What would it take for you to get one?
What would it take for you to get one?
It's the most powerful console of the next generation by a large margin, so assuming a reasonable price and backwards compatibility, I'd go for it.
xbone was my last console, I'm done with gaming.
Blinx sequel
why are you here nigga
The only reason to ever get a console is for exclusives. Anyone who says otherwise is a retard or lying.
A good Rare game
Nothing will make me buy an expensive toy.
Im not a kid anymore.
Could you imagine if after all these years they have just been working on that stupid pirate game?
for the memes and to shitpost like most of us m8
sony masterrace here
nothing I already have a pc
backwards compatibility with 360 games, i never owned a 360 and there a game on the system i want to play
try Sup Forums
It'd need to be free
I simply want to play morrowind with controller ui.
Give one to me for free. That's what it would take for me to get one.
i'm just gonna say this because i don't see this pointed out anywhere
these console won't do 4k
there's no reason to buy them
Get rid of PCs then I might consider it. The only reason I own a Playstation is for Guilty Gear Xrd otherwise I wouldnt touch consoles with a ten foot pole.
I wouldn't get one still. Because if Microsoft is serious about it's crossbuy idea. Then all Xbox Scorpio games will be released on PC as well. Thus, no point in getting one.
disgusting poorfags
Or, I don't want an Xbone because it has nothing I want. The only way I'd get one is if it were free.
local multiplayer and some games are still console exclusive
if it has nothing you want then why even bother having it for free
If it's free or it only has japanese + european games on it.
I could sell it.
your poverty disgusts me holy shit
You don't see the appeal of collecting outdated/useless tech?
>Wanting to sell something I don't want and won't use that I got for free means I'm poor
OK user, whatever.
i have a 720p TV.
I figure it's about time i get a a 4K TV so I'll get them together or whenever the TV i want is cheapest.
>Wanting to sell something I don't want and won't use that I got for free means I'm poor
literally poorfag mentality
So you want me to keep something that I won't use that I got for free instead of doing something productive with it like making money off of it?
That's poorfag mentality.
I was going to get a PS4 anyway for P5, FFXV (assuming it doesn't get eviscerated critically) and Bloodborne. Only reason I havent was the PS4 Neo rumors. I'll be picking up the Pro as soon as it's clear that Sony isn't shipping out lemons.
Nothing, it already has no games.
>6 tflops meme
tflops alone is a shitty way of measuring graphical performance hence PC sites do multiple benchmarks. The 970 has less tflops compared to its AMD equivalent which is the 290x and yet Nvidia's card run games better against its rival card.
>B-But Sony and Microsoft has the same APU manufacturer
Yeh but look at the 980ti vs the Titan X both are from Nvidia, The Titan X only has negligible performance boost compared to the 980 ti that doesn't justify its price and power consumption hence the Titan X got marked down after just 2 financial quarter.
Sony and Microsoft also use different APIs and can affect AMD's benchmark
sorry user you cant escape it, the second you wrote "for free" you pretty much declared yourself a poorfag, what kind of answer is "if i got it for free so i can sell it" ?
I would never buy the Scorpio, and the OP was asking what it would take for me to get one.
Getting one for free is the only time I would ever get a Scorpio.
weeb exclusives
if you dont have a proper answer then why do you even bother answer
Someone giving it to me for free. My PC has been infinitely better to me than the last two generations of consoles.
It is a proper answer, you just don't like what the answer is.
>The 970 has less tflops compared to its AMD equivalent which is the 290x and yet Nvidia's card run games better against its rival card.
your argument isn't wrong, but you also need to consider that the merchants at nvidia paid developers to optimize for their cards specifically
the 290x was competing against the fucking 780ti
it still kicks the 970s ass which is a full generation ahead of the 290x
what does that tell you? AMD cards get better with time, nvidia gimps their cards. if you invested in a 780ti you'd be SOL. if you got a 290x you'd still have a fucking awesome card.