Last time:
>OP's internet got BTFO'd and the thread got archived
>We managed to name out planet and start the game
Where to now?
Sup Forums plays Spore: Part 2
Cont. from
To the left
Two hops this time
Decided to call a mate to enter customization, what should I add?
Become Carnivore
as in completely give on on being an herbivore?
as many eyes as possible
Also add more fins so we can pursue food faster.
So now we have this thing. What should we name it?
No can do, spent it all on eyes.
Anthony Burch
Ok then. Copypasta description?
Lies find a way.
And all done. Back into the game. Where to next, lads?
Eat food
We got a new thing! What now?
Eat that small guy
He got away. And then I died.
>getting outskilled by a filthy herbivore
Git gud, OP
another thing! Should we see what it is in the customization?
Sure, why not
It costs 15 DNA Points for Faster turns. Worth it?
If it means we get to eat other faggots, sure
forgot screenshot
fugg my life
done. Where to next, boss?
My gut tells me there's food down below
I got a spike, shall we equip it?
Next time you get the option to modify your body, sacrifice the two eyes towards the back and replace them with spikes. You're susceptible to predatory behavior by bigger entities from your flank.
Is this what you meant user?
Our clusterfuck of lies is almost a killing machine now
Cool. We have a protected back now. Where go?
Go north. Next upgrade cycle, remove the smaller pair of extended eyes. Move the fins up, move the spikes also up and make them larger. Finally, add two additional flagella.
Where we will go in the future, we will need speed and bite.
The fuck away from that thing on the left
We got some poison, wanna incorperate that into your strategy?
Ok, where?
Move those eyes to the back and put the poison there
this good?
We good, let's go spread some lies on the primordial soup
and we are out of the cell stage, going into the creature stage. Help me customize.
Here's screenshot
Give legs
anything else?
Move eyes up and we good
Give it a long ass neck
is this what you wanted?
got it, I tried
Create a criature with a poison sack on the pelvis, it will work like his dick.
As you wish.
It looks like a beast lying down with a mouth on its dick
I love it
this, plus move spikes between eyes and mouth, but place in centre like a rhino.
Make his pelvis a scorpion tail
give him some hands
Cool, lets go kill some innocent creatures.
Color him yellow
don't have those unlocked yet.
Welcome to our island. Where to first?
>forgot picture
Top left, kill us some beach bums.
>Molyneuxis use poison dick!
Find hands
Go northwest
Say hello to the locals
Kill or befriend? 0-5 decide
kill obviously
Befriend by killing
Done. What next?
Kill that other one that was left
that's a body.
Search and collect bones
Eat body
This, just find more bones and DNA so we can create a better monster.
Gonna have to end the thread here guys. Want to get some sleep tonight and all, will pick this back up tomorrow. Thanks for participating!
See ya OP
Find out where the graphic settings are
found 'em
(on a different character btw)