Get bored and be unable to finish Dark Souls 3

>get bored and be unable to finish Dark Souls 3
>go back to Bloodborne
>it's just as immersive and incredible as ever

See this? This how you make a good game. There is a very simple reason why Bloodborne is objectively the best FromSoft game.

Because it has "soul".[/spoiler[

So I thought of buying a PS4 for this. Can you have heavy evil looking armor? I like being a Chaos Knight.

nope it's victorian era apparel only

when will this meme end?

All the armor besides one set (I think) is leather/cloth. There are some edgy looking robes though.

>victorian era apparel only
Fucking retarded.

There is one armor set you can get in the late game, but it's not really heavy.

>Can you have heavy evil looking armor?

No, all the armor in the game is light, flowing, and leathery. It was was deliberate design choice.

There is a single armor piece that doesn't have a cape, and it's DLC exclusive.

Bloodborne's restruction of weapons and playstyles makes it boring, I can never stay motivated after Nightmare Frontier or Yahar'Gul

I'm a biased faggot because I prefer the medieval ages and still prefer souls. But you're 100% right.

I find it to be the exact opposite. Each weapon is like a different build. Having replayed Dark Souls and DS3 the weapons are just too basic. Sure there are 10 longswords but they are almost all the same. The magic in souls is also like 10 years behind everything else so not a big loss in BB.

Agreed. I'm a big fan of the original dark souls. 3 was meh. Bloodborne on the other hand was amazing. I only bought it a week ago, but I'm already on ng+. Worth me getting the DLC?

From should stop making sequels and just make cool individual games with their own theme and story.


Shame the game is exclusive, more people should have played it. This and Soul Sacrifice are my favorite games of this gen.

>the only katana in BB is actually a saber

>tfw want to play bloodborne but sub 30fps hurts my eyes
>mfw i have no face

>I only bought it a week ago, but I'm already on ng+. Worth me getting the DLC?
Yes but enjoy getting your ass kicked.

DLC is the best part

stop sucking so much dick over a mediocre/poor game

Same problem here. I bought a ps4 ages ago and never played it till I got bloodborne. Usually I'm playing at 144fps on pc. The framerate is only annoying for an hour. Once the story hooks you the framerate issues go to the back of your mind

Why? Is it high level content? I'm around level 90 I think.

>only katana

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you filth? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Hunters Workshop, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Vilebloods, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in hunter warfare and I’m the top shooter in the entire Workshop. You are nothing to me but just another beast. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Yharnam, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me through a messenger? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hunters across the city and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the hunt, maggot. The hunt that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my untricked cane. Not only am I extensively trained in hunter combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Healing Church and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the city, you little shit. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn rat. I will shit frenzy all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

>Why? Is it high level content? I'm around level 90 I think.
It's the hardest part of the game outside the chalice dungeons and is meant for end game, just before you fight Gehrman or whoever.

and you're in NG+

Alright ok, thanks for the heads up

You're the fucking retard here. Sorry this game about Frankensteins and Draculas has appropriate clothing for the setting and not shitfuckretarded Warhammer nonsense. Maybe Lords of Shadow is more up your alley you mongoloid.

DLC on NG+ is very hard. It's recommended for levels 70+ on NG, NG+ is really bring whatever you've got. It assumes you are good at the game and have fully upgraded weapons and half-decent gems.

Have you done any Chalice dungeons?

just beat this game for the first time. Can't wait to make a new character and a new build. I didn't even find any of the equipment. No different weapons no different armor I basically had a vanilla blind run with the axe spear. Now that I beat the game I need to pick up the DLC on payday and get a guide for all the weapons.

[spoilers]I really want to get this wagon wheel item I keep seeing fanart for it looks ridiculous and amazing.

You need to do Alfred's quest to get it, either that or just kill him.

your wrong kind of
I remember when I started it I thought it was about werewolves but it turns out even spookier than that

Been to Cainhurst?

