Why was this game so popular?

Why was this game so popular?

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rune scimmy 10M

Psssst... Hey kid! I'll give u 5K if u steal that wine of zammy!

buying bf

kids love free games

A few reasons:

1.) Anyone could play it thanks to it running on a potato AND in a browser, so you could play it at a library computer or so on.
2.) Very simple to play, yet had great depth to it. All you had to do was click on stuff, yet there was shittons of things to do like various skills, creating items, combat, and so on.
3.) Mountains of content that wasn't WoW-tier fetch quests. Back when I played the game in the 2002-2007 range, they cranked out a new quest or two every week, and all the quests were unique stories with tons of things to do.
4.) Cheap as peanuts. It was either free or only a mere $5 a month to get membership.

Woha hey i'm playing that game right now

Because mmo games sky rocketed in popularity in the early-mid 2000s

fun trading system
constant goal posts for maximum addiction
unique questing

What the fuck is that abomination of a HUD?

>Crafting meant something
>Gathering resources meant something
>Killing monsters and looting meant something

All for the grand goal be being rich as fuck and powerful as fuck

modern mmos dont get this

wow i quit like 2 years but still remember that guy

fucking rs3 shitters

it's called efficiency, friend.

I'd be playing RS2007 right fucking now if my skills and money weren't trapped in that abortion known as RS3.

Browser games were in and easily accessable to kids.

you can always gp swap, it's legit. 50 in all skills takes like 2 weeks

Looks like shit. Inefficient, lazy, shit-looking HUD.

>trusting dirty chinks or kids

I had easily over a billion and 90+ in all skills. I'm frankly just irritated that RS3 isn't the RS I loved years ago. I could deal with new graphics and items and quests (in fact I'd like that), but I want the old school combat back. And no, the legacy mode or whatever it's called that emulates that has horrible damage output.

ehh i just used rwt forums to swap my rs3 for osrs. rs3 is cancer and with jagex being sold to the chinese its probably going going to get worse and worse. osrs has been more popular for some time now and the updates we get are actually good

My friends always had these crackpot schemes to horde a bunch of resources and then release them on the GE at once to crash the GE with no survivors.

I never got into RS all that much myself but there was a simple fun in doing hours-long mining runs on foreign servers so we could have the coal near the guild entrance all to ourselves. Getting gems would actually piss us off because it'd fuck with our numbers

You can customize your HUD to how you want in RS3. You can make it look like old times too. Also, all the boxes in that screencap have always existed in RS. Poster just spread em all out across his screen so he doesn't have to switch between the tabs.

>with jagex being sold to the chinese its probably going going to get worse and worse

Wait what? Some chink company bought Jagex? I left the moment RS3 hit, so I haven't heard anything about it.

Post runescape memories here.

>be about 12-13 years old back in 2007-2008
>played runescape every day after school
>still pretty new, but I knew a meme or two
>I start mining various ores in the Al Kharid mine
>this girl eventually shows up and mines too
>we chat to pass the time
>we eventually begin talking about music or some gay shit, I genuinely dont remember the conversation
>we become friends and work together as mining buddies
>we eventually added each other on skype and we would chat and mine for hours
>we do this for 2 years almost every day and now we play games like TF2, GTA V, and Overwatch together
>runescape introduced me to my best friend on the internet through what is essentially manual labor

>membership used to be $5/month

it's UO lite

because it gives a good impression of having a lot of choice while actually tunneling you into repetitive action.

lots of free choice appeals to the normie mind, lots of the same action appeals to the autismus maximus.

being a cyborg, this makes me the perfect runescape fan.

I wanna know too.

got sold less than 6 months ago for 300mil, it's been speculated that they will make it closer to wow and add asian servers. i don't pay attention to rs3 though since there is a completely seperate team for oldschool

it's free now, 5mil gold for a month of member ship which takes 3 hours tops to farm at max level

ah, a combination of a /r9k/ robot and a normie human, I like that, very clever

>it's been speculated that they will make it closer to wow and add asian servers

You say that as if that active combat bullshit isn't already a WoW clone. I just want my old click combat back for fuck's sake.

Easy to understand
Fun as a kid because MMOs and online games were a mindblowing concept to me, I could play in a world populated by real people
Classmates played it

did u kiss her

>finally beat that 1 quest you were scared to do forever
>can finally use that item, spellbook or access new area

are there any games or will there ever be any games with quests as good as runescapes?

also post some music

ya well like i said i dont pay attention to rs3 because it's bullshit. ive never even seen evolution of combat

So how many times did you get scammed when you first started playing?

I fell for the armor trimming, and Zammy wine tricks.

got scammed twice, the first time is what made me become a scammer, the second time (brother was playing on account) is what made me quit

>which takes 3 hours tops to farm at max level
Yeah, which means you just have to be a NEET for a few months or play for at least a year to get to that point!

HUD is fully customizable. Also an option to make it look like it did pre-customizable too with brown colour scheme and everything.

Lots of things you can hate, but the interface system is not bad.

