Video Games Were A Mistake

It's a fucking mess. All of it.

X-Box One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Scorpio, PlayStation Pro, NX, VR, 60fps, 4K, HDR, DLC

The entire gaming world has turned to absolute shit.

The best games have already been made. Let the whole fucking experiment just die.

games have been dead at 7th gen
but I do agree that I want the videogame crash to happen soon because everything is shit

Reminder that everyone outside of Sup Forums is having fun with videogames. Gaming didn't turn to shit, Sup Forums turned you to shit.

Just wait for Tekken 7, OP. Tekken 7 will literally save vidya. They've even made it fun for you casuals now.

>X-Box One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Scorpio, PlayStation Pro, NX, VR, DLC


>60fps, HDR

What? They're great.

Literally build a PC. Sure it's a lot of money to dish out if you build something good, but once you do you're fucking set. It took me a good while to save up but it's one of the best investments I've ever made.

Not him but you're wrong. Gaming turned to shit.

Every fucking year we get to sit through E3, looking a demos for games we might be able in 2-3 YEARS time. Fuck me.

And it's always bullshit - lying tech-demos running on high-end machines that will never EVER look like the fucking product you eventually put your hard-earned cash down for.

Fucking obsessions with graphics and frame rates rather than making - oh I don't know - something fucking FUN to play.

Fucking paywalls and DLC on shit which we should get for FREE.

Broken promises after broken promises, lies after lies, unfulfilled hype and an utter fucking feeling of directionless meandering from all major console manufacturers.

The list goes on and on.

the NX is probably gonna be pretty good

>Literally build a PC

Ok, can you recommend me some good corridor simulators to play?

NX will probably be neat and be a breath of fresh air.

How come literature, film and music are able to stay fresh so long and yet video games which are a much newer medium already struggle with innovation.

I could perhaps put some faith in Nintendo if they would just drop that Amiibo shit. It's nauseating and insulating.

>im a dumb console gamer

>all gaming is shit because console gaming is shit

>actually thinking movies didnt go through the same shit in early 1900s

also, literature has existed for about 5000 years, and music too

Show me all those amazing PC exclusives boi

PC's aren't excempt. They're shit too.

Tell me much I should spend on a rig to get a game running 60fps at 4K - like I was promised it would.

Or can I not have 60fps and 4K at the same time? Well fuck me, right? Guess I better dial those optimisers back a bit.

What's wrong with Amiibos? They're cute.

Because unlike vidya, those other mediums can be considered 'Art'.

Vidya is - and always has been - a cash grab.

4k 60 fps is a meme, grafix fags are the worst kind of cancer, almost worse than casuals, which most of them are

The figures themselves? On their own, yes, I suppose they're cute, if that's your thing.

But it's the fact they're literally a paywall for unlockable content.


isn't it usually just costumes and stuff? And you only need on mario to get all the mario stuff in the games that respond to mario, right?

The point is, that's the kind of thing which just used to be in the fucking game as an unlockable. To encourage the player to keep playing and rewarding skill or exploration.

Wasn't that a better, healthier idea?

>Fucking obsessions with graphics and frame rates rather than making - oh I don't know - something fucking FUN to play.
But that's Sup Forums in a nutshell

Why are you bitching about it? If you don't want to play video games anymore then don't.

So melodramatic man, you're such a warrior with your blanket statements of doom.

Ok, so keep being a sad jaded fuck who can't have fun anymore then?

What the fuck do you want to play?

I'm having fun playing KOF 14. Maybe you should play something, faggot. Either shit or get off the pot.

*consoles were a mistake

Gravity Rush 2 and Nier Automata still haven't come out so fuck off with your doom and gloom until we have both of those.

At that point videogames can die all they want.