No Don Mattrick this time to save Sony

You silly thought Xbox was dead in 2013 now they are going to dominate the console market again

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When I think about gaming consoles, I think about 4k blu-ray players and eye bleeding HDR.

When will this fucking 4K meme end? Current gen consoles can't even handle 1080p and they are still trying to move to 4K? Come the fuck on.

>When will this fucking 4K meme end?
Daily reminder that It was sony that started it

Delete this. You lost, Sony won. So what if it can't play 4K Blu-ray? PS4 still has a lot of great game like Bloodborne. DELETE THIS.

>get a ps4 or an xbone
>same price
>xbone plays 4k bluray movies
>there are literally no good 4k bluray movies anyway
>ps4 has a faster processor
>xbone has uhhhhhhhh go home xbox
>$100 get a ps4pro instead
>3 times faster than an xbone, basically a generation leap.
>still no good 4k bluray movies
>for 50% more money, can get 300% faster console for 4k gaming and enhanced 1080p 60fps

Did they announce that it was finally going to have games to play?

Until the PS4 Pro announcement literally the only people I ever heard ramble on about 4K were PCucks.

You fucking MANCHILDREN probably dont even have a wall big enough in your parents house to hang a 4k display. FUCK OFF

>>ps4 has a faster processor

It's okay, normalfags will never realize their copy of Madden is not actually a videogame.

>t. a queer waiting to die

>So what if it can't play 4K Blu-ray?
Sony the makers of Blu-ray makes a console entirely on the premise of 4K doesn't put a 4K blu-ray drive in an allegedly 4K console.

We need that old gif of Iwata rising out of the casket, but updated so its phil coming out of the casket, to the surprise of yoshida and the new nintendo guy

My criticism was towards both, they both promised "true" 1080p gaming, and yet, before they could even deliver that, they are both moving towards "4k gayming and movies" as if they could even hope to run games at 4k native at this point, and as if there was even a single worthwhile movie to watch in blu-ray, considering how shit every movie is nowadays.

Streaming netflix series is much better than watching whatever shit movies are out nowadays, and you don't need a gaming console to do that.

Those fucks should just focus on making their games run better and be able to accommodate more shit on the screen at once without performance drops.

Xbox will still be shit

But this 4k nonsense is retarded. I guarantee you 90%+ of the people buying one of these machines won't be in possession of a TV where you can visually see the improvements of 4k.

What a huge waste of resources that could be used on actual graphical improvements.


4k bluray drives cost $100 by themselves which is why the xbone is piece of shit but is still expensive regardless of being junk

you in the pic

Xbox obviously didn't aim for 1080p in 2013 that's why they pushed TV, Kinect and HBO/NFL

I'm waiting as much as you OP

Looks like someone didnt watch the playstation meeting event.

Ps4pro games will have different modes to optimize graphics in many games. You can still play at 1080p if you want with the equivalent of 3 extra ps4's worth of computing power to do extra fancy shit.

>Sony had to develop interactive movies to sell PS3

Which movie will Sony sell in 2017?

Dad of War
Kojima Music Video: Extended
Detroit Become Human*
The Last of Us 2: AFWM
Uncharted 4.1 **

*QTEs rendered in pristine native4K
**HDR Patch Ready

>performance improvements.

Agreed 100%


Of course they will, user, any day now.

does everything a pro does for $100 less. granted the pro has more power but it's hard to sell people on just 4K when it isn't even real 4K. Sony knew they were going in weak on this one.

But he's attacking Sony too user

>HDR is now bad according to Sup Forums now that consoles support it

Nice meme shitlords

i bought one

Xbox failed so hard they literally pay indians to shill it on Sup Forums of all places.

I've been checking the best seller on amazon for the last 2 days and PS4 Pro has been number one every single hour even the launch ps4 model has been outselling xbox completely every single hour.

I honestly wish the indian shills would fuck off though, it's just annoying, everybody here strinctly judges platforms by their exclusives and the Xbox has none, everyone knows you're a fucking shill

>PS4 Pro gives visual improvements at 1080p

This is all anybody will give a shit about.

The PS4 Pro does it's job just fine- it's a better visual experience for a good chunk of the PS4's market games.

Nobody knows what the fuck HDR is and they don't own 4k, but that doesn't matter.

>99% of people will use PS4 pro to upscale graphics and compromise frame rate
>which means they will be using 1080p/30fps


>I've been checking the best seller on amazon for the last 2 days
>screen shot Sony winning
>post all day on Sup Forums and reddit SONY ALWAYS WINS


xbone has crossplay with windows though


>>xbone plays 4k bluray movies
>>there are literally no good 4k bluray movies anyway
this argument right here is dvd v blu-ray. blast to the past

ur literally bragging that the stronger version of a console is better than the slim version. the fact that almost everybody makes this comparison just shows how sad the PS4pro is, it's only competition is the slim version of the xbox because the scorpio is getting ready to dwarf it in power and performance

No matter how bleak things may look for them, they never give up, and take anything they can get, even through it never amounts to anything.

