The villain of Mass Effect 4 is the man shown in the N7 armor in the various trailers.

He is, in reality, Armistan Banes, an unexplored side character in the first Mass Effect game.

He's essentially going full warlord/Caesar to try and control the new colonies. He's not actually the father of the Ryders, although they believe he is, and he is not called Banes for most of the game.

Screencap this.

In the following video, at 1:58, you can see this N7 figure, with a Krogan sidekick, holding the Male Ryder upside down over a ledge, like Suge Knight did to Vanilla Ice.

You can pause the video yourself to see this man's face and compare it to pic related, who is the male Ryder.

it has been suggested that this man in the N7 armor is the father of the Ryders, but he clearly has a deeply antagonistic relationship with them at best. He has his own trailer, which you can see here:

How do we know this is Armistan? For one, he was an Alliance Black Ops man, likely earning an N7 designation. The only person in Mass Effect lore to wear this designation without earning it was Conrad Verner. Armistan also favors Krogan muscle and operates in a clandestine matter, going so far as to fake his own death. Is it unbelievable to surmise this man got aboard "The Ark" before it left for Andromeda? FemSheps narration in the following trailer shows that "The Ark" leaves either during or just after the Reaper War. You can see that here:

Armistan is not an "agent of Cerberus", (although he once was, supposedly) he just has a god complex and sees incredible opportunity in Andromeda, and so he takes matters into his own hands. He is meant to be a nod to hardcore fans but otherwise is a blank slate for a story about a power hungry despot who destroys whole alien colonies in service of his goals.

I won't read your shitty thread, but apparently you play as both fem and male Ryder.

We Divinity: OS now!


Underwhelming as always

And you fight Armistan Banes, making this the longest running subplot in videogame history.

I dont like video games
instead I like bait and (You)

nobody fucking cares
fuck off back to wherever you came from because nobody fucking types like that here

>he doesn't main Armistan Banes

kill yourself. The Longest Journey has been a series for nearly 20 years and had a sub plot the entire time

I suppose I should make a spergy video with all kinds of jumpcuts and maybe give a top ten list of reasons why I am right? Is that more your speed?

>Longest Journey
nobody knows or cares what that is subhuman scum

You gotta be kidding me

which part of nobody cares dont you understand?

make a video like that and nobody here will watch it. go back to wherever you came from

I'm glad I got this pic of Vanderloo circulating again. Very sexy old man who makes me tingle every time I see him.

>it was always part of the plan

post loos


Always wondered what happened to that side Story with him. It just kind of goes nowhere in ME1.

Wow, good find OP, one of the best theories I've seen in a while. Keep it up.

I'm pretty sure I'm right about this.

The N7 academy literally no longer exists, so the N7 logo is being used to make players question "who"...

According to the Mass Effect wiki there are only 6 known N7 graduates, none of which could possibly be the man in the trailer. The only reason to obscure his face is to cast doubt to make you think it could be one of them, because otherwise, this man is a new character.

And Armistan Banes is, essentially, a new character, a blank slate with a shady past in Black Operations. He knew Kahoku and Anderson and may have worked with Cerberus.

The villain of Mass Effect 4 is Bioware for perpetuating their shitty games.

who cares about banes the mc is a fruit

Not a very strong argument to be honest. The relationship is so vague that you could apply it to dozens of undeveloped names in the series, and let's not forget that the Alliance basically agreed to let the ME3MP forces call themselves N7 for the hell of it.

Out of universe, I don't think it's likely at all. You don't retcon an old plot to appeal to old fans, and honestly I doubt most of the nu crew has even played the old games.

The N7 armor on the antagonist is just a cheap appeal to hype. It's the exact same thing they did with Legion in ME2, and where did that plot go? Nowhere, because Legion's writer thought it was stupid to begin with, but was forced to implement it, and thus felt no need to resolve it.

It's Banes and you know it.