No Legion thread? Let's fix that. Post your character and their iLvl.
Legion Thread
ded game
How much does blizzard pay per post.
playing blood dk, still sub 800 ilvl.
dunno why people are hating on blood. it's more fun than most tank specs, but soloability
not sure what to pick for my pvp spec though
Reminder that if you aren't AT LEAST 834 ilvl, you're a filthy casual.
>attempt to discuss how the artifact system is fundamentally flawed and alt/respec unfriendly in /2
>after finishing my point, people share their thoughts
>one person goes "but the artifact weapons are cool and you progress with them!!"
>another goes "no they will make artifact knowledge account wide in a few months ;)" which turned out to be nothing but a lie
>yet another goes "dude calm down game has been out for a week it WILL get better :))"
why are the people in this game so completely and utterly devoid of critical thought
and the worst part is that whenever you try to talk about bad things in the game and how they can be fixed, you're always met with "if u dont like it why are u still playing"
fucking hell it brings my blood to a fucking boil
It's not respec unfriendly unless you're trying to upgrade 3+ specs at once.
>Every class has been dumbed down to 2-3 buttons.
>Even more content behind time walls than WoD.
>PvP destroyed and made useless.
>The "content" is just an endless AP grind for your artifact weapon
>Garrisons are back.
>Alt/Character change unfriendly. Realized that you want to play another class? Have fun farming that AP again.
>Expansions cost just as much as a AAA game and it's there's still a sub.
>There's a cash shop
>The game is P2W
Please tell me again what makes this game so good.
Getting main spec to second gold trait and off spec to first gold trait is easy as heck, man. What are you talking about?
>dump all your shit into one artifact to the point where each trait costs around 15k artifact power
>well we're sorry user but your spec really doesn't seem to be doing as much dps as the other one, we would appreciate if you swapped so you can maintain a competitive amount of dps
>respec and have to grind back the two elite traits your old artifact had which takes roughly a week if not more
how is that not respec unfriendly
>and there's still a sub
You can get more than enough gold to pay for WoW subs by just running old content and doing world quests right now.
740 at L105. :-) Wish there was more info on hidden skins for best artifact.
>typing this while sitting on my mount in Stormheim
>random hunter Barrages me
>run away
wow it's fucking NOTHING
and I'm glad too, my hardcore WoW days were some of the worst times of my life
How fun are warriors in pvp? Trying to decide between DH, rogue, and warrior as an alt. Really want to play warrior because of their super hero landing from class hall
Ive done 10 heroics and still no fuckinf artifact relics have dropped
Kill me please
The hidden skin literally drops off of a EN boss
>This fucking meme
More like grind your ass off
How can I increase my elemental/enhancement shaman survivability in pvp?
haven't played in like four days
blood DK, i832
if i had better than 805 shoulders and a ring i'd be like 835+ but eh
time gated nightfallen and class hall shit killed it for me even after i finished my class hall shit
109 Ret Pally, 777 or something
>Tfw get 4 divine purpose procs in a row
If you do 2 equally you're barely behind someone dumping it all into 1 due to the exponential AP requirement.
You think that's bad?
I''ve got nearly all slots filled with ilvl 840-850 gear.
Except for ONE.
ONE relic, a Blood Relic, is STILL 789. It won't drop for the FUCKING LIFE OF ME.
Arms is god tier in everything
Good luck with that if you're playing on EU with 70k tokens.
Rouge or mage for pvp and pve
Hit harder and faster.
Why is Varian as big as an orc?
You do realize Felslate, even on STORMRAGE, is still selling for upwards of 2k per twenty-thirty ore right now right?
Yeah and how long does that take? I'd rather work 2 hours at minimum wage than spend hours grinding shit I've grinded 100s of times. Hell, I could suck a dick and get TWO months of membership but I don't because the game is SHIT.
he's a big guy.
Which is why I wish there was more info on skins because that's a whopping ONE hidden skin we know about that isn't even in-game yet.
>70k for eu tokens
Jesus fuck what the hell is wrong with you people.
It's only 32-34k here in NA.
Rogue for both
Casters are dogshit
>have to do everything in your alt again, like in every other game or in old wow
you're a casual fuck
Last I checked it was 34k gold for US. I made nearly 20k just leveling 100-110, not using the AH at all.
>no legendary
garbage, would not raid with
He proubly doesn't even know what felslate is user
You have shit stats though
>Cleared mythic HFC in WOD. Stopped playing until today since people can't seem to shut up about how amazing Legion is.
>Was going to level Ret, but since it sucks now, level as Prot.
>Unlock weapon, declared big dick paladin, and set off for high mountain.
>First quest after landing....
>Kill 10 monsters.
>Click 10 objects.
>Log out.
Tell me again how Legion is so fresh, deep, and new?
yeah they pay out the dick for them over there. have to listen to my cousin bitch about it all the damn time.
because everyone is going to have the good wisdom to level two artifacts side-by-side, when chances are they're going to stick with the spec they've always gone and by the time they release it sucks dick, it'll be all too late and they'll have to grind up all the 60-70k artifact power that their old artifact took
wrong you fucking dumbass
since artifacts are a huge deciding factor in terms of dps (even more so for classes with broken artifact abilities) and there are no actual weapons to equip, it means that you can't simply craft all your gear and be done with it
instead you're cursed to continue some inane grind to get on the same level as others who didn't respec/alt; therefore it's not at all like previous expansions
I swear to God the retard who thought turning Holy Paladin into a melee heal is a good idea and fun for players, need to be hanged
>play WoW expansion
>it is in fact, still WoW
>play an MMO
>holy fuck guys why does it still have MMO elements? Fuuck this game how can people still play this shit
what kind of quests would you like user? really...
