Not a ranking thread

What are your favorite and least favorite parts of each soulsborne game?
DeS: loved the nexus, hated the lord of storms
DaS: loved the painted world, hated anal rodeo
DaS2: loved all of drangleic castle, hated no man's wharf
DaS3: loved the opening area, kind of meh about the rest, no part I really hate.
BB: loved all of the fisherman's village, hated lost city of yarguul or whatever the fuck the prison turned into


>DaS: loved the painted world, hated anal rodeo

The snowy parts of DS1 are the best parts, and the first things they worked on. I get the impression that they were going to make the whole world like that, but decided not to.

Loved the entirety of Boletaria and Latria, my least favorite is the area before Flamelurker
Loved the Painted world, disliked the Duke's Archives and Tomb of the Giants
High Wall and Undead Settlement were my favorite, fuck Farron Keep (Grand Archives gets a special mention though)
Central Yharnam, Forest area and the Nightmare of Mensis were all equally my favorites. Can't think of an area I didn't like in Bloodborne

Huh. I think that it shows. Was that from an interview?

Yeah tomb was a bit iffy, I really just like skellys

DaS 2 is a piece of shit.

still better than 3

Oh my god

I loke this thread. Anyways, I have only played DES and am currently having a blast with Das. In Des I loved the overall very depressing atmosphere that seemed to permeate the entire game. However as said, I did not enjoy the area before Flamelurker. Though I do appreciate its mood and level design.

Every fucking souls thread...

I haven't played it yet though I will and give my own opinion on it.

>hated no man's wharf


>still better than

First area where weapons break
First area with narrow cliffs that drop you off the planet
First place with overpowered mobs
First place with too dark for you bs
People complain about Shrine of Amana but this place was a perfect example of everything wrong with that

>least favorite parts

Painted world was made as a demo area for the publisher in order to demonstrate the changes coming from DeS iirc


>hating the Storm king
>hating the Stormruler

4-2 is pretty dumb.


It's so self contained but so detailed and totally bitching.

I just wish anor londo was easier to navigate after it had been fully explored once. Hated that if I left the center staircase on a lower level I had to go through the church beam thingies again.

DeS: lol didn't play
DaS: liked Duke's Archives and Blighttown, hated New Londo and Lost Izalith
DaS2: liked everything down the well, Shaded Woods, hated most of it special mention to Earthen Peak
DaS3: liked Arch Dragon Peak and Irithyl Dungeon/Profaned hated Farron's Keep
BB: liked pretty much everything other than Nightmare Frontier which can suck my dick (same goes for that spider summon room in Loran chalice)

Demon's: Loved Shrine of Storms, Hated the 3-3 staircase.
Dark: Loved Ash Lake, hated Duke's Archives
Dark II: Loved weapon variety, hated Iron Keep
Dark III: Loved Crucifixion Woods, hated Lothric Knights
Bloodborne: Loved the Fishing Hamlet, hated the shark headed, anchor wielding faggots who drag the area through shit

>Hated iron keep and whale ogres
My African American relative