>my identical game is superior because its exclusive to my favorite platform

>I really want to get this wagon wheel
No don't! The wheel is for churchfags and insecure suicidal idiots all the coolkids know that the chikage is the way to go.

The entire time I played DS3, I just wanted to do another BB play-through.

Did you go to Castle Cainhurst at all?

On my first blind play through the only area I missed was the Upper Cathedral Ward.

>have hundreds of hours in the game
>decide to finally do a proper Arcane build in BB for the first time recently
>following a guide to help figure some of the early game shit out
>go into the DLC really early and underleveled
>doing all of that content with a BL50 +7 saw cleaver
>can't really utilize beast blood pellets to the effectiveness that I normally would

Shit was hard as FUCK. It was a great experience.

That being said, once I got out of the DLC and had my parasite and everything my playthrough ended because the base game was too easy in comparison and I got bored.

Err I have done a few dungeons. Last time I tried them I was on depth 3 against a giant with a club and scissor hand thing. He can spin around and chains on his back knock you over.

Should I probably work my way through them then? I wasn't sure if the dungeons even gave you good items or anything.

>calling executioners suicidal idiots
>the chikage literally drains your life

Nice try vilecuck. Better go collect more hunter semen for the queen that put you in her friendzone.

Bloodborne is far from identical to other Souls games and it could come out for PC, Xbone and the fucking 3DS tomorrow and would still be the best Soulsborne ever made in every regard.

>Dark Souls
>ever reaching Bloodborne's level of quality
1st game is the only one that comes close, but BB's updated combat and consistency in level design/bosses just surpassed it in every way. The other 2 are uninspired rehashes and cashgrabs.

I unlocked it but everything there pushed my shit in so I didnt really touch it first playthrough I think I missed a bunch of optional shit. I did beat an amygdala at like level 52 though solo so I'm proud of that.

Streaming my new cane whip play to no one right now cant wait to see how good i am compared to first playthrough.

kill yourself (you probably already did after posting that anyway) churchdog

How does Dark Souls feel after playing BloodBorne? I'm about half way through BB and I'm worried that I'll dislike DS3 for having a comparatively shitty dodge.

>Better go collect more hunter semen for the queen that put you in her friendzone.
>mfw I thought the Vileblood queen was a cool as fuck design and really liked the Vilebloods but then I realized that this is literally what you're doing with no exaggeration whatsoever

I too have recently played this game for the first time ever. I played all Souls game, and this is hands down the best game in my opinion. The atmosphere, the creepy factor and the music blew me away. The DLC was phenomenal, but my favorite fight remains Gehrman. The fucking music which implies you're doing something terrible but redeeming at the same time, the white flowers, holy shit it was perfect.

Game had some cheap bosses, I spent way too long on Laurence and that skeleton thing in Castle Cainhurst. Maria, Gehrman, Gascoigne and Ludwig were fantastic. Was left rather speechless when I finished the game.

Crowsteel is on his way traitor.

Same here senpai, I really had to push myself just to finish it and was glad it was over.
After BB, I immediately started another character (qt girl) with a different build, while continuing through NG+ with my main guy.

Well is was made with SCEJ

do the math, two studios are better than one

Bloodborne 110% has the best music of any Soulsborne title as well. AN ACTUAL REAL ORCHESTRA.

Churchfag detected.

Go play with your silly wheels.

Clunky and boring tbqh. A first playthrough is still kind of enjoyable, although I did have to force myself at times, but I really can't see myself starting another character. The lack of build variety and optional paths just worsens that.

>Bloodborne is objectively the best FromSoft game.
Soulsbabbies say the darnedest things.

Realizing Bloodborne is the best game in the series is purely a matter of how much insight you've accrued.

Best part about the OST is NO SAKURABA!

>dat ludwig the holy blade theme

>It's a Bloodborne general circlejerking on Sup Forums episode


>The lack of build variety and optional paths just worsens that.
You're talking about BB, right?

BB builds revolved around the weapons, not the stats.

