What does EVE offer that SC will not?

What does EVE offer that SC will not?

Taken, I haven't put tons of hours into either, one of which is not even complete yet, but by the sounds of it, SC will be EVE, except with first person action gameplay rather than point the mouse around WoW style.

Legit question, because SC does really sound that way, player driven economy that will affect the world, thounsandths if not millions of players on a single server, player-driven story where real player controlled corporations and factions will fight or ally with each other, full sandbox where you can do whatever the hell you want, basically Second Life in space.

All the things that make EVE fun to read about, but with a kind of gameplay that actually makes it more enjoyable to play, and, somehow, without a monthly fee (which I know EVE is sort of getting rid of as well).

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I don't believe for a second that SC will be able to have as many people in a single space that EvE can without the server melting.

What EVE has to offer is a finished game.

If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. You need to be more jaded and pessimistic (aka realistic cause it's current year).

What EVE offers over SC is that it's a proven quantity which has been doing what it does, flaws and all, for years.

You should probably ask yourself this question again and see if it's even relevant when Star Citizen is an actual, real game.

I was skeptical but with all the things RSI has actually released and showed, I'm not anymore.

EVE came out in 2003, it's 2016, for a game to do EVE but with more involvement from the player doesn't seem like that ridiculous a proposition anymore.

SC won't have player driven economy. NPCs outnumber players 9 to 1 for that reason but players will still affect the world in other ways.

Won't NPCs mostly be there to serve as target market? I tough that's how it worked, they would be a part of the economy, but supply and demand could be affected by players.

I asked a die hard eve fan and he told me there's no risk in star citizen. you can't actually lose assets or ships. I dunno though.

>thounsandths if not millions of players on a single server
EVE had what? 350k EU + US subscriptions at its peak? and you're talking about millions on a single server for SC?
Scifi is niche as fuck and casuals will hate the fact that on SC you can get so many advantages with real money.


CCP only seeds blueprints and skillbooks for EVE everything else has been mined, processed, captured/found or built by a player and put up and price controlled by the player. Amassing wealth is one of the more obvious goals in EVE and if you know what you are doing you can control massive alliances into doing your bidding. He who controls the markets, controls the universe.

From what I hear Star Citizen will have NPCs seed and react to players putting stuff on the market and allow the devs to manipulate it, some people speculate this will be done to stop good traders from amassing fortunes and power fast.

At least it's not going to be like Bioware and TOR where they ban people for PVP trading.

Isn't the system the same? Can't you buy insurance in EVE as well?

Now that's a good response, interesting, but don't the devs decide where resources are in the universe in EVE? And, I'd need to ask someone to know for sure if that's how it will works in SC once it's finished, hope not.

>what does Eve have that SC doesn't

Three things.

1. A player driven economy. SC will have one affected by player, but in Eve 95% of the market is completely player run.

2. A single shard server. A 1,000 player battle isn't even considered huge in eve. Everyone is together in one server. SC will be a sharded game split up into peices.

3. Lawlessness. Scamming and active market PVP are all okay in Eve. It is highly unlikely the same wil be allowed in SC.

In theory the third should be ok in SC, since they encourage people to be pirates if they want, and even made some ships good for that, but it's gonna be harder to do it really well if 1 and 2 are correct.

Is SC worth getting yet? I want a freelancer-type game, but don't want to get it yet if it's still shit (or if it never delivers on the hype)

Well cargo is now 'bound' to a ship per the latest 10 for the chairman so in order to pirate anything you'll have to steal the entire ship, unbind the cargo at a port and then rebind it to another ship. you won't be able to do that in empty space.

>thousands if not millions of players on a server.
Right now where on what? 14?
Expect something closer to 100 players per server.

No the game isn't fun yet.
Look back into it when 3.0 releases but there's fuck all right now.

While I think that SC will be able to allow you to commit some form of piracy and lawlessness, I doubt it will go to the extent of EVE
If SC let shit like CODE or bonus rooms exist I would fucking cream my pants

dont get btfo on hype

lots of shit which sounds good on paper
and you're forgetting there is a very good chance these developers are scam artists

I don't think they are scammers but it's evident by now they don't know anything about managing a big project like SC.

