Half Life: Blue Shift

Just finished the training course, and about to start on this game, lads.

Tell me how it was for you.

General Discussion thread.

It is better than opposing force.

Couldn't get past the first half an hour. Opposing force was more fun

Weakest half-life expansion.

It had cool weapon model upgrades though.

it makes lost coast look good

It's great.
I don't understand the hate these days.

It's not bad. It's just not as good as OpFor, and far too short.

its nice but boring

I think it had better level design than Opposing Force. Neither were as good as OG Half-Life.

Lost Coast was better than most of HL2.

It's the only one of the original Half-Life games I can't almost beat using only a crowbar. There's one part that's just fucking impossible.

I think the beginning lets you get pretty immersed and the level design is much better then OpFor.

I thought it was only somewhat less enjoyable than the main game, but it's a little too short

Was this the game that had the broken wire-dynamite puzzle? That would have been brilliant in a game like Deus Ex, maybe to open up a secret path.

It ended up being frustrating since 1) it was implemented kind of badly and 2) it clashed very noticeably with the "round peg round hole" puzzle design you see in every other game in the series.

Are you kidding? Broken wire with sparks. Sealed door. Only one moveable item in the room.

You'd have to be retarded not to solve that puzzle.

The shotgun was fucking orgasmic.

Are there any remakes or remastered edition of blue shift of OpFor?

I played through OpFor and BluSh recently and I honestly don't get the love they get around here, especially OpFor. I mean they're not bad or anything, I'm just not impressed at all by them. They look and play like pale imitations of the original game made by people that didn't really understand what made HL1 great. OpFor especially, it has some fun sections and flashes of brillance but more often than not sinks to really low levels. Blue shift is interesting at first but ultimately is just mediocre and boring.

bretty gud but I enjoyed OP4 way more due to all the neat new weapons.

I can attest to this, it feels so... crunchy? I guess would be the word

It wasn't even clear from the get go that it was a puzzle. There's no real reason to try open the door except exasperation when you can't find a way across the pool. I thought it was a setpiece or something since the dynamite didn't work the same way as every other point in the series. You only find the bung once you destroy everything you can, searching for SOMETHING, some clue of how to proceed. I didn't think much of barrel since I didn't consider the door an obstacle at all. I sort of dislike how it brought "real world" logic into the puzzle (bung is steel, steel is conductive, perhaps enough to connect the solenoid inductor with the TNT?). All the Gearbox games had moments like that for me. Where I wasn't just confused on how to proceed, but what proceeding actually meant.

Maybe I am stupid. But you can't honestly say you looked over the situation and realized that you needed to fix the wire by using a hidden and perfectly conductive barrel to get to the control room of the coolant chamber you need to cross to lower the coolant levels to move the barrels to raise the coolant levels to create a bridge across. You get to that point by wandering around, throwing whatever you think of at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Compared to "get to the surface". Valve follows KISS protocol. Valve knows what they're doing.

Why would you need one? Source engine's movement physics is ass

I loved the Xen levels.

The fuck is wrong with you?

I had literally no trouble figuring out what to do.

Guess it was just me.