Tfw no pizza except shitty Dominos nearby

>tfw no pizza except shitty Dominos nearby

Could be worse, it could be pizza hut

wtf is wrong with you? pizza hut here is so much better than dominos.


The only thing shitty here is your taste, son.

at least in Australia pizza hut is way worse than Dominos.

Pizza hut sucks dick in the states too. Greasy frozen dough

What's with all the off-topic threads tonight?

Dominos sucks but I'd eat that any day of the week of fucking Pizza Hut. God they fucking suck at making pizza it makes me so mad.

Don't you have local Pizza places in the US?
Here is Sweden we literally got nearly no brand Pizza places at all, everything is local. But every Pizza place tastes exactly the same tho.

Dominos pizza is garbage. They're sandwiches and such are amazing though. I don't get why they don't advertise those more.

the domino's near me is all about the crust if you get the regular it still tastes like cardboard but if you get the handmade or homemade or whatever the fuck it's good

Dominos is actually my favorite. The crust is to die for, and its super cheap to get two mediums

Lol hell no, you have no idea what you're talking about. Pizza hut is the absolute worst pizza

>he likes eating cardboard
Pizza hut and dominos put their shit in for 15 minutes and serve it to you
Always go for your local pizza places or at least papa johns

get fucked, you might as well eat the box

Papa John>>>>>>>>>all other chain pizza places

The economy really must be that bad. my local PH used to make their own dough now it's frozen too. sad days.

Pizza Hut in China is a sit-down restaurant with waiters and waitresses where you can order steak, calamari, cocktails, and other random shit like that

The pizza itself isn't as good as a GOOD pizza parlor back in the States, but the whole shebang they do in China is still cheaper than shitty regular pizza in the US.

screw that, getting a 3 topping large is cheaper and you get more

>Normally eat Papa John's whenever I feel like having pizza
>One day, it's closed because of snow
>But Domino's is open for whatever reason
>Decide to get a small pizza there
>Every bite of it tastes worse than the previous one
Never again.

Most local pizza places in the States (at least around here) are owned by fucking greeks. And they're all more or less the same.

>tfw I work at dominos
its not shitty ;_;

Sup califag

sicktight brah

If money is tight, then just because you work somewhere doesn't mean you have to agree with what they do there, user.

tfw u find a sick local mom n pop pizza place

>muh cardboard

Maybe it's just the ones in my region (New England), but the crust is fucking great.

>mfw pizza hut accross my house
>dominos 10 mins away
Literally only reason I get pizza hut instead

At least it's not Muslims like in Sweden.

Jets is best pizza.

Also, "Pizza Me, Mario" is the best name for any minigame in any Mario Party. The guy who made that name needs to get a raise.

I genuinely like the food, I do deliveries with a small pizza in the passenger seat most shifts

there was a really great place in a town not far from me

a year after I discovered it the quality went down dramatically and I probably haven't bothered with that place in the past 5 years

Dominos for a hangover though

UK fag.

I like Dominos more desu

I like a nice Large Meteor with BBQ stuff crust.
Fucking amazing

Ah. That's okay then user, I won't judge anyone's pizza tastes as long as it doesn't involve pineapple. Fuck pineapple with a cactus.


The best pizzas are from the literal who takeaways down whatever street is nearby you

Good Ol Go Za > all this meme za

>not making your own pizza

$10 for ingredients (flour, yeast, giant bag of cheese, canned sauce or my own sauce, and toppings like pepperoni and ham or ground beef) takes about an hour to make since I'm terrible at it, but I could still make it however I want and it's delicious.

With $10 I got about 4-5 medium sized pizzas.

People who like pineapple are not to be trusted

What's wrong with Hawaiian? Its delicious. I think sometimes its the only pizza worth ordering.

It could be Little Ceasars.
If it weren't for their Crazy Bread I wouldn't even go there in the first place.

>Discover a local pizza place about 15 minutes from my house
>It's fucking amazing
>Move away for college
>Come back to visit a year later
>Go to get pizza from that great place
>Whole fucking shopping center is burned to the ground
I'm sad just thinking about it

I get it plain cheese because I'm cheap

I've done that and that's utter horseshit. This guy had this pizza place in town that I didn't think was possible but tasted worse then dominoes.


little ceasers tastes like the pizza you get in the elementary school kitchen

This user knows his stuff. Literally some of the best pizza I've had has been from small places.

Plain cheese is pretty good. I've only had it once or twice because I'm rarely not in the mood to have some meat or mushrooms on top of my pizza, but fuck me if it's not good to have a simple, plain pizza.

>local pizza place is family run
>$7 large 1 topping pizza
>it's literally 2 short blocks away


I feel like throwing up, for real. It's the only vegetable whose smell makes me seriously nauseous, never mind the very few times I ate it and literally vomited.

>but fuck me if it's not good to have a simple, plain pizza.
I used to always order it with toppings, but I discovered after working there that toppings just weigh the dough down so it doesnt fluff up as much
Fluffy cheese pizzas are my life these days

That's jalapenos user.

You mean those shitty rectangular pizzas?
I hated those so much.

Oh, I'm dumb. Carry on then.