I just realized you can buy bonds to pay for your membership too, and it comes out to a piddly 900k a day. That's maybe an hour at most of AFK farming shit. Not bad I suppose.

The thing is that Runescape's quests aren't even that good! They're running simulators with bosses at the end, with some mindless fetch questing in between.
But somehow, some way, they made it all worth it. A couple quest points, a new sword, and the bragging rights were all you needed. And if you leveled up and got the jingle/fireworks to play, that was a bonus.

Runescape somehow got lucky and made the perfect mix of sublte qualities that companies have been coveting ever since. I'm not sure Jagex even knew what made it so great. It just happened.


>Die doing Monkey Madness
>Lose a ton of stuff
>Grind for weeks
>go back in more prepared then before
>Wreck the Jungle demon
>Walk around with my D scmmy

The writing is also great too. That British sense of humor is fantastic for this game.

>hey dude I'll give you five mil if you let me borrow your rune set
I was retarded.

holy fuck I never even realized each skill had its own jingle

I haven't logged on in 6 years. Does my account still exist or did they wipe it? I'm tempted to log in just to see what happened to the game. I heard they wow-ified it.

Is Bandos, AGS, whip and fury still super good gear?


Stop making me feel things I don't want to feel.

This is what I wanted RS to be 10 years ago. But seeing this just makes me realise how much I miss the old version.

it was the combination of thing s that made them great
>usually took place in some scary remote area, which made it feel like an actual adventure
>risk of losing your gear
>decent puzzles
>unique rewards such as access to new areas or equipment
>unlock new music
>the humor

I revisited the game back in 2011 just to do some of the more popular quests that I never had the guts to do when I was younger

>Runescape quests
>not that good
compared to other MMOs, they were fucking great


Your account lives on in RS3.

If you want to play Oldschool, though, you're back at square 1. Which isn't so bad, since you get to relive the days of bashing on Lumby goblins

Runescape 3 is garbage, just play Old School Runescape. It's how it was in 2007 but with enhancements.

There are people that played RS with sound enabled?

Those days sucked.

ya i worded that poorly but i didnt actually mean maxed. there's at least 10 methods of making 500k-1m per hour that don't require any high levels

still some of the best items in the game on oldschool where the power creep never fucked the whole game up. ags is worth like 80 dollarydoos


>the days of bashing on Lumby goblins
its so weird, my memories make it feel like was a low level noob forever, but when I played a bit of oldschool I had level 40 skills and rune stuff in like 2 days

my first MMO

You actually were a noob forever because you didn't really know how to be efficient. Now as an adult playing OSRS, you know exactly what to do because you already did it.

You know how to exploit the game better now. Hell all I did when I restarted was killed cows until level 40 and had more then enough for rune armor and some extra

my first money making scheme was to collect steel daggers that I found in the wilderness, I miss being that naive

I remember trying to fill my inventory with planks and steel plate legs in the Wilderness. That place seemed like a gold mine of resources, even though it's really not for an F2P noob that I was.

Don't feel bad I did the same thing but with the sapphire where all the spiders were

>all those literal whos

hey how's that 10k luxury car shoemaker?

post RSN so i can add you to my ignore kiddo

>playing runescape 1 in 2003 junior high
>me and my 3 friends all share accounts to "trust test"
>eventually this one kid steals all our shit
>we make up eventually but everyone quit rs
>one day i ask for the rs information just to check it out
>put everything on my account
>fast forward like 5 years
>see post on Sup Forums about rwting runescape rares
>check my shit
>turns out the santa hats and halloween masks are worth over 100mil gp
>sell all the rares for over $900 on sythe
>bought a new gaming pc

It was a good game

>trained thieving because I thought I'd be able to steal shittons of stuff and get rich
>later realize that at even 99 thieving the top stuff to steal is worth jack shit
>said top stuff (dwarf traders, elves, etc) also fail 80% of the time despite being 99

Sometimes I wonder why such stupid skills like Thieving and Firemaking exist.

Runescape had fantastic music and sound design that matched its graphics. A lot of the newer stuff is really tryhard with tons of filler or instruments that don't make too much sense just to have orchestrated music.

remember seeing all that loot at the bottom of varrock bank and trying to figure out how to open the door?


>Uses tele grab on wine.

Where's my money faggot.

>even the dark wizard says nice

sure kid it's Schumi

Right place at the right time. In America we had tech stupid parents who would not allow us to play any games you ha to install because "it gave the computer viruses!" but Runescape was free to play and could be played without being downloaded and for many of us it blew our minds as our first MMO.

wtf I hate myself now

Firemaking is a worthless skill, however today's OSRS update made it so it's atleast fun to train with the new boss.

The reason they're good is because they usually aren't RPG quests. They're adventure-game-quests inside an RPG

Wheres the jingles where you unlock something when leveling up? Those were the best ones

They were the true MvP of the noob killers
I always loved seeing those long lines of fire and people walk around with that Skill-cape when the skill is more of a money sink then anything else

I've never actually played RuneScape, is it a decent time even now?