That's probably what's going to happen because they said DaS3 was going to be the last souls game

I've got a full stack of poison knives so come at me edgelord.

"My guiding moonlight" and the swell of music is one of the most incredible and memorable scenes of any videogame I've played, let alone in recent memory.

Quality over quantity. There may only be a few in Bloodborne but it's a better selection than any other Souls game. Bloodborne is also the only Souls title to get the Moonlight Greatsword right.

On top of that Arcane is about a billion times cooler and more interesting than any int/fth shit to ever appear in a Dark Souls title.

I can see build variety if you don't want to try out arcane, but fucking optional paths? BB destroys DS3 in that regard. Rom, despite leading into the end game, is only the 4th main boss in the game, and you'll most likely have most of your playtime (minus DLC) before beating him. What's DS3's 4th main boss? Either Crystal Sage or Abyss Watchers.

Fuck off, this game has an insane amount of optional content. It even surpasses DS1 in terms fully fleshed out areas with amazing bosses that a lot of players probably miss completely.

>play dead souls 3
>have fun
>have bloodborne
>don't play it
>try again
>get fucking lost
>everything looks the same
>can't find out where to go
>give up

You have to listen to the scared civilians trapped in their homes. They pretty much tell you exactly where to go.

>tfw there will never be a normal BB thread
>it will always be the same false-flagging memelords

For some reason the music in bloodborne gets me way more hyped up and immersed in the boss fights, idk why it just makes it way more intense than any of the souls games for me

This is either bait or just further proof that DS3 is literally "normalfag souls".

>R1 spam and an over-abundance of vials and bullets

>all clothing in game is fitting to the setting
>fucking retarded

its not bait or "normalfag" souls, its just personally, I feel the design of the starting areas aren't that great. I felt like I was going in circles and I wasn't too big of a fan of the combat at the time, so I stopped playing.

Just because I didn't have the exact same experience as you, does not mean there's something wrong with me.

I never quite understood the significance of this scene. Why is the entire internet creaming itself over it? I understand Moonlight GS is a weapon which appeared in I think every Souls game, but what is it beside that? Why was it given an entire cutscene? Something to do with lore? Or is it more about Ludwig coming to his senses and less about the weapon?

>still no respec item

How do you feel about this?

Good. Respec is casual poop that takes the meaning out of your character building decisions.

The hunter set you get in the graveyard doesn't have a cape.

>we will never get more Bloodborne content
>we will never know more about the setting and the lore
>From will never go back to it
It sucks, but I'm also kind of glad that they won't be making mediocre sequels like they did with DS.
But fuck, I want another DLC.

Every game in the series can be beaten with R1 spam, BB is one that actually further encourages use of the full moveset thanks to trick weapons and viscerals. Meanwhile, DS3 almost forces you to R1 spam in certain bosses.

>over-abundance of vials and bullets
What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Dark Souls has literally infinite estus and FP. BB actually forces you to manage your vials and take enemies seriously, because dying to the same boss 10 times and getting stuck will make you run out of them. bullets aren't that abundant if you actually have an arcane build that uses them constantly.

I really want a Bloodborne prequel.

>working with young ludwig, maria, papa gascan and gehrman
>using old fashioned hunter weapons to combat the very first beast outbreak


It's near perfect as it is senpai, let's hope they move on to a new setting in a similar style and actually but as much effort into it, so we never get any more DS2s or 3s.


Nigger please, I want to play my first char again in NG+ and she's too fucking weak to do shit.

