Mass effect Andromeda gameplay video

sooo mass effect 4 looks like shit...

you thought it was going to be good?

andromeda what? sorry i lost count after that despicable abomination from few years back that gave me ptsd




these people are faggots. fuck this game.

That's not bioware anymore user

I feel your pain


Without the asari, I wouldn't figure this was Mass Effect.

woah is this an official 4k tech video screenshot?

I need to get a new screen then come back to this thread

The odds were low but I still had some hope for the game.


>I'm Commander Shepard, Alliance drag queen.
What did he mean by this?

>long press to interact with environment
>scan lifeforms for data


This somehow looks even more casual than ME3.


>let's try this alien console
>all the buttons look the same

Makes sense right?



quit shilling cuck

get back to working on your shitty game

Nah. I don't work there.

It's a fantasy series that used to have a male supermodel as the lead character. Why make the characters in the new game deliberately unattractive and androgynous? What the fuck is this character design Bioware?

I really don't know.

Why not?
It actually does look a lot like ME1. That vault looks a lot like Ilos in ME1.

>get a 4k screen and come back

check your fucking financial privilege you cunt. Not everyone has a 1000 dollars laying around to spend on monitors.

>Power readings are off the charts




Where's a picture of her spreading her legs and thrusting her crotch into the camera, friend?

Dont your parents love you? Make them buy it

>linear flat platforms
>obvious chest high walls
This shit looks like a reskinned beehive from the suicide mission.

Here you go, friend.

Impressively ugly. Looks like an MMO.

Thank you pal. Judging by that picture it looks like asari have a cloaca. Really makes you think.

>pre-alpha gameplay
>final build looks even worse

>people on /vg/ actually think this is attractive

Looks better than the other ME games albeit the footage is dark as fuck. I'm not sure why they thought this was a good level to showcase their new graphics?

The asari doesn't look as butterfaced as she did in the initial reveal.

She looks good in that image though.

I don't mind me some alien strange, but that race I could never understand the appeal and the cult following

>Humans and the same species again
Why even set it in a new galaxy if its gonna be the same shit? Should have gone with a whole new race you play as and everything is all new. Are we going to figure out what the breathing at the end of ME3 means?

It was the sound of a franchise that refused to stay dead.

She looks less oily too

>Are we going to figure out what the breathing at the end of ME3 means?
No, you dumb shit.

It won't capture the same curiosity that the first ME game did. Even back then, Casey Hudson might have been a conman, but at least he helped get the team to make something.

I can't believe in 2010 I was proudly proclaiming Bioware as my favorite developer. I can't even bring myself to get that N7 sticker off my car.

They showed too little for me to decide anything yet. All I know is that the environment is pretty, there's scanning which I'm hyped for, and the Asari tripping was kind of cute.

>It actually does look a lot like ME1
ME1 was almost 10 years ago...

>sooo mass effect 4 looks like shit...
Quelle surprise

>literally ps2 ground textures
>but at least it's at 4K!!!!

I want to play and judge this game objectively but I'm still butthurt over ME3 and so that will be impossible, I'll probably still play it because I hate myself though.

The outfit is pretty baller.

>vault hunting
>scanning and jetpack
This game is literally going to be ME3+NMS+Borderlands. It has been specifically engineered to create the worst videogame ever based on the most profitable failures.

looks like the calm parts between action in a halo game but with a metroid scan mechanic

>Mass effect Andromeda gameplay video
Yeah nice """gameplay""" video. It's obviously just a movie.

Abandon ship or abandon hope

who animated that fucking Asari?

why is it NOLAN NORTH as mc?
where were the characters before that cutscene?

fuck you, make it stop.

>Are we going to figure out what the breathing at the end of ME3 means?
No, you dumb shit.

>Teleporting squaddies in during cutscenes
Never acceptable

Nolan North voices the male?

how does it manage to look worse than ME2

>Open world

It'll be a huge pile of shit. Will have a ton of mind numbingly bad side quests like DA:Inquisition. Looks like they haven't learnt how to make decent animations since then either.

could you not hear his voice?
it's clearly nolan north doing his one voice he does for Nathan Drake and Desmond

i had no expectations and i am still disappointed

Its going to be an inquisition re skin

It looks exactly the same from that video, even down to the green colour scheme inquisition had

bioware is a mess

They could literally show anything no matter how good or bad and everyone would say it's shit.

You know it to be true.

a big fat mess

should have made other races playable desu, nolan north is a really uninspired choice and I have no idea why they chose to reveal the game with this footage. Good god.

Only on Sup Forums, the opposite is true everywhere but here

Bioware can show anything and people will eat it up

The graphics are all turned to very low just to run 4k at 27fps average. "4k" gets peasants excited and makes them buy your console. pic related looks on par with me:a and its a 2010 game. Also there's going to be no comfy city hubs and shit so not going to buy.

Very true

But i do think the game is going to be quite a shallow, soulless experience that bioware has been producing in recent years

To me it doesnt look or sound to be offensively bad, but it already looks like it lacks the soul of previous mass effects


its a SJW game so no one can be either too heroic nor good looking everything has to be "equal". Also prepare to have tumblr tier characters yapping your ear off about how they love shoving various aliens up their poop holes.

>literally still reusing the Star Map formula

How is bioware still alive at this point

BioCuck still sucks at making good character models.

Surprising exactly no one.

>" If you're not watching this on a 4K screen find one and come back "
stopped watching right there.

So you are following their orders?

but ps4 neo isn't even 4K

It's weird cause Shepard default actually looked good. Also thought they were going to promote with Female protag since they used her in a previous trailer...

>all those buzzwords

marketing makes my cringe unironically




could have just said "yeah 4K means the resolution is higher"

jesus why is he so dull looking? You have so much creative freedom with the editor and you make your debut with THAT face? I'd have rolled out a sultry brown woman to make everyone happy

>Character runs like a retard
>Animation is janky
Yep, it's a Mass Effect.

I'm tricking them into think I am. Checkmate, Bioware?

>remember getting it the day it came out
>played for like 9 hours straight
>was 23 years old

Where the fuck does the time go?.....

>tfw takes only 10 hours to 100%

>The reveal trailer had a space westren vibe to it with a Johnny Cash song
>Get cautiously intrested
>Watch this
>Everything they can fuck up, they did

>EA killed off to any hopes for ME trilogy remastered

Would have been cool.

I'm positive that's a set of Warlock armor from Destiny

wait shit you're right

what happened to that feel? it's utterly absent from this.

yfw we will never get to see another Miranda type character in Nu-Effect.

If you skip every piece of dialogue. ME1 doing everything takes about 27 hours. I have played through the game like 14 times, pretty sure average 100% is around 27-30 hours. Speed runs can be completed in like 6-8 hours.

>no turians
>obnoxious 4k shill
>the bioware you know is gone

weirdface mclargeass?

i mean don't get me wrong, i've beat off to her a fair few times, but she's not THAT great of a character

Miranda sucked as a character. Nice body, but she was as bland as Jacob and Kaiden.

Wait, so THIS is the new Shepard?

Goddammit Bioware, why can't you do even a single thing right anymore?

Maybe they thought that a third person NMS is the better route

bioware can only write bland characters or SO QUIRKY characters these days

>tfw no space western that actually is not too bad
>tfw could have been like a non meme version of Firefly

>now it's Space DA Inquisition with bland Nolan north VA and janky fuck ugly animations.

Report to the ship immediately

Will it be Denuvo? Can I pirate it?

I think by "character" they meant an attractive female with an appealing body and an outfit that compliments it.