Project Update #43: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night by Koji Igarashi

>We've got an important development update from IGA this week, and we wanted to make sure the backers were the first to hear it. In short: To ensure the game meets his quality standards, IGA is bringing on additional developers and has moved his estimate for the game's release back to the first half of 2018. Here's more information, directly from IGA:

>The last thing I want to do is keep our backers waiting, but after receiving such incredible support, I feel responsible for delivering the best product I possibly can. Again, I offer my sincerest apologies.

>All of us on the campaign and development sides of the team are looking forward to playing the finished game as soon as we can, but as IGA says, we also want this game to be "done right the first time."

>We'll continue to keep you updated on the development process every step of the way. (In fact, the next regularly scheduled update, featuring some songs and commentary from Michiru Yamane, is just about ready to go. And as IGA mentioned, you can expect more news about the development process as soon as it's available.)

>Thanks again for all you've done to make such an exciting project possible.

Iga finally showing his true colors as a scam artist

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>Iga finally showing his true colors as a scam artist

You do realize that game delays, happen, right? Them taking more time to develop the game is a GOOD thing.


I expected this to happen as soon as they announced the KS, no fuckin way they were gonna finish development in two years

i'm glad they're taking their time and aren't rushing things
but it's still disappointing that we're going to have to wait so incredibly long
especially considering that the castlevania metroidvanias are like crack to me


>Getting delayed just like Mighty No. 9
>IGA admits the game looks like shit even though his retard fanbase were saying it was just an alpha demo
>People still falling for conman hacks to make a video game without their publisher.

I am laffin.

there's plenty of metriodvanias that exist already just play those.

i've played all the good ones already
and a lot of them are painfully mediocre

>yfw you didn't back Bloodstained

They're not the same. They just feel too derivative from an Igavania.

lmao at those comments

>B-But Mighty No. 9

One day ago people would have been glad to have backed it.


Delays are not a bad sign. Gameplay footage will be.

This. people are kidding themselves if they think this isn't going to be shit.

alright shill

>Getting delayed just like Mighty No. 9
M#9 got delayed like 12 times. This is the first time they said anything about a delay. And M#9 delayed itself close to release multiple times and still turned out trash.
>IGA admits the game looks like shit even though his retard fanbase were saying it was just an alpha demo
Only thing that looked bad in that demo was the boss. Bright Florescent colors on a dreary stormy broken down ship is completely out of place. Everything else was fine for a Alpha demo of a game coming out in 2 years.
>People still falling for conman hacks to make a video game without their publisher.
M#9 showed no promise from moment one and constantly pushed out updates that did nothing but make people hate the idea of it coming out.
Other than this singular delay announcement nothing bad was shown, told, or found out about the game or it's development.

You're desperately looking for something that isn't there and screaming hack at mirages.

Is the email pertaining to what version of the game you want coming out when it's nearing completion?


For fucks sake, I don't even know if I'll still be there by the,.

I got caught up in the hype and backed this project, but the more I hear and see of this game, the more I remember how much of a hack Iga is. Bloodstained has me worried. It's going to end up like mighty number 9 and it's going to cause a huge uproar. The fact that he's bringing in more developers just smells like bad news to me. Let's hope I'm wrong and it isn't shit,but right now everything is proving to be the opposite:

Mighty No. 9

It was already slated for early 2018 from the start.
People making a mountain out of mole hill with this delay to slightly later in the year.

Why the everloving fuck would you back Bloodstained if you didn't like Iga's work

Not being a cretin feels so fucking good

What. There's a fucking playable demo, user. And it's very good.

Why do people think this is gonna be another MN9?

It can't be as awful as MN9, because that looked like shit, gameplay demos leaked and they were shit, and then the full game leaked and it was shit.

So far the visuals could be stronger but the gameplay and demos we've seen are promising and nail the feeling of a classic CV game.

because it worked out so well for mighty number 9 and no man's sky?

>He hasn't played the demo yet

From that alone I can tell the game is going to be pretty good.
I'm giving liberties to the water spray and other particles since it's an alpha demo, but it played nicely.

Because I missed old school Vania, user. But, alas, I'm a fool.

They're just underage Sup Forums crossboarders user.

>ugly ass animations
>slow as hell gameplay
>ugly environments

It was anything but good. Even the music was off putting.