Want to know how I know you're just shitposting, and didn't actually do any of that?
What do you expect, questing is just a means to an end and there are plenty of different quests in all the zones
Former Ret Paladin here, did they really remove Exorcism and Hammer of Wrath?
>it'll be all too late and they'll have to grind up all the 60-70k artifact power that their old artifact took
And with artifact knowledge they'll have at that point it'll be easier to do.
>Warlock DPS in ilvl 830+ gear = 130-140k
>Rogue DPS in ilvl 810 gear = 200-230k
>Demon hunter level 106 leveling = 300-400k dps
>tfw have 840 fire relic waiting, 840 iron relic, and everything else is 840+
Legion is definitely wod 2.0 and not the godsend everyone claims it is but i still think its at least playable unlike wod
Dead and gone.
sure, they'll be skyrocketing in terms of artifact power, especially after the artifact knowledge that used to be a 100%/200% increase was nerfed and scaled down to a 25%/50% increase respectively
it's still going to take a long ass time to farm the artifact power, even more so after they seemingly inexplicably nerfed the catch-up mechanic
Possible Kirin Tor Emissary Cache reward.
Talks like an 8 Ball
>still blue ilvl
Are you even trying?
Same here man except i have 2 shit relics instead of 1
>better in single target than the other options
>better in cleave than other options
How do we fix it
Why? Those have been there for years.
They at least got something in return, right?
>A shitty spec, a stupidly RNG dependant spec and Prot
>Three litterally who artifacts
>Only one decent returning character as a follower
>Ulduar's Oath
>Capturing the Gateway adding an extra 40 hours minimum to the Campaign
>Completely scrapped a fourth spec idea that everyone was interested in
So who at Blizzard had the hate-boner for Warriors this Expansion?
Not make it pull the mobs in the next room.
Reduced damage against single target and move the other talent more in-line to be better on single target.
>845 purple ilvl, all mythics done, arcway/cos unlocked and done, just farming for better secondaries on gear/trinkets now
>decide to start an alt
>literally every spec i like is either garbagecan or a meme spec
fuck my life
>completed campaign quest
>only 834
Stinks of casual in here.
Well, we got a 2HP generator that hits harder than CS, an absorb shield that deals damage when it gets popped and some other minor stuff.
Barely any ranged ability now though.
hey hey fuck you guess what all iv been getting is fucking TANKING RELICS just to day i got 2 fucking 850 TANKING RELICS AND IM NOT EVEN A FUCKING TANK, WHERE ARE MY GOD DAMN DPS RELICS
Fury artifact looks pretty cool, it's a shame all of the skins look the same though.
Prot only has ONE decent looking Artifact skin and that's Legionbreaker, a skin that isn't even released yet.
Demon Hunters are the expansion's biggest selling point, so of course they're going to be strong like Death Knights were during Wrath.
But MUH mob density!
>warrior thinks he has a tough
shut the fuck up please.
To be fair it's just all a white noise wall of memes and "WHY DOES SUCK SO MUCH BLIZZARD THIS IS A SLAP TO THE FACE"
You must remember that the wow forums are absolutely fucking garbage.
None of the other weapons know about the 2nd hidden skin yet
This expansion is going to end with 900 being the average isn't it?
Why even bother playing right now?
i like the simplicity of the original but thats because colour 3 matches my mog
also im trying hard to figure out alongside others how to get the burning plate of the worldbreaker skin to spawn but no dice yet, i kinda like how it's HDified cata shield with a neat drape.
Nigga we will be in 900 by the end of Nighthold, there's 3 tiers planned this expansion.
They're not available yet, patch content.
>prot warrior complaining about being shafted
Nice false flag.
>each artifact knowledge upgrade takes 7 days to complete
>raids start in 2 weeks
>people with a shit spec will be sitting at a max 200% if they researched all the artifact knowledge upgrades they could when raids release
>have to farm all that back at 2x speed while underperforming in raids
maybe not as respec unfriendly in the long-term but it's still flawed
Should I come back on my DK or start a DH? These seem pretty interchangeable when it comes to roles.
You may as well do the DH starting experience and see what they're like.
Do yourself a favor and don't come back at all.
When did I say Prot was shafted?
Prot is Prot, as it has always been and always will be.
DH is good, although both specs are boring as all fuck.
DK Unholy is great at the moment, Frost not so much. Blood is a good tank in general but it just isn't fun to play at ALL anymore. AT ALL
I miss blood dps
man so much shit blizzard chewed away from the class, very disappointing
>like Death Knights were during Wrath.
When were they not great?
They were ridiculous during wrath, and got subsequently nerfed/lost their versatility/allure overtime
>how convenient that I barely scratch 834 so I'm not a filthy casual
Good job, you're not filthy by your definition, but you're still a casual
Anybody else really fucking hate Demon Hunters? I've done like 15 heroics today and there's been at least one in every single group? They've infested this game like fucking cock roaches.
WoD was a potentially good expansion with fuck-all for content.
Legion is a potentially good expansion with content.
How long would it take to level a warrior from 90-100?
Best mounts for a shadow priest? Wanted jellyfish until I found out its water-only
You posted this on /vg/ as well
please go back before you bring that degenerate tripfag here