TLOU is still a horrible choice for couples cosplay

TLOU is still a horrible choice for couples cosplay.

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It's at least better than the Booker/Elizabeth stuff. I remember seeing people shipping them before the game came out. Boy were they surprised.

Let's be honest, there were some people who liked it even MORE after that.

Please kill yourself

I always knew TLOUfags were pedos.

t. normie

>plays TLOU
>says "normie" instead of normalfag
>thinks he isn't a normie

That is one ugly little boy

>implying i've ever played TLOU

>pesos tell them selves this

I know I did.

Closet pedo

>couples cosplay
Aka "hey check it out we're nerds but we're better than you ;) we're gonna have sex later haha take that"

>nerds can't have sex

literally what?

if you have sex then you're a fucking normie.

I'm a nerd for sex and I'm very offended you assholes.


Someone is bitter.

I'm a neet and have been for 8 months. My only hobby is vidya and I still have a gf. It's really not hard and i'm not a normie at all.

leave normie.

Wait why, i've never played Bioshock

Liz is Bookers daughter.

It came from the /r9k/


fuck off to reddit you piece of shit

>this post

>implying they are not bffs, and her bf wouldn't be caught dead playing dress up

I rather say normie than normalfag, I'm too lazy to type that extra 3 letters d e s u.

>that guy that screamed and fainted

gets me every time

Holy shit.

Tbh you can't say *insert-adjetive*fag here anymore without fags posting sjw bait or shitposting about how epin you are for being a le oldfag.

This site has become a fucking sattire of itself a long time ago.

>I'm a NEET
>and have been for 8 months
So in other words you're an unemployed normalfag?

I dropped out of uni because I sat in my room all day because going to class was too much. Yes, I know it's fucking stupid and I hate myself for it.

Why am I laughing? That shit is horrible.

Except even the biggest fucking bookworm at my highschool ended up fucking a chick. He ended up having a kid at the end of my Senior year

>Tbh you can't say *insert-adjetive*fag here anymore without fags posting sjw bait or shitposting about how epin you are for being a le oldfag.
that is literally not true

It's not about sex, it's about having stable human contact at all besides relatives and coworkers.

How can this happen?

Is /r9k/ the worst board?

Easily, it should be deleted.


No shit, it's just casual clothes. Fucking dime a dozen Gordon Freemen are better than this.

Joke's on you.

Sup Forums is 100% reddit now.

If you're a fucking normalfag that is

no, Sup Forums is. /r9k/ bitches about reality and females which is sad but Sup Forums bitches about children's toys and virtual boobs which is just pathetic kek.

then again /lgbt/ is probably the most pathetic. autistic homos and trannys erping and obsessing over nazis on another board who hate them. Sup Forums in general is pretty shameful.

/lgbt/ has less self loathing gays and suicides than /fit/

The only reason the feels garbage infested the entire site is because Moot tried deleting it, newfag.

He deleted /new/, too, which is the origin of pre-Sup Forums Sup Forums posting.


Hello re-ddit!

yeah I meant that nigger

/cgl/ is the worst board.

See Yes. Yes it is.
Followed by Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums.

There are worse ones

great thread.

What is an acceptable cosplay choice for couples?

i dont doubt that at all kek.

Jesus, im not into muscular men but damn

Any board that keeps their bullshit to themselves in fine with me. But /r9k/ bleeds too much into Sup Forums. All those pepe posters you see? Newfags that are attracted to the site, thanks to /r9k/. Bunch of redditors and other fags from meme aggregate sites.

If you have a girlfriend who is willing to cosplay as a 14 year old loli with you, then it is most definitely acceptable.

but you could say the same about Sup Forums and trumpposting, and Sup Forums's garbage memes like baneposting and muh kino.

I do. Also see


Just leave this website. Fuck. It doesn't even matter, nothing but normalfag trash in this place. Can't even go anywhere else for entertainment that isn't /x/-tier crazy. Fuck you and your ilk.

>he had a worm enrolled at his highschool

What is your life some sort of anime or something?

Life gets a lot harder then that. Your girlfriend will leave one day. You ahould probably kill yourself if you get the chance. Or man up.

I hope your girlfriend leaves you for a real man who has his shit together. She deserves better than some NEET parasite.

Shut up, normalfaggots.

Touched a nerve? If you can't handle a couple shitposts then you really should consider suicide. I'd be suprised if you even leave your room.

compound fracture.

It's when your skeleton tries to escape it's meaty prison.

Less self-loathing gays probably but suicides are probably fewer or equal to /lgbt/.

Exercise releases endorphins.
Endorphins make you happy.
Happy people don't go kill.

How do you play a movie?