Give me one good objective reason to not have high standards

Give me one good objective reason to not have high standards.

>Consumers have the most power in Capitalistic Society. In order for a company to survive, they must meet the standards of consumers. If consumers have low standards, so do companies. If consumers have high standards, so do companies. Having high standards means you'll get better games.
>When you have high standards, you can explain what makes a game good, creative, or unique. You can analyze it, you can appreciate the effort that the developers put into nuances or subtleties.
>When you have high standards, you generally tend to have a more respectable opinion on games you like, but in a low-standard society, you'll be shat on constantly for contrarian opinions.
>Lowering your standards is an insult to your favorite game developers, because they put so much effort into making their game in a way that you'll ESPECIALLY enjoy.
>Having high standards doesn't actually affect your enjoyment of a good game, you get genuinely surprised when a game meets your standards, because you expect most games to be bad, it's a genuine surprise when one's amazing.
>You generally avoid mediocre games.

smug anime girl solely to catch your attention

Should've posted Kaga instead if you've any kind of standards.

Literally grabbed a random image off gelbooru and concede I have no standards in anime because I don't care enough about it to develop them.

Do smug anime girls have high standards

pls respond

Nice. Way to toot your own horn about games when you clearly are more than willing to compromise when it comes to 'Chinese Cartoon'

Thank god.

I thought this was going to turn into an anti-piracy thread.

Because I don't actually spend any money on anime and therefore don't support the industry, I may watch it every once in a while, but I won't have a solid concrete opinion on it.

If you purchase videogames instead of pirating them, then you have no excuse to not have high standards as you're a negative influence on the industry, oh-so powerful consumer.

So you are telling me that a pirate shouldn't expect anything better than Sean Murray's No Man's Sky?

A pirate may have high standards but doesn't need to have it, because they aren't a consumer, silly.

A lot of anime is fairly generic or poor quality. Even when you get into the cult classics, they're generally better known for their timing in getting released or for some mindscrew elements (which are fairly common in japanese media, and rather bland) than for some sort of quality scripting. I would have trouble naming more than a dozen examples of anime which I considered particularly good, and I admit that several of those would just be personal favorites as opposed to high-quality or thoughtful animations.

Problem is most companies dont even fucking know who's their audience, they try to please the wider audience, like some years ago with the COD crowd in the second FPS craze or now with the social justice rejects.

In the first case they failed to capture them because they would only flock to the real thing instead of going to a run of the mill attempt based on a franchise a few only cared about and in the second they will never please that bunch because they dont play games.

So having standards or not ultimately is only beneficial when the developer is hitting the right spot.

Stop paying attention to only AAA developers. Support the people who are still making good games, not just the next Assassin's Creed or Sonic just because you are familiar with their names. You probably are being pandered to and probably do have games you want being directed towards you, but you are too stuck on your focus of specific companies to notice anything outside that.

Explain why masterpieces like Thief, Majora's Mask, Planescape Torment, Killer 7, Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Paper Mario TTYD, etc all game into fruition if not for the fact that the development studio believed their consumers would only buy the highest of quality games.

A huge number of people want their next Haylo, Call of Duty and BF. They don't want 'innovation'.

>, but you are too stuck on your focus of specific companies to notice anything outside that

To my knolwedge i am the only one playing CC Panthers in the Fog so yeah i support those that pander to me but my contribution does fuckall, so i wouldnt be surprised if they try go down the FPS road again only to fail, again.

>Explain why masterpieces like Thief, Majora's Mask, Planescape Torment, Killer 7, Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Paper Mario TTYD, etc all game into fruition if not for the fact that the development studio believed their consumers would only buy the highest of quality games.

They were released in a time when the crybullies were old people with bibles that didnt buy videogames instead of brainwashed retards with bank accounts? Gee nigga, i dont fucking know.

>the whole thread is about people with low standards leading to poor quality games
>"A lot of people have low standards and we just have a bunch of poor quality games."
Well, it's good to see that you have a good understanding about the thread topic, at least.

Chikuma > Tone

And this thread is supposed to elevate the standards how? are you gonna start a rally on the biggest square in town and have it on giant screens for everyone to see?

If you're making this thread to bitch and moan about the state of the industry more power to you because this is Sup Forums after all, but if you think this is some kind of Disney movie bullshit where everyone realizes they have been meanieheads and correct their ways let me have a good chuckle at you.

Where my kagabros at. Now that's upholding to standards.

This is a Chikuma thread. Sorry.

Take your standars to the grave.