Why are PCfags such unlikable people?

Why are PCfags such unlikable people?

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amazon.com/Xbox-One-Elite-Wireless-Controller/dp/B00ZDNNRB8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473383259&sr=8-1&keywords=xbox one elite controller

because you are jealous of them

at least they are better than the sonyfaggots that are all over Sup Forums now.

Might be because you're a dirty console peasant?

I'm not jealous, I own a PS4 and I'm quiet satisfy with the system. I just wish PCfags were less obnoxious.


>Dirty console peasant jelly of the Glorious PC master race

Any one else go to the PAX /r/pcmasterrace panel on Sunday? Really interesting to see what happens there

Because people that play videogames or simply consume media as a primary hobby are typically unlikable, insufferable cocksuckers.

you sound pretty jealous

PC gamers are the niggers of video gaming. And I don't mean like how people call playstation fags Sonyggers. The PC gaming community pretty much destroyed 'normal' gaming for themselves because everyone is under the mindset that you are free to pirate anything and everything, that it is an inalienable right to them, and nobody pays for anything. It's one of the reasons they have so many shitty ports, because developing a proper game for pc is such a risk, you genuinely don't know if everyone is just going to steal it, so it 's clearly not worth the effort. Oh but, PC users like to say they only pirate because it's a bad port in the first place, yet that just makes the issue self-fulfilling. PC users pirate if the port is shit, and because they pirate, people have no reason to make sure the port isn't shit.

How pretentious they are desu
And yes i have a pc and several consoles.
Its fucking video games you autists why do you care about what platform other people chose to play on?


They focus on the wrong shit (graphics, always graphics), disregard any arguments that don't fit their narrative (multiplats only count on PC, ports that are unplayable), and pretend any game they don't get is trash or a movie (RDR, Uncharted).

And that's just the surface. The core problem is that more than any other fanbase, PC shitters insist that you spend your money and time THEIR way or you are inferior.

No other industry suffers that kind of faggotry on that level. The closest are sister fucking rednecks bitching about if you drive a Ford or Chevy. The fact PC users are worse says a lot about them.

>Not having the same level of autism as sonyfags

I bet fucking PCfats believe this shit too, go fucking work out you fatfucks.

cause they are underage shitskins

>console bash for the last 10 years
>wonder why people hate them

Listen, they dont even have merit in terms of hardware anymore, PS4 is cheaper and has multipalts and exclusives.

PC only has multiplats, unoptimized multiplats while consoles have exclusives and cheaper hardware AND THEY ARE STILL TRYING TO CLAIM SUPERIORITY despite the fact that consoles have had better games for the last 8 years.

sounds like jealousy


I don't get it myself.

Like they get really offended if you tell them you don't own a gaming PC.

>several are shitting on it
Besides that its almost like there was a massive video game related announcement and people are talking about it
Who woulda thought huh?

pc is a 4k multiplat and sim/strategy machine. consoles are for exclusives which look and run poorer. there's not much more to discuss. you should own multiple systems and stop console war faggotry

>Sup Forums PC fanbase is legit underage
>Wonder why they are so obnoxious

They are children, just like those kids screaming on the mic for call of duty.

how do children afford 2 thousand dollar pc gaming rigs?

>I just wish PCfags were less obnoxious.
ps4fags are just as obnoxious
example: this thread and your pathetic bitching

The fact that they're autistic enough to take a sarcastic jab at them as some kind of a badge of honor is still somewhat amazing to me

This a million times over

console wars are for poorfags

In year 8 i got a parttime job and saved up for an entire year for a pc not that hard senpai

>screenshot of a PC game btfo PS4's graphics

Every time.

>shitpost consoles everyday
>secretly desire games like the cuck you are and literally celebrate ports with multiple shitposting threads telling Sony fans to go fuck themselves because ''HAHHA IT CAME TO PC''
>Completely ruin game threads and prevent people from enjoying and discussing threads due to console port elitism shitposting
>Literally invade threads completely unrrelated to PC gaming just to trash talk Sony games or consoles every single day

PC gamers =/= True PC gamers however, a lot of the people who are guilty of most of the things I've written above are ex-console users who migrated PC and have been trying to turn PC into a console for the last 10 years. True PC gamers play real time strategy and actual PC exclusives, they are a minority now but at least they are not as obnoxious as ex-console PCMR fanboys.




I can play this game too :^)

I've never met a single person who's done that. I highly doubt the average age of a gaming pc owner is younger than a console owner considering most children get their electronics from their parents

Valve is a huge autism magnet. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the CEO being a brony.


Most of them are from reddit

>It's a PCunts trying to save a face despite them very well knowing they are straight up cancer episode


They spent thousands of dollars to play pixel indie shit

If you let what platform you play on define who you are you are pathetic


>he screenshots his anime to use as reaction images


>He hate anime yet posts on Sup Forums


>how pretentious THEY are
>i have a pc
so you admit its generalization


this is how I imagine all pcfags.