Fairest coverage i've seen.

For anyone that has bought or played Star Citizen, please please help me out with some guidelines.

If I buy the Aurora pledge, I take it I can explore space and do some dogfighting? Does it come with that "module" or do I have to buy another $50 ship for that?

What is currently available? Am I able to fuck around in space and see the fights? Do dogfights/battles? Earn credits and buy new ships and play a little?

Are there anomalies or anything special in space like black holes/solar flares and such?

I'd like a genuine response instead of a troll, I guess what I'm expecting is Elite: Dangerous but with an actual cockpit/hangar as well.

That sounds kinda weird, even Freelancer back in the early 2000s let you pick up cargo from other ships.

Its an undisputed fact that people who like CODE or bonus rooms have small dicks

Go fuck yourself and get the fuck off of EVE. You are the cancer that is killing EVE

They've shown pirates picking up crates individually and moving them though.

It's Freelancer-lite right now. You've got one system, but you can enter your ship, outfit it, and take missions, explore to some extent, and shoot other players. There's one or two quest lines.
Gameplay-wise it plays like a slower Freelancer if everything was on engine-kill mode (as much as the players don't want to admit it) framerate is shit due to CryEngine's bad netcode, and one ship is horribly unbalanced.
So your choice.

It does if you understand network latency.

EVE has increased in complexity since release. They are already pushing what modern computers and networks are capable of doing.

This post helps me out a bit


But I'd still appreciate if someone touched up on the other questions. Like as a faggot gamer, are you able to pull 20 hours of fun from exploring and learning the game or is it too early for that?

And by engine kill/bad framerate you mean it'll kill/heat up my GPU since its so demanding? It says the requirements are a :
DirectX 11 graphics card with 1GB Video RAM

But the CPU/Ram requirement is pretty high.

>If I buy the Aurora pledge, I take it I can explore space and do some dogfighting? Does it come with that "module" or do I have to buy another $50 ship for that?
Yes. The only thing you won't get is squadron 42.
>What is currently available? Am I able to fuck around in space and see the fights? Do dogfights/battles? Earn credits and buy new ships and play a little?
You pretty much listed everything, there are missions but all except one are >go shoot a few pirates.
Also you cant buy new ships, only rent them.
>Are there anomalies or anything special in space like black holes/solar flares and such?
No. The universe will eventually be full of interesting landmarks i'm sure but there's nothing right now.

All resources in EVE come from standardized locations.

Minerals come from asteroid belts which respawn every 24 hours but must be mined and processed by players. Non mineral resources come from planetary or lunar installations, which are entirely player operated and produce materials at a constant rate but must be maintained regularly by players.


This guy talks about it. They talk about from the video this guy pulled the vid from, but I can't find that video. Yeah it's going to be bound to start out.

The game is fairly demanding but the your framerate is tied to the server and the servers are performing like shit right now so it doesn't matter what hardware you have.

>Like as a faggot gamer, are you able to pull 20 hours of fun from exploring and learning the game or is it too early for that?

I got about five hours from playing the story-ish missions and saving up for some armor, but that's about it. There's elements in place, but that's about it.

Engine-kill is a mode in Freelancer where things are actually affected by physics. And it won't kill your GPU, I'm saying the framerate is shit because the netcode is shit. You'll get 60 FPS in your private hangar but out in Crusader it'll drop to 20.

>Thousands if not millions on a single server

Wew lad....

No lad.

This is wrong.

The problem is that there is no limit on rendering. It renders EVERYTHING.

Basically if some stupid faggot kicks a can all the way in another station, millions of km away, it'll render it. This is why it performs so badly right now.

Alright, that was a pretty interesting video, most of it wasn't really related to my doubts, but it did had some useful information, it's no wonder some of the things I said were wrong, the goalpost is constantly being moved back and fowards.

Thank you for answering.

>Are there anomalies or anything special in space like black holes/solar flares and such?
No. The universe will eventually be full of interesting landmarks i'm sure but there's nothing right now.

Upsets me more than it should.

The real question is will space be colorful? I want asteroid fields, nebulas, and backgrounds like Freelancer had.