Bloodstained delayed to 2018

Included link:

Other urls found in this thread: is heading into full production/

hahaaaa i posted first faggot
your thread actually has the name though

Already considering refunding to pump it into another project that'll be released on time.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahaAhahahAHAHAHAHAHA






consider the wii u version cancelled, if it wasn't already

I'm not too upset about the delay. I'm sure they're well aware they're going to be compared to MN9, and want to deliver a better product.

I believe it was, I originally backed with the hopes of playing on Wii U but I've already sold the paperweight.

You niggers that donated get everything you deserve for supporting kikestarter. I hope this game fails hard.

>don't want to be compared to MN9, king of delays
>we better delay our game guys

Safe to say that the Wii U and Vita versions are cancelled for all intents and purposes?




Most people don't remember the delays. They do remember it was an aggressively mediocre game when it was released.

The delays are integral to that memory, that even after all that time it was still mediocre

E3 demo I played felt pretty stiff, this is shaping up for the same fate.

>the developer of MN9 is also the developer of Bloodstained

Wow that's really far into the future to be already delaying it.

I know Japanese people all look alike but Rawhide Kobayashi isn't the guy who didn't create Megaman.

at least they have enough foresight to know, plus they brought in new talent. im on the cautious side but im confident they can meet a 2018 deadline

Isn't he referring to Inti Creates?

You do realize that game delays, happen, a lot, right? Them taking more time to develop the game is a GOOD thing. I never thought they were gonna make the not-quite two year deadline they set out with, so I expected this to happen. If it gets delayed again, then we can start worrying about it being Mighty Blunder 9 2.0. The demo was great tho so I doubt that will be the case.

I thought they were the publisher.

A delayed game might be good, but a bad game is bad forever.

>Still 2016
>Delayed to 1st half of 2018

That's pretty bad. When was the game supposed to come out?

Feels like IGA got swept into whatever shit Inafune is in with that Chinese game company.

It's not even the same dev team at Intiecreates tho. And they aren't being told what to do by Comcept either.

Inafune 2.0

Backed in May 2015, originally intended for May 2017 release.

A delay at the beginning of the development cycle is better than one at the end where they've clearly missed all their milestones and just need to release SOMETHING before the interest dies/someone shoots them outside their apartments.

>It's not even the same dev team at Intiecreates tho

[citation needed]

Good thing the demo wasn't bad.

It isn't, you can fucking look it up, nig. Unless you're too much of a fat, lazy shit to do it.

t. liam

>literally that kid / Alex Jones


Is there suppose to be a point in this post?

Inti is a small indie level dev.

>It's not even the same dev team at Intiecreates tho.
They're small. How many teams do you think they have? They've been split between Gunvolt 2 and MN9 for years. Now Gal Gun 2 and Bloodstained, along with cleaning up a mess or two in MN9.

Why though
The demo was fine and he made this type of game all his life

>colonial marines demo was great.

I don't fucking know user, I'm paranoid as fuck today. I don't trust trailers or demos till the game is out.

NX release maybe? A port isn't going kill them.

new developers on board

Shady deals

Exactly. I'm not really worried about it, if we get a better quality game out of it and have to wait a while longer that's a small price to pay.

>the devs they hire are the might n0. 9 devs

wait for it

not mad, don't actually care at all. will probably result in a better game.

at this point in my life delayed video games is just the last thing i care about anyway anymore..its like...another video game will come out in that time, i assure you

Fucking chinks
Atleast I didn't back it but I'm still upset that it's delayed
I would like to play a game I look forward to for once instead of keep looking forward to it. This Industry is ass

>>colonial marines demo was great.

That wasn't even a demo. Also it's clear the Bloodstained demo was a WIP, and Coloniel Marines was trying to pass itself as a vertical slice if the game.

At least its not Project Phoenix

>will probably result in a better game.

Just like how MN9 was so amazing after all the delays, right?

I like Iga and I liked the DS Trilogy, but he's walking on a tightrope here. People expect him to not only deliver, but to deliver something that surpasses the games he originally directed. Hell, SOTN and the DS Trilogy all had something like a 90k USD budget per game, if even that. He got around 6.5 million USD this time, so if this game isn't absolutely fucking amazing, it's a flop.

Watch it be something amazing like Arc System Works helping them with the shaders and shit.

>only two games that were delayed have ever existed

see this is why it's not even worth reading whole replies or ever talking about anything on here anymore, the level of discussion is infantile

like what do you think you said that would make it worth my time to engage you? dont bother answering

They're probably having trouble working in the online multi-player modes.

>He got around 6.5 million USD this time, so if this game isn't absolutely fucking amazing, it's a flop.

Maybe that's why he's delaying it so they can put the actual budget to work on the game? I mean, the original plan was it to come out in May 2017, yeah but that was probably planned before they got that much money. IGA hasn't disappointed me yet with updates, even with this so I'm still optimistic.

Just patch it in afterwards nobody will play that shit anyway

>March 2017
>1st Half 2018

We're talking about something like a 12-18 month delay here. That's a HUGE delay. Instead of delaying it, just give people the fucking game as it's built. Finish all the core engine business, and put out the levels as they're finished as a sort of "beta". Hell, let people give feedback about the design too.


Are you literally asking IGA to put the game on Early Access?

Somewhat. I'm asking for people to get the product without having to wait eons. Gamefreak is doing that exact format with Giga Wrecker right now, and it's working out fine for them. You get a new world every month, and that keeps happening until the game is released. They also are taking feedback on how to adjust puzzles and so on.

Note that I don't mean "early access" in the bullshit sense like most companies use it for. I'm talking about like how Giga Wrecker is being handled, in that the game is clearly being updated on a constant basis, but they're letting everyone play it early instead of just waiting until 2017 when it's 100% done.