Well, we're basically the Atheists of Gaming.
Our opinions are objectively right, we know they are right, and we get super annoyed when we hear "unenlightened" people spout bullshit about how their consoles are better than PCs (everyone has heard someone say "Oh console has better performance because it is MADE for gaming" which I can see why you would think that but is still right)
>My PS# is better than the XboX#
For a PCMR fag this is "My christian god is the right one, these allah muslim fags are savages"
>30fps is fine / a controller is better than a mouse for shooters
For a PCMR fag this is "Tide comes in, tides goes out, can't explain that!"
>My console has the best exlusives!
For a PCMR fag this sounds like "This religion doesn't allow pork but the other one does"

So yeah, We're the Atheist of gaming, When we see something that is widespread and wrong we can't just go "well these people are clearly morons" and let it be. We have to make a fuss LOOK AT HOW FUCKING WRONG THESE IDIOTS ARE. We're Fedoras.

>no true scotsman
>>>>>>>>>for someone who plays videogames
you cant make this shit up, you are literally three times more autistic than consolewars shitposters

Those retards spend $300 on a monitor, $150 on a keyboard, and $70 on a mouse.

you mean nintendrones and FF . jojo's fanboys ?

amazon.com/Xbox-One-Elite-Wireless-Controller/dp/B00ZDNNRB8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473383259&sr=8-1&keywords=xbox one elite controller

Not like Consolefags are any better with that.

>tfw spent 99 for a 1080p monitor, 40 for a mechanical keyboard (apple II monitor with a usb adapter), and 40 dollars for a logitech 402s
>console fags spend over a thousand more than this on a 720p tv

The only people I know that bought one of those were PC players

>pcgamers despise console gamers because they hold games hostage, or result in downgraded/bad ports
>meanwhile, pc gaming outside shit like MOBAs and Early Access are so unsustainable, that almost all of the large devs that create games with the "graphics" pcgamers want openly state that they cannot afford to make theose games if they cater only to PCgamers

Anyone who acts superior over stupid shit is an insufferable asswipe

Just look at white supremacists

This, Crysis sequels wouldn't get ported to console and have downgraded graphics if they could support Crytek on PC sales alone.

>anyone with pride is insufferable

Having pride over stupid shit is insufferable

Found the cuck

Because console players dont understand that their behavior has a direct impact on our hobby. You always act as if we could just coexist. Reality is that youre killing progress with your shitty devices, its technological limitations, your inability to accept that 30fps are shit, that paid online is retarded, and that brand loyalty is the dumbest thing in existence. By using these fucking devices you force exclusives, force technology to stagnate, force people to accept mediocrity. Its not the developers who are to blame for this shit. Its the consumers WHO CHOOSE spend money on it.

>PC only has multiplats
And a bunch of exclusive genres, such as FPS, ARPG, RTS, MOBA, 4X, Sims.


that's just typical investors bullshit. Like when all the WoW clones happened. People with money just look at what's popular and throw money at devs going "go make exactly the same shit so I can make all that same money" It happens on console too, with tons of CoD clones and such.
>Early access
Typical good Idea gone wrong. It should have been to support some devs and get an early look in but it devolved into "we have some concept art give us money for something that is never gonna be finished or good" A mixture of malicious intend and people biting of more than they can chew.
>Large devs cannot afford to make those tripple A games
Again, largely the fucking fault of the Publishers. They put WAY too much money and expectation in certain games. I mean fuck, look at the tomb raider reboot. It sold 3.6 MILLION copies. That is AMAZING. And what did SE say? They considered a FAILURE because they've completely overblown it. Meanwhile other devs are highly successful with games like the witcher 3 which is beautiful to look at and sold very well. PCMR isn't "doomed" because a couple of Idiot publishers don't know how to do shit. ESPECIALLY SE. Just watch this Jim Sterling video: youtube.com/watch?v=oVbj4GuuZTA
to see how SE keeps fucking with their games to chase shitty fucking trends in the hope to make all the money in the world with them. Deus ex originally was gonna be Episodic too, because that was "the hot thing" for a while.

>Sonyggers lose
>Jews win

Idk, they're the vegans of the video game community.

Not all PC players are unlikable. Partly why people may act mean and unlikable is because people don't treat them well. This thread in itself if shitting on PC-gamers, which isn't any better than the other way around. Making a thread like this doesn't help anything and instead just encourages more platformwar fighting.

>I... I'm not jealous
I smell jealousy

>that standard "but muh not jealous, pwomise" reaction.



As a PC player, I don't mind 30FPS if the game was built like that from the get-go. They shouldn't be built like that, but if they are and it can't be fixed, 30FPS is not terrible.

Sounds like its mostly just Umaru fans that are insufferable

I would love to play my PS4 more, but my internet is shite, how do I get a better signal?

Pic related, my internet. Keep in mind, I'm in rural NH

Found the guy with zero achievements in life