Difference is Iga has other games to show for it, Inafune and Murray don't.

wait, what? and I was thinking of backing this

>3 same thread posted on Sup Forums

Is Sup Forums really that desperate in wanting to see this game failed?

Just ask for a refund; problem solved.

at least they are delaying it early instead of later.

MN9 was delayed when it was already close to release. IGA is still in early development so he has the luxury of saying "yknow lets push this back so we dont have to rush as hard"

>complaining about environments in an alpha demo
mustard race

>IGA is bringing on additional developers

Has Inti Creates blown it again?

I didn't realize the Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, Wind Waker, Half-life 2, and L.A. Noire were shit games because they got delayed.

>Believing Iga for even a second
>Backing a castlevania ripoff
>Backing anything on Kickstarted

The guy is a hack, metroidvanias are trash and kikestarted has NEVER put out a decent product.

Anyone surprised by this is a fool.

>tfw I'll be 30
>tfw suicide by then

At this rate, Half Life 3 and the Duke will go down as the worst games in history

I don't think you even like Metroidvanias, user.


>liking shit

Iga drones out in full force. Enjoy your polished turd that you paid 100 bucks for.

Anyone who had a brain knew it wouldn't be out in 2017

>Why do people think this is gonna be another MN9?
why do you think?

Naturally, because anyone with half a brain knew this was a scam from the start.

>ugly ass animations
Alpha demo of a game 2 years from finish.
>slow as hell gameplay
You mean 1:1 gameplay to SotN. It only seemed slow because of the background being 3d and fucking with your perspective.
>ugly environments
On a Alpha demo which won't be out in 2 years. It is a fucking miracle that it looks even that good.
Even the music was off putting.
I'm guessing you were watching the video from E3 which had completely different music blaring over the Camcorder footage. but even if you did playing the actual demo you still do realize it is early alpha.

>All these idiots dickriding Iga patting him on the back


For fuck sakes

Wheres the refund button


Shovel Knight was good and I can't see Shantae being bad.

I'm going to ask for a refund. Fuck this shit.

Well Duke is terrible. It has far more than just delays making it shitty. It has multiple changed hands and engine changes. Also Gearbox made and published it and finally released it. It had no chance.

we'll see about that when the game comes out

They bit off more than they can chew. Full 3D game with detailed graphics, with more room sthan Sotn. Can't be done on a tight budget.

Should have gone full 2D.


Nice damage control, bud, how much is Inti Creates paying you?

Will anyone give a shit about this game by the time it comes out

2D costs even more, user. Unless you hire American indieshits who don't have any spritework talent at all.


2D is far more expensive and time-demanding.
Unless you're fine with the two-colours "retro" pixels every single indie fag uses.

Thus one had a playable demo, so I'm not worried.

What kind of backward ass question is that

Look at Ni-oh's Alpha and beta. Similar yet different. Also the game was in development hell for 10 years.
Bloodstained is in the same state. Yet we have yet to get a beta. and that won't be for another year.

2D SD costs way less. SotN and the GBA/NDS games had budgets of 1 million or less.

Probably should have made the game 720x480 and then just upscale. That would be the best of both worlds. And remember most people played the Metroidvanias on emulators on lcd screens, so they don't mind a little upscaling.

Gunvolt was a cheap game, looks great, and it's constructed like a traditional pixel art game.

Fuck, I still regret not backing it when the Kickstarter was up, I really want that artbook with Kojima's art on it desu

> people whining about this minor delay
I am STILL waiting for barkley 2, and that doesn't even have a release date, unless they're serious about releasing on 11/11/2023.

Pretty sure it's still available as an option if you want to back it on the Fangamer website.

>See this other, good game? Bloodstained's development will totally be like that, because I said so!

So are you paid by the hour for all this damage control, or is it on a post-by-post basis?


I've been saying since the launch of the kickstarter that 2017 is too soon

I'd rather the game get delayed and be perfect then get rushed and be a buggy piece of shit

>first half of 2018

I can't say I'm surprised but still this sucks.

At least they're ripping the bandaid off now.


