Ninja Gaiden is better than DMC because it has block button

Ninja Gaiden is better than DMC because it has block button.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't

God hand still has the best rival fight.

DMC does have a block button and it's 10x more XTREME than NG.

Royal Guard doesn't count.

Yes it does you daft CUNT.

cookie doesn't approve of his game being devalued to ammo for a shitty bait thread.
You let him down

It's not a base mechanic, it's a style.

Can you block as Nero or Vergil? No? Thought so.

>user states you can block
>that doesn't count

>have a huge
>no crt

Also from what ive heard the capacitor juice has probably already corroded that shit

Why cant they just bring this fucking game to PC

It's not so much the block button as being able to flip and run around quickly. Even with trickster DMC feels like you can't get around very quickly.

>needing to block in the first place

lol git gud scrub


At least enemies don't throw explosive kunais off screen in DMC.

Blocking is an indefinite state, meaning you can more or less default to it whenever there's even a little concern you might take damage.

Dodging, on the other hand, provides a limited window of usefulness, meaning defensive maneuvers must be executed only when actually necessary.

Blocking is for chicken shits, essentially. And any game where defense is based around blocking rather than dodging/parrying is inherently easier to play.

Cool than you post about how you can only block with one style as one character in DMC as opposed to using any weapon anytime in NG.
>tfw you could beat master ninja in NG but only make it 80% of the way in very hard on NGB
Stupid cat girls and their stupid flocks of homing attacks .....


I can barely play NGB anymore because of those stupid fucking unblockable kunai bombs.

Learn to I frame cuck

>It's an abstract kind of wanna fuck that cat

Git gud.

Whatever happened to Cuhrayzee general in /vg/?

Died. Some people moved to discord channel. It's pretty dead but there're a lot of good players.

Ded. Moved to skype/discord/steam chats. There wasn't enough content to keep up discussion.

Also a couple of shitposters.

Royal Guard.

>unimpressed one hit wonder

No one cares, stop dickriding this idiot. His one and only ever good game was NG/NGB. DOA wasn't good till DOA5, NG2 vanilla was a goddamn bugfest/unbalanced trainwreck, DOAX was never good, his solo project Devil's Third is pure shit.

>bad game design the webm


>NG2 vanilla was a goddamn bugfest/unbalanced trainwreck
Another casul baby who couldn't handle incendiary shurikens?

Abusing i-frames is very common in action and fighting games. What the fuck are you talking about?

No I get i-frames and how it works but the fact you're forced to abuse them just to survive even a basic encounter is not good balance nor good game design, NG1/NGB did IS way better. The game is just a huge mess and even Itagaki himself your precious lord and savior admitted to it and apologized for it now fuck off try-hard.

Nah, just got stuck on lots of walls, stupid camera getting stuck facing the skybox and some times game doesnt triggering events so I could advance.

Diference between NG and DMC is that the former just got worse on each sequence, while the later just improved.

>you're forced to abuse them just to survive even a basic encounter
You can always just block the explosion, dumbass. It do very little damage that way. You can also many other things to fight IS ninjas like stunning them with wind path.

Except 2 and reboot.

2 was fine and DmC wasnt a capcom inhouse game.

DMC3 is better than DMC4 though.

DMC4 is worse because Dante has less weapons than in 3.

Switching styles on the fly was a great leap in the right direction but seriously, only 3 unlockable boss weapons?

luckily for you ninja gaiden relies on dodging out of block and maintaining mobility to avoid all the unblockable shit in the game!

I hate how they took NG+ out of the re-releases. I get that cookieface thinks it's casual or whatever, but it would be fun to have all the weapons early on an the plasma saber might as well not even be in Black and Sigma.

Styles also were nerfed and cool moves removed.

No, it's better because the enemies are actually smart and will murder you if you don't react quickly. Blocking is useless against the spider ninjas and other enemies.


I fucking hate how you can't get nunchaku is Sigma before chapter 4.

Who's the Bigger Hack

Itagaki, Kamiya, or Itsuno?

Itagaki, literally one good game to his credit.

He made more than one good DoA.

Kamiya, only Okami and W101 are great.

I still have faith that he can make a great game given proper development time, hopefully he gets Nintendos QA and optimization wizards behind him if he makes something for NX.

*have faith that Itagaki

I just realized, if Nintendo gets Itsuno to make them a new action game and then leaves it out to die with zero marketing/distribution, they'll have managed to burn all three of the great action directors.

What's Itsuno been up to recently?

No he did not considering DOA5 was the first good one.

So what's the best crowd combat system, Sup Forums?.

I won't tell you my favorite because you would think it's bait?.

We have a 0.01% chance of seeing DMC5 at TGS. Also Bethesda managed to kill Shinji Mikami before Nintendo did, unless you count RE4 as being bad.

No, NG is better than DMC because every enemy poses a real threat. In DMC you just faily around at mindless mobs and do braindead juggles for your SSS rank with the occasional challenge from a boss.


It's better for several reasons, but that isn't necessarily one of them, I'd say. The aggressiveness of the enemies, the skill lists, the amount of weapons etc are the reasons for me.

is this ninja gaiden 2 sigma?

I would love some plataforming in Nioh, it was my request in the survey. Not necessarily wall jumping like that.

thats looks dope

I think of Shinji Mikami as the great TPS guy because of RE4 and Vanquish.


anyone have a webm of the doppelganger fight in the cathedral library?

Currently going through Very hard, just beat Alma's first form. Dreading the new infantry and the tank fight.

>blood and gore
Pick one.


>narrow path
>swings his spear around freely
What a shit game. At least in Souls you can actually hit walls.

normally you would but he went into supermode

god damn it why does the ps3 version have to be censored trash
i still love the fuckin game

Was low stance actually good? I pretty much ignored it because of the shit damage/range.

> doing archive room fiend challenge on very hard

Had to abuse the top floor and it took about an hour. Those cat demons are super fuckable tho

What's your favorite, God of War?

it really depends on the situation. i found it pretty useful against hino-enma

My PTSD is acting up again

Dynasty Warriors games
DMC4:SE with LDK mode

NG2 for crowd controll fights, NGB for 1v1 flights.

NGB is great but I'm tired of it being treated as legendary. You can use 5 moves to beat the whole game.

1. Jump off wall and hit Y.
2. UT charge (on-landing or normal charge)
3. Izuna Drop
4. Jump + YYY with the Lunar. (for lava dragon and flying enemies)
5. Jump + Y in mid-air (for ghost fish)

You can literally beat the game with just that. Upgrade the sword, lunar, and dabi and you're good. I feel like even though DMC3 and DMC4 are easier, they encourage more use of more moves due to their style system.

You kinda need to use to Vigoorian Flails for the ghost fish

just jump and hit x with your sword to spin in the air
repeat forever