Disappointing, but considering we already got a playable demo that was solid (and better than the entirety of MN9, so you can fuck off with the comparisons) I'm not too worried. If this keeps happening it'll be an issue but one delay, announced this far ahead meaning it's not a last minute "oh shit our game sucks" move made out of desperation but rather a planned-out switch to a longer dev cycle, is no big deal.

>3 same thread on Sup Forums

Is Sup Forums really that desperate in wanting to see this game failed?

Yeah, no shit. Pretty much every one of these Kickstarter games seems to require a three-year development cycle. This doesn't look surprising at all.

>gets a shitload more money than asked for/needed
>stretch goals bloat scope of project
>game comes out and is medicore
>inafunes career flames out

>gets a shitload more money than asked for/needed
>stretch goals bloat scope of project
>game comes out and is ?
>igas career ?

I am getting Mighty Number 9 vibes from this. I knew I shouldn't have backed it.

You must get those vibes a lot considering almost every game nowadays gets delayed at least once.

Uhhhhh them knowing ahead of time they have to adjust the development schedule is way better than scrambling like a month of two before the initial due date.

People really want this to be Might Blunder 9 II for some reason. Probably le ebin kikestarter maymay

Games get delayed all the time tho.

Because did you see the ridculous amount of shit they promised people with the stretch goals

Tell that to FF XIV

Except those games aren't ones where I put my money up front.

See above.

>game enters full production in July 2016
Wait, what the fuck were they doing the entire year prior after the game was funded and then some? And if it only entered full production in July, who in their right minds ever expected it to be finished by next march?

They already said they're release a lot of that stuff post-launch of the base game like shovel knight is doing. It doesn't surprise me that a game that is bigger than SotN is gonna require a longer dev cycle than said game, so.

This was the reason I didn't back it. If it comes out and turns out good, I can easily pick it up during a sale at some point. If it comes out and is MNo9 Part 2, then I've lost nothing.

The demo is already better than MN9.

It's still bad though

>Wait, what the fuck were they doing the entire year prior after the game was funded and then some?


i dunno why you're so worried about it unless you put in like $1000 dollars.

>1st Half 2018
>IGA hints thats not set in stone, could be late 2018 or beyond
The Wii U and Vita versions aren't ever going to see the light of day.

>E3 demo that the dev says represents 10% of the full game
>a game that is bigger than SotN

Pick one


The latter as they never said anything even remotely similar to your first point.

>>E3 demo that the dev says represents 10% of the full game

I'm pretty sure they never said that. You most likely misheard or misread something that said the game is 10% complete.

someone pls post Miriam to cheer me up :^(

Don't forget the 3DS was supposed to get some sort of prequel game too.

>"A lot of the key designs, concept arts, etc, like the overall sandbox of knowing what we need to do to create this game, all that information is pretty much locked in place. So we're heading to the full production, just mass asset creation cycle. I would say what you're seeing here [at E3] represents maybe 10 percent of the full game." is heading into full production/

>E3 demo that the dev says represents 10% of the full game
What? That was never said

You're not very bright, are you?

Now, now, user. You shouldn't disturb the children's dreams.

It's a full year delay.

Meaning the game is (was) 10 percent complete. You're either shitposting or retarded.

That's correct though


>It's not even the same dev team at Intiecreates tho.
> is heading into full production/
>just 3 weeks after Mighty No.9 was released
hmmm, nope not the same team. just pure coincidence. yep.

>guy claims they said "10% of the full game"
>literally pulls an actual verbatim quote saying exactly that
>hurr you're misinterpreting

He literally said that what was shown in E3, i.e. the demo, represents maybe 10 percent of the full game. It's pretty hard to misunderstand, user.


The user said the developers claimed it was 10 percent of the full game, and then he cited where they said it was 10 percent of the full game. Don't know what it'll take to convince you if not a direct quote.

>Mighty No.9
>Inti Creates

>Bloodstained (PC/PS4/Bone)
Inti Creates
>Bloodstained (Wii U/Vita)


user here is clearly talking about map size. The quote cited here is talking about the game's development process. The E3 build was a 10% complete build. He wasn't saying 10% of the games content was in the demo, which is what is claiming.

I think you might have to be actually retarded if you really think that the demo/tutorial area is 10% of the game. I know you people want shit to shitpost about but please.

I think these games - I don't know - there's something about these games, there's something phony going on here, and we should be looking into it. I'll have the best guys on the case, these guys, you won't find many guys better than them. We will get to the bottom of this.

>So you're bother retarded.

Nice spelling.

>user here is clearly talking about map size.

Where did he mention map size?

It doesn't matter what you think he was or wasn't implying, the fact of the matter is that you and a few others came out and expressly denied that the "10 percent of the full game" quote was real. You were wrong. Admit your mistake.

>a game that is bigger than SotN
Clearly is referencing map size. You can stop pretending to be retarded at any time.


jesus fucking christ what a joke

On some probably mistranslated interview on a site I've never heard of, whoop-de-fuck, he was still claiming that's ACTUALLY the case that the tutorial is 10 percent of the game when it was mentioned that the game is gonna be bigger than SotN.

People so desperate to compare Bloodstained to MN9 that the second they announce a delay, which they explicitly stated would become likely as more backer goals were reached, they start meming about kickstarter.

Nigga delays are common as fuck in any game, and it's not for the same reasons as MN9 either.

Also probably unrelated because this is more about kickstarter, but:
When the fuck did this become a thing? I can understand with stuff that's been delayed to hell and back like Douk, but why the fuck does a thing normally done to make the game better by eliminating bugs or adding content have to be seen as a brown flag of shit?

Not that it matters to me since I'm going to be making a profit off of the signed collector's box regardless.