Builds hype for rebirth expansion

>builds hype for rebirth expansion
>creates huge arg for secret character
>tedious as fuck to unlock anyways
>sucks balls

edmund you fucking shitter, how could you design a character that's somehow less viable than the lost

did any fellow anons get all the unlocks for the keeper? and how did you fucking do it

Just keep trying.

With a lot of time

you git gud
fucking idiot

Is Edmund redeeming himself?

If you can do the lost you can do the keeper.
Items that has you drop coins on hit are awesome.
If you manage to become invulnerable to bombs + any form of bomb shot you have got a win.
Hush might be the hardest part.

the new trinkets would be way more of use if they extended to cathedral/sheol

The real question is why you would play in the first place

i killed ultra greed 20 times and then used cheat engine for the donation machine


>tfw putting in 20+ hours to pull off the Monster Manual Pyromaniac Sharp Plug IPECAC exploit to get the Meat Boy and Bandage Girl achievements
it wasn't worth it, fuck Conquest

no because he's going to nerf them to hell and back the moment someone has a fun gamebreaking run

This. Plus edited a game file to give me the swallowed penny every run since I restarted till I got it anyway.

it's way better than the lost

I just did it in greed mode with Lilith.

I was doing it before Afterbirth because I wanted Real Plat God before it came out

disgusting casuls

i had 562 hours in the game already and i just wanted to see what the new character was like
every other unlock was legit but that donation machine was bullshit

>tfw someone will make a mod using AB+ to bring back fun, fix the garbage item pools and add even more content and combos

It was bugged at some point so it always broke after a few pennies, it got fixed when it got the visual % indicator

Look, I completed all Lost related achieves and True Plat God'ed Rebirth. Keeper is disproportionately unfun for the unlocks you get from him. I regret nothing.

What is even the story of this game?
Does Issac just die hiding from his mom in the chest and the game is his imagination before he dies?

That's basically it, because like Hitman NPCs, Mom is too stupid to check boxes

How the fuck do you beat greed mode as this fucking waste of space??? I've beat it with all characters except this faggot

I doubt that, everything is going to be broken as fuck once we get mods anyway