Post the worst games in their respective franchise

Post the worst games in their respective franchise.

I'll start.

Fuck off

The CDI games say other wise

Also Triforce heroes

Wrong opinions thread? Wrong opinions thread.

It's not a wrong opinion, it's just bait, dingus.

why didn't you post Zelda 2.

or one of the CDi games

you're not wrong

>two games

I don't see Wild Arms 4 on that list.

>Not StarFox Command

It'd have to be false to be wrong. Wind Waker's an unfinished piece of shit


I played both.

V was just dull while 2 was a trainwreck with a badly designed level, shitty main character (inb4 the fanbase goes "MUH SNAKE"), and a clusterfuck of an ending.

Waifu forever and ever.


>why didn't you post Zelda 2.

Because Zelda 2 is fucking awesome.

>Hyperdevotion Noire
Are faggots really still mad that there's a male MC?

t. Egoraptor

>Are faggots really still mad that there's a male MC?

no. I played the game and he was the least of my problems.

Don't know why people still believe that strawman when there is a lot more problems with the game as a while.

This is "muh hair" levels of strawman in trying to deflect legit complaints


>t. Egoraptor
user, that'd be if they posted that OoT was shit

Sorry for being so presumptuous, user. I'm just used to seeing that tossed around


>Sorry for being so presumptuous, user. I'm just used to seeing that tossed around

don't worry about it. I got so ticked about people thinking that the male MC was the sole reason why the game was hated that I mentioned him in my steam review saying "sure, he's not great but with all the complaints, I expected someone bad, like modern harem anime leads levels of bad"

This. It's the only thing that holds it back in a significant way, most other criticism is down to taste. I'm watching my brother play through it right now on our Wii U, and I think it's worst crime thus far is how little you get to interact with Hyrule below the ocean. Any bit more than letting you walk outside onto the bridge would have sufficed. You can see a cave across the way and several path's off, and what must be the Goddess Statue Island's looming in the distance as mountains. As an exploration nut I would have had a field day if they'd given us just a little more.

I don't know, my whole fixation stems from the basic problem Windwaker has which you brought up, the fact that it was rushed. You're not wrong in faulting the game that it is, rather than appreciating what it could have been. I just can't help too when actively faced with it.

>Jak 2 on the list
Thank god.

Objectively incorrect

>Jak II
Nope, Lost Frontier. Or if you're sticking to original trilogy, 3 was worse.

>shitty main character

Raiden is 100x better than Sir
>Metal? Gear?
>That monster can go more than 300 miles per hour?
>Virtuous Mission?
>Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place. You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique. But that was some fancy shooting... you're pretty good.

And Mister
>Second Floor Basement?
>Metal Gear?
>Super Baby Method?
>Gave... Birth?
>Sniper Wolf?
>Liquid Snake?
>Psycho Mantis?

MGS4 is easily the worst MGS game.


Why's #FE on there twice?

>Why's #FE on there twice?

worst SMT and worst FE


Darude - Sandstorm

that isnt Paper Jam

I still get choked up thinking about it sometimes.

yeah, it's worst games, not best

But Super Star Saga is the best

>Starfox Adventures worse than Zero
>MGS2 worse than 4 or V
>Jak II worse than Lost Frontier

Zero is way better than Adventures.

>8 and not 13

Invalid opinion