserve weapons or health items because they are so easy to find and get.

and its not horror because the game never attempts to build suspense or horror on any level. unless you think gore and violence alone make something horror.

Post RE music

The problem I had with Rev1 is that the game became more of an action game as the title went on, and unlike Rev2 it didn't have the improved combat mechanics to justify the shift.

Here you go

RE3 has the best RE girl, bar none

every time

who thought this sounded ok

Posting the best song in RE, hands down

This is love making music right here.

Horror is a theme, not a genre. Anything can be horror as long as it's horror themed If you replaced zombies by rapid dogs in Resident Evil, it would just be a Survival game.

Resident Evil is all about shooting enemies, it just make sure you barely have enough bullets to do so. The horror come from the zombies and mutant.

Do you consider Minecraft horror? Do you consider Dont Starve Horror? They are both survival games with horror themes.

Gunplay is just bad and make you waste ammo in Resident Evil, it's not stressful, it's annoying. Just like how limiting the number of save files is not a good mechanic in game. It does not make sense lore wise, mechanic wise and game wise.

Hah that´s funny because that problem to me is good since it forces me to get good wth the "clunky" controls, not him.

Jill Valentine is the best girl, no matter the game.

>Just like how limiting the number of save files is not a good mechanic in game

Fucking KYS you fucking RE4 faggot.

I'm tired of your fucking worthless generation ruining fucking video games

I can see where you're coming from with that.

Survival games are about trying to survive. Having no, or almost none, regenerative health, weapons that break, and having to run away often is all survival based.

And horror is a theme. Horror is subjective. I dont find zombies or giant serial killers scary. But stuff I cant see or kill, that I find scary.

I find Gamer on the Wii U much more scary and horror themed than Resident Evil for example.

It´s feels great to know I´ll never be hindered by controls that people consider clunky.

>Just like how limiting the number of save files is not a good mechanic in game

Hi Phil

>Horror is a theme, not a genre.
You're wrong, objectively. The definition of "horror fiction" is "Horror fiction is a genre of literature, and film which is intended to, or has the capacity to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle their readers or viewers by inducing feelings of horror and terror." Logically, we can extended this definition to cover games. Also,
>Do you consider Minecraft horror? Do you consider Dont Starve Horror? They are both survival games with horror themes.
is a ridiculous statement, because YOU are the one saying that "horror is a theme, not a genre". By your own volition, they are. Since I'm arguing that horror is a gerne, they're not.

This is either an elaborate shitpost or this just isn't the series for you.

I never played RE4. I want to play RE3 and CV before.
My generation was the NES/SNES generation. I'm 27 and play video games since I'm 2. I own over 1600 video games on over 20 systems.

That's my generation. Limiting saves in a video games is stupid as fuck and has no justification.

Deadrising has a lore reason why there is a time limit. And the lore reason why I cant save anywhere in RE is fine. But limiting the saves? How bullshit is that? That's arcade tier mechanic made to artificially make the game harder without actually making it harder.

Anyone looking forward to getting familied next year? Hopes? Fears? Speculation?

>That's arcade tier mechanic made to artificially make the game harder without actually making it harder.

Except it isn't artificial and does make games more tense. System Shock 2 would be a much better game with limited saving stations and electrical nodes that allowed you to save

Instead, you can savescum and whack things to death with a wrench.

git gud

It's LITERALLY never a problem though unless you're a retard. I'm playing RE1 right now and I have enough ink ribbons to never have to worry about saving again. You can't run out unless you don't explore, and if you're not exploring why are you playing the game?

Since you want to go by definitions, how the hell is Minecraft not a horror game then? It features relentless zombies and skeletons and demons who are made to scare you.

Same in Dont Starve or Deadrising.

And how are they not Survival horrors? You have limited ressources and have to find ressources or you are doomed to die. Just because the ressources are not finite, does not mean they are not limited.

You´re gonna love this because in RE3 you can choose the EASY difficulty for babies which has unlimited ink ribbons.

Like I said, I finished 0,1,2 without running out. It's still a shitty mechanic only made to punish players without any reason or justification.

They're creators never intended them to be horror games. Plain and simple.

He's gonna bitch and say B-BUT I SHOULDN'T BE FORCED TO PLAY IT ON EASY!

It punishes bad players that can't think or resource

> It's still a shitty mechanic only made to punish players without any reason or justification.
The game revolves around punishing played for carelessly using resources, and the saving mechanic are your first exposure to this.

this guy has it right honestly
if you're so overcautious and shitty that you need to make so many saves then it makes the game scarier and if it's scarier for any reason i'd say a horror game has done well

How is saying "Okay, you can only save 10 times in a 8 hours game" not artificial? It literally just make casuals and people with less time have problems. "Oh I have to go work, I'll save and come back!"

How the fuck is the guy less good for having a life, kids or work? It just make people who dont want to waste time and save often have a harder time.

It's literally artificial difficulty.


Sorry there, M8.

I'm surprised how few people took the bait.

seeThink of it like a tutorial.

What bait? Resident Evil 3 bread yay FUCK OP

Nice b8.

IMO all the fixed camera, limited inventory Resident Evils are about equally great. I prefer some over others but only by a hair.

That kind of retarded thinking is ruining games

>Dude just get rid of lives, what an outdated concept!
>Okay so lets just give the player infinite retries, because who cares, right?
>Well that sucked. Instead, lets give you no lives and have you restart the entire thing if you die!

Limited saves for a horror game are better than the alternative: Unlimited saving on infinite slots

Clock Tower was a fucking side scrolling adventure game. Comparing the controls of that to a RE game is ludicrous and pretty retarded. My god you're bad at arguing your points

No. It punishes people who save often. That's it. It literally just put a cap on how many times you can run to the save room and save. It has no justification lore wise. It's not like the safe room is less safe.
It has no justification gameplay wise and mechanic wise it make no sense. Why would a STAR character have to rely on a old typewriter to document what is happening in a manor? What?

Super Metroid did not have that and it was tense as fuck and had the same safe room system. Because you actually had a hard time.

But you do not in Resident Evil. Once a zombie is dead, the corridor is safe, until the redhead section, but yeah. It only punishes people who save often. That's it.