Are you guys fucking hyped for Gears of War 4?
Are you guys fucking hyped for Gears of War 4?
No gears games are shit
I was hyped for horde, then I saw the first 10 waves and it did nothing for me. I just hope it was a shitty map.
>no gorgon
>no scorcher
>no hammer of dawn
It's shit.
Yeah, Coalition is like the total opposite of 343.
I will mis the gorgon pistol though
>tumblr girl
>we wuz
>1 normal guy
No but it is annoying though. The other games were diverse without having to be this obvious about it.
As opposed to
>MUH WIFE beaner
>soft talking beta asian who gets impaled like the sisst cuck he is
>angry white man because small peepee
>angry white man because """"""war crimes"""""
>dumb redneck
>WE WUZ ISLANDERS N SHIET to pad out diversity
>white girl suddenly in army just cuz
>islander girl suddenly in army just cuz
>niggest nigger voiced by Ice-T
Gears has always had minorities in the spotlight stop trying to fit in so hard
kek shitposting mong btfo
The beta was shit after the first few days and they didn't remove the boomshot which triggers me so not really hyped
I mean it doesnt look that great but it is the only game made in forever with actual local co op so it is probably worth it for that
>no mortar
>no oneshot
>no booshka
They left out the best weapons.
I am excite but I don't know how I am to play it.
Wait so how do you buy this game on pc?
I haven't seen anything but xbox one advertisements.
W10 goy
My only gripe with this game is that everyone except JD and Marcus looks homeless
other than that, I'm excited
Shit in all games and I literally don't remember anyone ever using it.
I agree. I miss this one even though it was shit in 3.
>hammer of dawn
It has to be back. It's a meme gun.
Useless piece of shit.
>replaced by the embar
Never played judgment but it sounds stupid.
Absolutely not. The story and enemies look stupid.
>useless piece of shit
You can't be this bad, I used to get entire teams distracted by one teammate thanks to it's OP AoE with one burst.
>playing gears of shotgun battles for the fucking story
Seek human interaction
>fucking robots/mechanical bullshit in my meat chunks game
>classes in Horde
>generic robot enemies
>classes in horde
>neo-locusts look dumb
>graphics somehow look worse than GoW3
I am. But now I have to debate whether I want to drop money on an Xbone.
>classes in horde
This is the such cancer to the game mode it legit triggered me. This ruined MGO3 too
Hard to be excisted for it.
The devs keep throwing out how the campaign is going'back to its roots' and its 'akin to gears of war 1'
Which is retarded because out of the trilogy, the best campaigns were 2 > 3 > 1
Horde should be good at least. Has cross platform play too so.
Is waifu Anya back?
She is a farmer with marcus. Also their son is the main character
This 100% guarantees she is a walking corpse.
S-she's dead?
He's saying she'll die
>unironically playing gears for the campaigns
>thinking the devs were talking about the campaign and not the multiplayer
>graphics somehow look worse than GoW3
Thank god I'm not the only one who sees this. What happened to the attention to detail GoW was known for?!
>the best campaigns were 2 > 3 > 1
lol no, even Judgment is better than 2
Gears of War 1, 2 & 3 had a nigger and a spic in the main cast. Gears 3 even had playable women which made perfect sense in the context of the story. Kill yourself.
>white girl suddenly in army just cuz
>islander girl suddenly in army just cuz
>suddenly in army just cuz
During the Locust war, women on Sera were used exclusively for breeding purposes. Anya (who was in the army during Gears 1 FYI) faked her medical report on her ovaries so that she could join the army. By Gears 3 the COG was pretty much completely gone which meant that women joined the fight because they needed all the fighters they could get.
>During the Locust war, women on Sera were used exclusively for breeding purposes
The "class" system is 100% optional. It can literally be turned off in the menu. When it's on all it does is grant a playstyle specific bonus.
>Engineer builds slightly cheaper
>Scout picks up more energy from dropped sources
Fucking kill yourself then look up what it is your upset about. More often then not you'll find out that your anger is unfounded.
Berserkers are the only known locust "female." Locust breed by restraining Berserkers in chains and then raping them.
Gears of War lore is pretty cool.
How do you rape a rock monster?
Your stick your willy in it's billy. Silly.
i tend to agree. that said they're pretty great when it comes to just dumb entertainment that you can turn on and not have to think too much about
I'm surprised they haven't advertised the PC version harder, apparently it's going to be a good port so I'd be shilling the hell out of it.
I started playing Judgement the other day. Holy shit what did they do to Gears? This shit is awful.