So what's Sup Forums's verdict on this series?
Great designs,good graphics,good OST,interesting powerups,but a little repetitive.
Is it pronounced chawd or chowd
One of the best battle systems ever made.
So I completely remade it in 3D.
Godlike from 1-3, 4-5 were trainwrecks, 6 was meh, VarSword is the best chip.
2 = 3 > 6 > 5 > 1
>Tfw started the series with 2.
Feels good mang.
2 and 3 are good, rest are chores. If you have played any other ones other than 1 and want to go back and play 1, don't waste your time. Just find a plot summary of 1.
>tfw you started with 1,got bored to shit and can't find your GBA
Star Force was better.
fun gameplay
shit story
horrible endless backtracking to extend the story as much as possible
random encounters erry day
boss difficulty is irregular
goes for most of the early versions
>not a chore
Enjoying going to literally every area to put out fires?
Fun games.
Getting all the stats was worse.
Fuck the pa list star
Hey, 2 and 3 have their chore moments.
Jesus H. Christ, especially 3.
>IceBall M
>fighting DesertMan without tactics
>fighting BubbleMan in general
2 is best.
Less of a chore than beating the game multiple times to get all the souls and changing the difficulty mode. Still way less of a chore than liberating areas.
I enjoyed liberation
I'm guessing that 4 is the forbidden number in the series.
Fuck Liberation. Fuck that gimmick.
I wish there was a Vs. Liberation mode.
Having 1 good game doesn't make it better
3 really does have the most trickier bosses in the series. I mean 2 kinda does as well. But it's not as bad as 3's.
KillerMan would agree on 4 being an unlucky number.
MM4, MM IV, X4, and Zero 4 were all excellent games.
>Fighting DrillMan
>No chips that can hit him at an angle.
DrillMan was such a good boss fight. I was totally bewildered as to how to hit him at first when I was a kid.
Maybe that would be kinda fun. Maybe. Battling using the different Navis.
Oh, ToadMan is annoying, MagnetMan too, but the others can be cheesed or are reasonable.
3 just, ugh. They all have a "weakness" strategy, not nearly as clever, and you're not ready for it the first time. You'll win, but only after an excruciating battle. DrillMan is an exception.
>not using LifeSword
>Freezeman's entire god damn thing
That alone brought BN2 down under 3; I loved everything else but fucking christ was that ice chase across the entire net obnoxious
MMBN7 when?
I want to say it's the best but pulling off an elemental sonic boom requires both hands and at least one foot.
>Fighting Drillman for the first time
"Huh how come my chips aren't hurting him much"
>That slow dawning realization that you absolutely needed to have piercing chips or chips that can hurt him on the side.
Battle Network 3 and 6 are my absolute favourites, but there's no bad MMBN game. That's how great this series is.
Never played 1 or 6. Was 6 any good?
6 was pretty decent. So yeah.
4 exists.
started with 3, then went back to play 1+2, replayed 3, played 4,5, never played 6 cuz i hated 4 and 5
IIRC there was also a BN game for the GCN that was like the old classic MM series but i never got past the first boss. And i think there was another GBA game that was strictly net battles but i never played that one either
>that fetch quest in 4 where you had to collect tickets or some shit
I will never replay that shit game
there will never be another good battle network game and the people who made it will die with the dream unfulfilled
3>6>2>5>>>>>>>>i started with 2
>never played 6 cuz i hated 4 and 5
Oh shit nigger what are you doing, go and play 6 right fucking now
Oh shit it's you You're taking too fucking long
I still dont know why went full grimdark with BN4, 3 was amazing and with how forced the drama in BN4 got made it look like the worst of the series cause everyone was expecting something better than the last one.
Oh please, that's one scenario that takes you through the Undernet.
MMBN3 in total had fetchquest after fetchquest. On top of that, every Wily and Bass thing felt hamfisted as fuck, nowhere near the grandeur it should have had.
But don't you like DARKNESS?
All the Mega Man series were going anime grimdark around that time. X6, Z2, BN4/Nebula Grey. It was a bad time to be a Mega Man fan.
Unless you watched Naruto and Bleach on the regular, then you were reveling in the shitty plots.
It was too edgy to be honest, and the setting of computer programs really doesnt help with the sudden "feel the darkness of your heart!" stuff, in my humble opinion.
... Oh. Right. This happened.
>look up BN 3 for eshop
>wii u only
>friend has wiiu but there is no way to buy it on my NNID for later use
fuck dude why can't nintendo let me play this on my 3ds or use my profile on someone elses wiiu.
Anyone that has even a passing interest in the series should look at EpeeEm's LP of 4
shit's fuckin hilarious
Oh boy, the bait is strong
the main menu themes made me feel like a hero, I'd leave my gba on for 30 minutes straight just to here it...muh childhood autism
Nah. For real I'm messing around. I like making fun of BN4-5 plots.
It's amazing how you crashed the game before your mind
Well, BN5 wasnt very good either but it at least was more enjoyable than 4.
Still, i think BN 3 was the downfall of the series, and there was no new game that could top it and made people to look at the series a bit too high.
Metagel1 bros WW@
That thing was the falling blobs that took terrain, right?
Because damn, i remember wanting aquashield style in BN3 but ended with aquaground cause of those goddamn things being so useful.
but the souls in 5 are really good
>regular net
Did Megaman predict the Darknet?
>every single fight in the tournament had you doing some inane shit for your opponent
the games just got more and more retarded with non-battle stuff. I quit the series when I had to feed a pelican for some reason.
>>That thing was the falling blobs that took terrain, right?
Yeah it was pretty good. One of the most useful chips in the game
You're joking, right?
4 would like to have a word with you. I have no fucking clue how I beat that as a kid when it came out.
>not having Sup Forums at the bottom of the list
isnt this place the deepest darkest part of the internet?
what's your favourite style, soul and beast Sup Forums?
WoodShield, shit was fucking broken in 3 and you could basically become invincible
probably either proto or aqua, they look cool idk
gregar, i like how he kind of looks like gospel
Custom, Wind, and while I love Falzar, I find Gregar to be better in combat.
Wood Shield
Knight Soul
Did anybody here remember the Manga?
Is there a game with a battle system similar to Battle Network's?
fuck yeah nigga
The manga was not messing around
>that scene in the MMBN2 scenario where the bad guys kept spamming Recovery chips on each other
jesus christmas
This concludes my humor/chivalry/poem spam
Spiritual sequel has better waifu and anime, but BN doesn't has better Bass.
Doesn't have touch screen bullshit and has better Bass*****
BN2 got America spot on.
BN does have the Bass.
...although I think that's what you were trying to say.