Can't just sony bundle a pstv with ps1 games preinstalled with a compatible controller, and sell it as a retro shit like nintendo is doing?
Can't just sony bundle a pstv with ps1 games preinstalled with a compatible controller...
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Only if they redesigned it to look like a PS1, colored it like such, and released a PS1 color Dual Shock 3.
This is all more effort and thought than Sony has to give.
No. Sony actively wants the vita line to fail.
But the pstv isn't a vita. They changed the name :^)
I think the concept of the pstv was good, too bad they fucked up by selling it for streaming from the ps4 instead of a cheap gaming console.
The people who sell this shit doesn't even know you can play vita games on it.
You forget that it's only a handful of vita games that can be played
They should at least make it compatible with the PSP games available on the PSN. Got castlevania only to find out it doesn't fucking work. Awesome.
They really could have done some good with the thing, but they dropped it faster than they dropped the regular vita for some reason.
motherfucker it's more than a handful, you can play almost every Vita game on the piece of garbage
Really only the first games forced motion controls (like Uncharted and Gravity Rush) and few have heavy touch controls (like DJ Max Technika Tune), so compatibility's pretty high now actually
Still can't believe these are 21 bucks new. I now have 3.
a handful my ass
the PSTV was discontinued, any you see is just leftover stocks that are being sold for peanuts to get rid of them
Target after Cartwheel. MUST be done in store.
that takes effort. you know better.
here they sell it for 20€ at gamestop.
30 € second hand
Nigga i can't even play the jak and daxter collection.
can this thing be hacked?
You want new in order to guarantee hacks though.
Many used consoles bought from stores are updated with latest firmware before they are sold. Something to keep in mind.
you can still use the hack even on the latest firmware though, just by using the usb method instead of the blocked web one
not sure if it works with PSTV as well though
its a vita, it has the same firmware, i think so.
Nintendo owns the rights to most of the games it's bundling with the NES thing
Sony doesn't really own the rights to very many games since they're not a developer
All these posts and not one mention of how as long as you don't update you can pirate all the good games with Henkaku
there's actually a lot of licensed shit there.
final fantasy, megaman, ninja gaiden, castlevania.
its plenty.