>tfw no Byrgenwerth student life DLC

Fucking jumping into that water to fight Rom gave me flashbacks to the Hydra from ds. More water bosses please

It's a combination of multiple things, the insane levels of fanservice of the reveal of the beloved weapon in the game which up to that point had been completely missing. Pretty significant usage of it in comparison to previous titles, signature weapon of a major character. Ludwig's characterization both before becoming a beast and the state he's in now, twisted and deformed and completely mad, jumping all over the place and shooting goo at you from one of his new orifices. You get him down to low health and a cutscene triggers and it's hard to say what to make of it or expect and then THIS happens. Somehow brought back from the brink at the mere presence and sight of it (underscoring its power and influence) and becoming the "holy blade" one final time, no longer acting like he's feral but fighting like a true swordsman despite his deformities. The clear but mysterious relation of the blade to the cosmos (you can literally see the cosmos within the blade, which is fucking sick), some sort of abstract unknowable cosmic force that had been guiding Ludwig perhaps to his current ruin or perhaps just indifferently, there's no way to be sure of which.

And yeah basically just the general aesthetic of the scene and the accompanying music up to that point as well.

>old fashioned hunter weapons
all the weapons besides the powderkeks ones are old fashioned hunter tools

Totally. It would be hard to adapt the gameplay, but it would be awesome to see the rise of the Healing Church, the feud between Mensis and Byrgenwerth, the discovert of the Old Ones...
I'd also like to know how the world is beyond Yharnam.

The thing is, you can't make a Souls-like game with a plot like that. Exploring a ruined world is a focal point of the gameplay.

I'd love a Telltale-esque game(but well done) about pre Bloodborne Yharnam.[\spoiler]

>a VN style experience where you role play a newly admitted Byrgenwerth student in the early days
>spend your days taking classes and forming friendships/alliances with your fellow students and professors
>can sneak out at night to read forbidden tomes, potentially gaining more insight
>can choose to betray the academy for the Healing Church or the School of Mensis, or help Master Willem until the end


Oh, thanks. One question though, why is that weapon loved by players? I never used it in any game. Was it just overpowered, fun to use or what?

fuck off dumb sonygger

I would be fine with direct storytelling as long as they keep the same combat system, they'll be also plenty of NPCs too.

Bloodborne prequel should start with you being accepted into Byrgenwerth.

>There is a very simple reason why Bloodborne is objectively the best FromSoft game.
t. kiddie whose first FromSoft game was in 2011

>running around school corridors at night with Micolash pretending we're hunters chasing beast to scare everyone
>filling jars with eyes as punishment for it
>pissing into the lake to spite Master Willam
>throwing that pussy Rom into the lake after we're done
>having a jiggle at her

>Silent Line
>not Last Raven
casual spotted
you no true raven

That giant is a right dick, either learn the timings and do one attack at a time (running R2s are usually best) and whittle him down. OR being a shitload of bullets (remember to press up on D-pad for blood bullets) and an upgraded gun, as well as Molatovs, Oil urns, poison knifes, whatever you can use at range. Since he has no ranged attacks of his own and no gap closer either.

But if you need gems you don't need to kill him. The Fatty with a Club guarding the lever on that layer drops 20.6% Cursed Physical gems. These will be more than enough to get you through the DLC on NG+.

There will never be a consensus on best AC because they're all the best.
Except V.

Sauce on the pic? Looks like it's from the same artist that did that Cainhurst one.

Well it's a big glowing sword that shoots energy out of it. It's just generally cool and is a From meme so people get caught up with it. It's been varying degrees of useful but obviously everybody's going to be excited to see what exactly its current iteration entails.

And the fact that Bloodborne's is legitimately the best version of it ever in all regards probably helps people to remember that scene even more fondly.

I kind of forgot to mention that difficulty probably plays a big factor in the memorability. It's possible the majority of people had reset on Ludwig many, many times on his first phase before even getting to see that monumental cutscene, he's pretty difficult. Then that great scene happens and it's a completely different, incredibly cinematic and flashy anime fight with a giant horse monster wielding a greatsword that shoots waves of cosmic energy at you.

Or alternatively, oppose Micolash and fug Rom. She sounds like a good waifu.
Would obviously also need short cameos from characters like Gehrman, Maria, and Ludwig, while Laurence, Mico, and Willem would be part of the main cast.

What should the Bloodborne prequel be called?