Fuck you

Fuck tortanicfags

Fuck Sup Forums

oh shit nice

>People still falling for conman hacks to make a video game without their publisher.
But Iga has a publisher
I swear there are people like you in every thread

This shit has been up forever

>Releasing a 480p game on consoles in 2017.
I'm not even sure MS or Sony would let them do that actually.

Also Gunvolt is awful and full of lazy shortcuts to save money and has the most boring level design imaginable as a result. It's clear Inti doesn't have enough dotters to do a proper 2D game just from that.

all i'm saying is that i'm noticing a horrible correlation between delays and actual game quality, that oft mentioned nintendo quote about delayed games seems to be quite inaccurate
i worry for FFXV, but hey, if that turns out fine i'll take back my post and have faith in bloodstained again

>slow as hell gameplay
I guess you hate Castlevania then because the gameplay in the demo was 1 for 1 to the older igavania games.

Go the fuck back to your containment board you fucking shitter

>giving the attention whore attention and complain when she come back

>It was already slated for early 2018 from the start.
It was actually late 2017

Are you trying to get yourself banned?

Actually, generally speaking 2D costs more because it takes longer to produce.

As for price, the reason why other Metroidvanias were cheap is because they extensively reused assets.

It's the same with a lot of SMT titles.


March meaning early

>how much of a hack Iga is
The word hack has lost all meaning with how much you faggots spam it

But it looks fine. Even on PC.

Inti has never been that great of a developer. They're just grunt men. They need real designers and directors to put out anything decent. Gunvolt was just something they made.

He's always credited for creating Symphony of the Night yet he had very little to do with it.

Mighty No 9 really soured people didn't it?

>Duke Nukem Forever
>Given to Gearbox

>Bloodstained's development will totally be like that
Bloodstaineds development "is" currently like that.
The Demo was in no way shape or form bad. It was a great mock up of what they are going for yet not the finalized version of the game. Just like the Ni-oh demo. showed what it was going for but didn't have everything in it for the full game so they can change it if need be.

Why the fuck am i getting Baited by a fucking brony?

>The fact that he's bringing in more developers just smells like bad news to me
How the actual fuck is getting more staff a BAD thing?
Every time I see tortanicfags it fucking hurts
>Any kickstarter game
I swear its like those faggots don't even like video games and WANT everything to be bad. I mean hell NMS and MN9 sure as shit ain't 10/10 perfect games but there aren't anywhere NEAR as shitty as the shitposters make then out to be. Why doesn't any of this shitposting get directed at ACTUAL bad games?

Well that's one way of saying "We've cancelled the Wii U and Vita versions."

>Actually, generally speaking 2D costs more because it takes longer to produce.

Nice meme. Budgets keep going up on newer and newer consoles.

NES era = several hundred thousand.
SNES era = up to 1 million
PS1 era = 3-5 million average
PS2 era = 7-10 million dollars
PS3 onwards = bloated AAA budgets we see today.

If you made a nes style game today, it will cost you a few hundred thousand. If you make a snes style game today, it will cost you around 1 million. SotN is essnetially a heavily upgraded SNES game, so it falls somewhere between SNES and PS1. A similar game could be made for a similar price.

Bloodstained is more like a PS2 level quality game, with a similar budget.

I only wanted MN9 and NMS to bomb because the fanbasses were fucking insufferable and Bloodstained is exactly like that as well.

Or the Quote is less inaccurate and more irrelevent because it doesn't matter if a game is released quick on time or late because it only matters if the developers actually gave a shit about the game they were making in the first place.

I have yet to see a reason to toss this game under a bus yet.

>all i'm saying is that i'm noticing a horrible correlation between delays and actual game quality
A correlation of 2 games that Sup Forums likes to shitpost on

As opposed to the long history of video games with delayed that turned out to be great.

You're either a shitposter or someone who is so pessimistic that you must believe every game is shit until you have your hands on it.

I think it looks fine except for the lack of assets--but consoles have weird "standards" they force upon people to have their game on the platform and those standards are tailored for a triple A game and not 2D platformers, thus sometimes they exclude that possibility at all. I'm not sure if Sony and MS have "banned" 480p on their consoles but I wouldn't put it past them. Rumor has it that Sony of America banned 2D games from being released in the US with only a few exceptions from PS1-2, SotN being one such exception on PS1 and Disgaeas and Odin Sphere being others on PS2

Is it happening again?