They are fighting a losing battle, the gap will keep getting wider and wider, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Yeah because Driveclub and Bloodborne are that good, right.

PS2 won because of a DVD Player
>Based Sony

Now blu ray doesn't matter because PS4Bro doesn't play blu ray?

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.

The PS2 won because it was a cheap DVD player and it had the most games

Holy fuck xbot, what are you doing? Please tell me this is a false flag.

The thing is.

There is no need to justify anything, or to defend anything, this is all meaningless filler.

PS4 is the more popular console, this is all that matters, meaning it will continue to get more support from gaming companies, specially the Japanese ones, where the PS4 outsells the Bone by 50000 to 1, and more people will always buy more playstation related products and software, thats all there is to it.

The fact that the Scorpio is going to cost 600 dollars unless MS is willing to take big loses and still won't have any exclusives doesn't help their case either.

>Sony started it
>consoles start reaching 1080p
>consoles start reaching 4k

PCucks are the worst, they can't play bloodborne so they whine and sign petitions and cry about it.
When consoles start mainstreaming 60 fps its gonna be

>start reaching 4k
they aren't though. it's 4k for netflix and shit, not games.

How is it a bad thing?

Times have changed.

Nowadays you don't need a player anymore, streaming is fast and has no impact in the quality no longer.

Not memeing, just stating fact. When was the last time you bought or rented a blu-ray movie? I honestly don't remember the last time I did it, I'd say it was 5 years ago.

I hope they and Nintendo do, it's time to put Sony 6 feet under.

At least when you pay for xbox live you get to keep the free games they give you. Sony takes them away if you end your subscription.

Wholly shit its only 300 bucks?!

The real winning move for Microsoft was Play Anywhere. In normal circumstances, this would just be the equivalent to the Slim's improved internal structure and built-in wifi.

But by linking Win10 and the Xbox One together, they're starting to bring it back on the path that the original Xbox laid out years ago. Consoles should always have been a cheaper alternative to PCs that run at lower settings instead of an alternative machine that attempts to compete in a way technically that it cannot hope to win.

Becoming streamlined PCs is something they could have kept from the OG Xbox, and it was stupid that the 7th Gen went the path it did on arguing about what marginal graphics they had at sub-30 framerates or which exclusives they had. What they're doing with the Xbone is making it a viable gaming solution for all people, whether they want to just play consoles or want something to go with their PC. I like it a lot.

Sony also sells 4k TVs so they have a vested interest in pushing 4k capable media. It's really strange that they didn't include 4k blurays as well since well they partial own that as well.

Is that true? With the Xbox one you still need your subscription to play them but you still "own" them after it expires

I only care about the framerate improvements, everything else I really don't care about

You do not need to have xbox live gold to play the games after your subscription runs out. Once you've claimed them, they are on your account to play whenever. Unless it's a multiplayer game but even at that, I have to question it because I went without gold for 6 months and I could still invade and stuff in Dark Souls.

It's not native 4K and neither is PS4 Pro
Both things are fooling people

Since when? Last time I checked I needed an Xbox live gold subscription to play MGSV: Ground Zeroes; you can play the BC games that they gave with GwG but not online or at least not anymore, there was a period were I could invade and summon people in Dark Souls but they fixed that with a patch

I was playing Dark Souls 1 online with people back in february without needing gold. I remember playing a few other games they gave out last year for free as well but I can't seem to remember any of the names



Jesus I hate when people ignore what I say.

Calm down turbo

Are people still playing Dark Souls on the XB1?

Nobody summons me for their boss fights ):

Then what's the point of having an Xbone then when it's more economically to get a PC?

I've been doing gimmick runs, and I don't summon for anything, ever. Feels like a cop out to need help for the bosses, though I'm sure it's fun. I only summon in DS3

Xbox was just announced as the best selling console for August. Two months in a row.

The age of Sony is over.

You will never be capable of affording a set that has the feature.

Like from the original leaks, the developers choose what to do with it.

They aren't reaching 4k. And the fact that consoles have been pushing graphics over stable fucking framerates is just sad. Prioritizing prettier graphics so they can market harder over actual gameplay.

Consoles right now ARE ages behind top end PCs and you'd have to be completely delusional to not see that. If they had worthwhile exclusives that'd be fine but I can count the number of PS4 and Xbone exclusives I give a shit about right now on one hand. Half the PS4's fucking library is PS3 remasters.

Now its developers, because its their choice what to do with all this extra power. Nu-4K 30fps was an obvious, but they could do the EXACT same 1080p visuals at 60fps now but will just do 30fps 1080p with more PC shit enabled.

