>250 word essay due tomorrow
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums
what the fuck do i do i haven't even started yet
>250 word essay due tomorrow
>can't stop browsing Sup Forums
what the fuck do i do i haven't even started yet
Did you mean 2500 word essay? 250 words is like a quarter of a page.
>250 words
Is this bait? You've probably shitposted more words in a week.
250 words is nothing you lazy fuck.
no shit I actually meant 25
summer ain't over until the 22nd I suppose.
250 words is like a paragraph
it's like 3 tweets
Let me help you user
>my little shitposter cant be this new
from your first post, you're almost done.
never forget the 25000 words
what did you mean $2.50 words?
>says the cancerous frogposter
>1 minute presentation for tomorrow
>Can't stop playing with my fingerbox
FUCKING HELP ME GUYS. I have to turn in my lab journal tomorrow but I don't know if I can make it. All I have left to do is cross out a mistake and put my initials, and make a flow chart for solubility, but I'm literally shaking. Its just too much for me man...
>tfw I lost my finger box
How new would someone have to be not to know this by now?
>1000 letter essay due tomorrow
>can't stop playing Overwatch
>tfw you accidentally drop your fingerbox in your skub
tfw youre trying to escape the same thing and you come across this post
>Meeting with the housing authority tomorrow
>Can't stop smoking weed, and chugging vodka.
is there any better newfag detector than "200/250/300 word essay due tomorrow"
like holy shit it works on almost every fucking board
>ten word shitpost due on Sup Forums
>can't stop writing essays
>5 Letter essay due tomorrow
>Can't stop contemplating suicide
>one word oral essay due tomorow
>can't stop masturbating to lesbian JAV
>people suddenly have no internet access after the summer
>believing in the summer myth
>3 hour work shift tomorrow
>can't fall asleep
Help lads!
I know this thread is shitposting, but essay writing is not that hard.
I've written 1500 word essays that required multiple academic citations in a day before, without having done any prior research and gotten a High Distinction. Part of the referencing requires "Accessed on X/X/xxxx" for the date, so the Proffessor knows as well.
>want to meet with gf
>she's in jail because pedophilia
Wat do?
>Word 250 due essay tomorrow
>Sup Forums can't browsing stop
the fuck, what even i do fuck i started yet
>he isn't a NEET shut in that plays videogames literally all day
The fuck is wrong with you?
I wrote my dissertation in 2 days git gud
>I know this thread is shitposting, but everyone pay attention to how cool I am!
I wrote my dissertation in 10 hours, git gud.
>5 word essay due after the heat death of the universe
>still browsing for memes
I'm just going to drop out
I wrote my dissertation in 1 Planck second, git gud.