ITT: Sup Forums plays minesweeper

ITT: Sup Forums plays minesweeper.

First replay to each post can mark squares as mines or to be cleared.
Please use red dots for mines and green for clearing

picked the first square to bump


fuck minesweeper

it's nothing but a tedious pattern of procedure and some guessing at the end

you have aujizzm if you like it, because you are aujizztic

mad cuz bad

>Some guessing

Who the fuck plays with any client that doesn't have a No Guess mode?


how about I just give you x/y numbers instead, BITCH: x2 y5

Red dot is a mine.
Green X is safe (not a mine).

user publicly states his double-digit IQ.


>tfw never won a minesweeper game

I would watch a let's play of this

Every odd game of Minesweeper I play has me making a blind guess at some point in order to proceed. I like the game like you do, user, but don't be dumb.

I'ved played literally tens of thousands of minesweeper games, and the user you quoted isn't wrong. There is a lot of guessing involved, especially if you play for speed.

Thing is, though, Minesweeper is supposed to be a non-guessing game. Any Minesweeper game that doesn't include an algorithm for checking for guessing-required outcomes is an awful one.

No, that's just what you think it's supposed to be. Real hardcore minesweeper players play for speed and accept that guessing is just part of the game.

You can do it! If I can complete the easy mode one in 15 or less seconds you can complete it, period.


>not a guessing game

I see your point

>get it wrong
>oh no, I wasted almost two whole minutes of my time
wew lad