Wasted all of my time playing Cartoon Network games and anime BYOND back then.

I never understood why people always want to rush through the early game when there's such a rich variety of low-level content.

>just started talking with some online friends about runescape because of this thread
>all of us used to go to the library to play it

weird how we all did this

Excellent quest design with great writing that ranged from emotionally impactful, funny and self-aware coupled with great puzzles, lands and bossfights. After playing WoW for 8 years, I can't think of a quest in WoW that is as good as When Guthix Sleeps or even The Chosen Commander which was a low level quest.

Cool lore that was a mixture of typical European fantasy, Vikings, Tolkien and pre-Islamic Middle East. Had a really cool overarching "battle of the gods" Zaros is best god, my sword for Zaros.

The immature community that was simultaneously ass and great since a lot of people were approachable and nice to have a conversation with whilst killing mobs.

Holy shit you hit the nail on the head.

Runescape did quests better than any mmo ever.

It was a glorified chatroom at a time when you were all entering highschool or in highschool.

The game was fun and could be run on toasters at the time. Quests were great. The diversity of skills meant you always had something to do other than kill shit and hand in repeatable quests.

Now you're older and Jagex has screwed up with EOC + Mtx shit the game is not so poplar.

Me too, man. Me too.

Agreed. While the combat and a lot of the skills in the game are nothing worth getting excited over, the quests are where it really shined.


ehh not really worth it now, it was fun back then because of the community and childhood stupidity.

now rs3 is some bastard child tryhard mmo clone thing, and oldschool is filled with people who know everything about the game and just farm the most efficient shit

osrs is actually still growing and has been since it release. rs3 is shit

If you plan to play Runescape, play Old School Runescape. It's a remake of the game from 2007, which many consider to be the golden age of RS, though it had several additions and streamlining for certain bullshit aspects of the game. The best thing is that the devs are polling literally every single content update except for bug fixes, so even very minor updates have to be approved by the community before being implemented.

ive played those nostalgic private 2006/2007 servers and i love the fuck out of them, theyre just dead as heck.

is the old school rs worth paying for? can you do bonds with it?

It was by design. On a Q&A, Andrew Gower talked about how when he was designing the engine, he was at the time heavily influenced by Monkey Island and other point and click adventure games. When you look back at it, I think you could say that was the single most important design choice that effected everything thing that came after it; chiefly quests, but also skills, minigames, combat, etc.

I do think however that giving the game an overarching storyline was a misstep

>5mil gold for a month
24m for a month, 6m in oldscape which if you're like me all your time was spent in newscape grinding away to make back that ~10m instead of getting gud enough in oldscape to sustain a stream of bonds

>forgot password for an account that is over 10 years old
>realize I forgot an 's' in my email for the account
>can't recover password because email is going to the wrong place
>jagex won't let me reset it any other way unless I can provide the very first password used, my parents' credit card number for the first time the account had membership, and the month and year the account was created
>literally can't acquire or remember any of this shit as it was over 10 years ago

All those 99s down the fucking drain.

>Now you're older and Jagex has screwed up with EOC + Mtx shit the game is not so poplar.

Pretty much. The servers are ghost towns now, even in world 2 and such. I remember playing in 2004 and all the servers having tons of people.

>it's my birthday
>with friends and brother
>consider going to the movies
>nothing is out except that horrible Chicken Little movie
>friend says that movie sucks and instead suggests we play this new game he started playing a few weeks ago
>"Dude you don't even have to buy it! You just play it in your browser AND it's a ton of fun"
>end up getting hooked on RS
>play with friend and brother
>PvP, scam people, and have a blast in general

I feel bitter now that I realize it was over 12 years ago.

I think it's a bit wrong to say that RS3 is straight up garbage. I tried it at one point, and the combat was pretty serviceable despite what everyone said. It still had that staggering amount of content that sets it above pretty much any MMO. It's a game that has had 15 years of constant care poured into it, and it shows.

I think the thing that drove people away from RS was that it lost what made it unique. If you asked someone why they would play RS over any of the other dozens of MMOs, they would tell you it's for the simplicity and ease of playing. If I wanted to play a standard hotbar MMO, I would go play WoW Legion. They attempted to grow into something they couldn't become instead of occupying their niche.

I forget the name, but one really good one had you invade the dark knight castle by dressing up as a guard and then ruin the wizard's invincibility potion by dropping a cabbage into it. Drynor cabbages were extra special because of the supernatural/cursed ground they grow in, and were one of the only stat boosting foods for free players.

You can still have fun leveling skills and doing quests/adventure journals but you missed the boat. Most MMOs aren't worth playing anymore because the modern playerbase is incredibly anti-social.
Real shame they canned DarkScape because the constant danger of world PvP really forced people to chat it up and work together. You'd have people meet up in the tavern/bank and form groups to go do quests together because using any decent equipment put a huge target on your back.


You can also mention how big MMOs were in the eraly 2000s

isnt oldschool free? you just have to pay for members which I tihnk you can use bonds for