>tfw I upgraded my 8 year old toaster with a GTX 1060 this week for 250$
>tfw I am running PS4 games at 120 FPS with AA and higher settings
>tfw consolecucks gonna shell out more money AGAIN to have half the power my shitty toaster has

When are you cucks going to realize you can keep the same PC going for an entire console generation, or longer, and have better performance than it throughout

By the time my CPU and mobo crap out on me you'll be buying ANOTHER console and I'll still have far better performance than you with the same money spent

Consoles are literally the "I'm too retarded to take care of and occasionally install parts into a computer so I'm going to pay to be babysat" option. Grow up and stop being retarded. Any adult male knows his way around a screwdriver and plugging in electronics, unless you didn't have a dad.

>Neogaf and Reddit are defending Sony
>They keep saying Sony knows the data on streaming vs physical discs
>Don't know that streaming ruins quality
>Don't understand common sense
>4K tv owners pay premium for best visuals
>So why the fuck would ppl who pay premium settle for worse quality

They won't.

Streaming is the future. Anyone can agree but physical still gives you the best quality. The normie tv users don't give a shit about image quality and are fine w streaming.

But the tv market never targets them. They don't buy 55" tvs. They didn't adopt DVDs early. They didn't adopt Bluray early.

The gamer market is not for normie a and neither is the tv enthusiast market. Which Xbox One S now owns.

And according to the last 2 days of threads, it seems about 1% of Sup Forums even understands what HDR actually is.

>All those people talking about Half Life HDR

is that pic fucking real?

>Streaming movies
>Let alone 4K

Wew lad, lets stream some "4K" from Netflix at a bitrate that's half of what a 1080p bluray is!

>and has no impact in the quality no longer.

HAHAHA. 1080p streaming from Netflix looks like a fucking DVD. Their 4K is a joke and is around 35% of the bitrate of a disk, it looks worse than just buyign a regular 1080p bluray.

>When was the last time you bought or rented a blu-ray movie?

Ordered the new The Thing bluray today.

-Xbox has never dominated console market
-Ps4 still hugely outsell Xbone everywhere except Murica
-Nobody outside Murica gives a shit about the Xbox brand, and they never will, Don Matrick or not
-Every Xbox game will be on Pc, so every Microsoft console will be the most useless piece of shit ever just like Xbone now

Keep being desperate and delusional tho, Xbots, you're almost cute

Christ it's been a while since I heard that one
Ever since the Xbone was dead on arrival it's just been Sonyggers this and Nintendrones that

>Nobody outside Murica gives a shit about the Xbox brand
Xbone outsells PS4 to a hilarious extent in New Zealand. Stay mad Sonycuck.

Xbox has 4k bluray and is cheaper, so Imma get that. Also Gears is goat.

Sony can keep fuccboi Drake.

Macaulay Culkin has aged a lot.


I don't even know what bitrate is, and I assure you that 90% of the world's population doesn't either.

The sad part is kids wont realize they need a 4k tv so they will make their parents buy it to replace the non 4k console they have.

It didn't work, what was that even supposed to be?

>stop doing dumb shit
>get ahead
>start doing dumb shit


>now [xbox is] going to dominate the console market again

Sweet, finally Sony is going to have to get smart.

hunnie pop

This can't be happening. I refuse to believe that Microsoft is beating Sony. DEELETE THIS!

can't PS4's play digital media?

1 terabyte harddrive.

like just download your 4k movies and watch them that way. pretty much every UHD blu ray movie comes with a UHD download code anyway.

Sony has 55% marketshare, you stupid xbot

>muh 4k bluray movies
jesus christ wasn't this the argument people had against adoption of the PS3? Talladega Nights? PS3SUX even had a blacklisted wordfilter. The only difference between then and now is that then there were only 2 consoles that mattered and now Sony is releasing a new console that's even beefier with the processing power equivalent of 3 xbones.

like tell me shit about making a good computer that can rival current gen for cheap, but don't fuckin' say the Xbox is the way to go because it fucking plays an extremely small selection of movies at higher quality than blu-ray.

like shit they don't even have UHD movies at redbox which is the normie defacto renting service.

With what games ?

Can you give me a link to said new bluray?

>Picture was created by: My ass

Sony always win

The Xcube. The Wii60. Microsoft and Nintendo.

Never forget.

I don't understand the appeal to Xbox. Ever since Microsoft announced that every xbone game is going to be on Windows 10 there is literally no reason to buy a Xbox. I feel like the killed their only market.

I literally can't think of a reason to buy a Xbox when it's on PC

>game sells 1-3 million on xbox one
>game sells 100k on pc and has a shit port, no one seriously wants windows 10

Haha yeah man everyone is le epic master race! I forgot! XD

If i want to stream my PC games to tv, should i buy xbox one s or something else?
Money ain't problem

Uhhh I don't even think halo 5 sold 3 million copies

But what's the point of Xbox when my computer can play all the Xbox games and my steam games

I don't understand the appeal